
Enter Gwyneth Paltrow, whose brand also inhabits all of those qualities (aspirational, out-of-touch and superior). Her建筑摘要家庭巡回演出无所不能,让我们知道她在房屋的每个细节中都倾注了多少,以及它如何更加周到,豪华,凉爽和欧洲的(a descriptor used several times over) than a sleek McMansion.

我看过很多卖日落百万美元清单拉在我的时代,虽然这些房屋很昂贵,但通常会空置,寒冷,无聊和非人格化(从GP中窃取一句话,“ Spec-Y”)。这些房屋的目的是吸引有钱人,没有观点。

值得称赞的是,格温妮丝(Gwyneth)确实有一种观点(还有很多钱)。她的房子非常详细。它是女性化的,通风,工业的,现代具有经典的风格 - 房子已经完成了。每个房间都有压倒性的细节和样式。And she bucks against many of the minimalist trends we’ve seen: there are wood fireplaces (not the wall of glass gas fireplaces), different flooring in each room (instead of just going with hardwood throughout, another common look for modern homes), large reclaimed sinks (not farmhouse), plenty of ornate tile, putting the range in the island and of course wallpaper (some of it hand-painted). This is not a fully open-concept house and the kitchen is its own room. Again, this differs from a lot of new or renovated homes that are all about the kitchen and living space being one large space without walls.

当她提到时,她从头开始在这个地方工作了六年 - 女儿苹果在开始这个项目时就已经十一岁了。建筑师与承包商之间发生了战斗(可能有许多战斗,愤怒的文字链和被动的激进电子邮件)。她使用建筑师进行布局和设计师来帮助家具。她转向Pinterest(Gwyneth做过的最相关的事情?)她非常高兴地炫耀自己的巴黎水疗