我去山顶峰会的前一天晚上撕裂的紧身胸衣这是该国唯一仅用于浪漫史的书店。这是一个很棒的地方,有一个创意的搁架系统,将书籍划分为类型,而不是作者(“牛仔”,“海盗”等)。楼上有一个庞大的二手段,一个小孩的活动角,以及为年轻和中学读者提供的架子。There’s also a “blind date” shelf, with books wrapped like gifts and a “Hello” sticker providing a vague description (I got “He thinks she’s a trollop on the Boston Docks. Outrage! Oh also he’s a spy.” Turns out to be a Revolutionary War romance. It’s not bad). For a certain kind of reader, The Ripped Bodice is heaven.


我头疼得到来。星期六早上8:30在加利福尼亚州卡尔弗市,阴凉,雨水威胁着那种闷闷不乐的方式。(事实证明这很热,我被晒伤了。没有人手头上有补救措施。)尽管入住了8:45 AM,但已经有几十个人排队了。早期的鸟类人群主要是白人,主要是女性,偏向40岁以上。整个峰会都是如此 - 尽管有一些男人,有些有色人种,但goop人群绝大多数是女性,白人,平均年龄大约为40岁。我想知道其中有多少人投票支持特朗普。

检查很快。他们给我一个时间表,一个袋子和一个紫色的忧虑珠手镯:我的山顶通行证。除了入住外,灌木丛是一个庭院,在那里,帅哥的服务员分发了Tropicana的益生菌汁,这原来是我整天消耗的最好吃,也是最糖的东西。当天晚些时候,蜜蜂花粉冰沙的味道就像有人在果汁中倾倒草剪豆片。这是一天中第二好的事情。(一些餐饮者对他们兜售越来越疯狂的饮料笑了。这是最伟大的一集聚会下来never made.)

The courtyard is home to such experiences as crystal therapy, aura photography, an oxygen bar, a cannabis display no one can actually enjoy, and a few food vendors, includingMoonjuice。水晶疗法和光环摄影的线条已经很长了,实际上,这些是最受欢迎的经历,并迅速建立了漫长的候补名单。(内部,干吧也被预订了。)当天晚些时候,特雷西·安德森(Tracy Andersonaura photographybecause of the waitlist. To her credit, Anderson doesn’t complain, unlike a group of ladies who pitch a fit at the晶体疗法因为他们无法阅读。他们有洛杉矶的面孔和矮胖的黄金首饰以及“透明石英”套餐的白色饱和手镯,这是最昂贵的门票。他们不敢相信自己没有得到优惠的待遇。


在“ Goop Hall”中,大多数食物(“食物”)供应商都在这里:抹茶蛋白冰沙很受欢迎,我从Sweetgreen那里得到了来自Sweetgreen的墨西哥玉米Elote Salad享用午餐,其成分明确警告过“肠检查”面板,但也许有毒的沙拉弥补了令人失望的莱斯利·诺普(Leslie Knope)。Drifting between the courtyard and the Goop Hall during breaks, the most common conversations are about “curating”, “Coachella”, “gluten”, “free range”, “plant fusion”, and “my journey”. The second most common conversation is complaining about not getting crystal therapy or an aura photograph.

但是人民大多好。很容易聊天,尽管似乎有一半的与会者是那里的其他作家来报道活动。我和一对母女交谈I.V. station这基本上是“善待自己”的一天,但是我与一对专业迷人的女性Willa和Sienna*分享了滴水时间。“我认为您这样做真是太好了,”威拉得知我从未有过I.V.时感到兴奋。水合之前。Willa和Sienna使用呼叫服务从宿醉中恢复。“它无法治愈,”威拉说。“但是这绝对可以摆脱优势。”我建议喝一杯水,他们茫然地看着我。


Goop魔术发生在“聊天室”内。Blythe Danner提供了预先录制的介绍和提醒,并介绍了GP - 所有Goop消息都涉及Gwyneth Paltrowas “GP”—and the conference begins. GP steps onto stage in a toile dress that’s peasant by way of Versailles. She welcomes us and talks about her history with Wellness—capital “W” because this isn’t just a niche interest, it’s amulti-trillion dollar industry— that began when her father, Bruce Paltrow, was diagnosed with cancer in 1997 (she made him “everything free” zucchini bread and he compared it to “biting into the New York Times”). This is the gateway to Wellness: Dire diagnoses that drive us to seek ANY answer from ANY source to cure and save ourselves or our loved ones. It’s relatable, because sickness touches everyone, and it seems innocent enough, because who doesn’t want to be well?

Take Gemma*, one of the noticeably younger people in the crowd. Gemma is a self-described former cynical New Yorker, who, after moving to Los Angeles several years ago, slowly converted to the cult of Wellness. She calls it “eye opening”, her interest in Wellness stemming from an interest in preventative self-care (“I’m afraid of sickness,” she admits), but her eyes narrow when she talks about people having the “wrong kind” of interest in Wellness. She has Opinions on Instagram gurus and celebrity-laden workout fads (what, then, are you doing at Goop?), and she emphasizes her interest in health. In contrast, there are people who gravitate to the dry bar and the beauty products, not the workout studio and health experiences. The only thing everyone can seem to agree on is crystal therapy.


撕裂的紧身胸衣is an unabashedly female space, a refuge on Culver City’s Main Street for anyone who refuses to be embarrassed by reading “smutty” books. In the back room, next to the Paranormal section, two teen girls sit in a corner, a pile of books between them. They’re oblivious to me, the only other person in the room, totally wrapped up in each other and their books, talking fast and sharing phones and books indiscriminately. There’s no agenda, no competition, no one-upmanship or Instagram rivalry. This is the purest moment of community I witness all weekend.


对于公认的健康怀疑论者,这些面板具有不同的兴趣。The early panels are health-oriented, with Dr. Habib Sadeghi (who “architected ‘Conscious Uncoupling’” according to GP) talking about the “laterality of the body” and how incidents and experiences are connected to our eventual illnesses, such as the burn he suffered as a child on the left side of his body, and the cancer that afflicted his left testicle. Why his left nut, he wondered. Why not the right? Maybe it’s the burn keloid! He admits “laterality” isn’t found in approved medical textbooks.

The “Gut Check” panel is terrifying—“Advil blows giant, gaping holes in your guts,” Dr. Steven Gundry warns. My head still hurts, and there’s Advil in my bag. I want to take it but now I’m scared. Dr. Gundry convinces me I am a time bomb, my stomach moments from an apocalyptic explosion. (Dr. Amy Meyers recommends fish oil and turmeric for headaches. Surely I can get some of that here, of all places? Nope, the Goop Pharmacy is all about vitamin packets.) A recent詹·冈特(Jen Gunter)博客文章, notable Goop skeptic and crystal-denier, points out that the Goop medical experts are “fear-mongers who coincidentally have something to sell”.

There is something Scientology about all this, that there are Secrets the Establishment is keeping from us, and the only way to learn them is to spend a lot of money on the pre-approved texts and learning aids, which in this case are the Goop-branded products for sale in the Goop Hall. Besides the $90 vitamins, there is a $70 additive for your water that I can’t discern is any different from fiber supplements, and an $85 bag of rocks. Probably none of this will hurt you, if you’re already healthy, other than costing you a lot of money. But what if you do need serious medical intervention? Pursuing Goop’s brand of Wellness means following the advice of people like Dr. Gundry, who skips breakfast and lunch half the year and eats all his calories within a couple hours per day, and tells us not to eat. “Don’t eat,” he says, “I can’t stress that enough.” How does this message of Wellness translate to someone who struggles with disordered eating?


一些人都很好穿tagram stars are easy to spot because in between selfies and photo-ops, none of them smile or seem to enjoy themselves, and they’re all dressed to the nines. But most everyone else is dressed casually, with the majority, including myself, in athleisure. There are workout sessions available to the higher ticket packages, and many people have booked multiple classes. Some people do elaborate warm up routines that speak to a regular gym habit, while others turn up in jeans, and there’s a vague feeling of “serious/not-serious” dividing the participants. Tracy Anderson pops in to eyeball the fitness room, which is darkened and with mercifully dry yoga mats. I take Taryn Toomey’s simplified version of “The Class”, which involves shouting along to our movements. Halfway through my Goop day, screaming is extremely cathartic.


After the physicians come the psychotherapists. “The Tools” is quite interesting, with GP moderating for Drs. Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. They talk about entitlement as being a good thing, especially for women who are too often taught not to ask for more, and the panel on motherhood offers some self-help guidance on breaking the cycle of toxic parenting. And the “Three Way” panel is entertaining as hell, with Esther Perel of the “Rethinking Infidelity” TED Talk—and a new播客- 女孩联合创作者詹妮·康纳(Jenni Konner)和“高潮专家”妮可·达登(Nicole Daedone)Slow Sex.The room is engaged and laughing and cheering the idea that women have a right to good sex, and Jenni Konner associates the dominance of male directors with the exploitative nature of filmed sex. Esther Perel is the stand-out, though, quipping dryly that it’s not that women don’t want sex, it’s that “women don’t want the sex they can have.” The room roars in approval.

但是,整个过程中都有一个异态性,对于那些仍然不得不打击有毒童年残余的孩子的女性,有什么指导?Goop显然试图吸引多方面的兴趣,以解决身体健康,心理健康,健身,美丽和职业目标。但是,世界观似乎仍然很限于格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)和像格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)一样生活和生活的人们,在洛杉矶骄傲游行的前一天,这似乎尤其是聋哑人。根据专家谈话的方式,您永远不会知道有些家庭看起来与GP不同,GP的看法是对家庭的狭tea。“母亲伤口”(母女之间的遗产)如何贴在两个男人抚养一个小女孩身上?当他们简要地提到“父亲伤口”时,这是关于父亲和儿子的,但是有些男孩在一起或独自一人抚养男孩。这如何适用于他们?


我找不到撕裂的紧身胸衣的LGBTQ+部分。但是商店里有LGBTQ+书籍,它们只是与子集中的其他书籍一起搁置,还有一个rec列表骄傲月。这是一个低调的包容性,承认女性是热情的consuming gay porn在互联网上,也可能喜欢同性恋浪漫小说。它还重视同性恋浪漫史与异性恋一样,假设那些喜欢直浪漫的读者也可能喜欢同性恋者,只要他们进入狼人或那个特定的架子所包含的东西。实际上,那家商店里的每个人都有一些东西。


三组人都黏糊糊的东西:作家covering the event, actual Goop enthusiasts, and people who also work in Wellness, like Stephanie and Molly*, who are opening a Wellness spa. They want to do beauty treatments—though nothing invasive, not even the bloodless “10 Minute Facelift” performed live on stage earlier in the day—and message therapy and holistic healing. They’re not either-or on health and beauty, but a little of both. It sounds like every spa I’ve ever been to, but more female entrepreneurs and business owners is never a bad thing. “Well,” Molly says sheepishly. “We work for a man.”

Still, I could use their total body approach, because there is no headache remedy to be found at the花疗法站。绝望,我在下午休息期间尝试Chloe冰淇淋推车的寒意,希望一点点巧克力能治愈我。事实证明,它是素食主义者,没有咖啡因,几乎没有巧克力,就像我今天消耗的其他所有该死的东西一样,它留下了奇怪的回味。我喝了一些免费的Bai Antiwater,暂时忘记了这一点。我想摆脱头痛,我想要一些普通的f*cking水 - 似乎不可能在Goop上做任何事情。我短暂地考虑了浴室水龙头喝酒。


当天的最后一个小组是名人大奖。GP返回她的朋友:卡梅隆·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz),托里·伯奇(Tory Burch),妮可·里奇(Nicole Richie)和米兰达·克尔(Miranda Kerr)。(有一刻,我想知道澳大利亚女演员来自Lord of the Ringsis doing here, but that’s Miranda Otto.) It’s the most fun panel since the sex therapists were on, with Nicole Richie completely stealing the show. She’s hilarious, and also interesting, getting into how her childhood career as a figure skater led her into the world of design, as she wanted outfits like Nancy Kerrigan’s Olympic getup designed by Vera Wang. (She’s also dressed in an oversized champagne satin pajama-tuxedo. She looks like if Blanche Deveraux was from Bel Air.)

They talk work-life balance, and ambition. “In my twenties,” GP says, “‘ambition’ was a literal bad word about actresses.” GP discusses giving up on perfectionism and how accepting flaws and mistakes can lead to a happier, healthier life. The whole day has teetered on the brink of being a snake oil convention, with a nebulous distrust of the Medical Establishment and advice that ought to come with huge f*cking asterisks. But this kind of talk, with women discussing their failures, ambitions, drive, and goals, is the approachable face of Goop. It’s the self-help, self-improvement side that encourages women to open up about themselves in a way we’re not often encouraged. Goop takes on a kind of “Comic-Con for Wellness” vibe, with people sharing a specific interest coming together to geek out. I’ve spent the whole day thinking we’re on the verge of someone recommending leeches and bleeding as a medical cure, but here we have—

Miranda Kerr recommending leech facials.


I’ve tried a collagen cocktail—it just tastes like a regular ole vodka martini— and now I’ve seen GP up close, and there’s nothing left to do. It’s time to go. I collect my gift bag, and make my way to the ride-sharing stand, loaded down with GP’s cookbook, a yoga mat, approximately five hundred pounds in Wellness products, and my bag of crystals and brain dust. In the back of the blessedly cool car, my eyes slide shut. I still have a headache.

My photos from the event are attached below.
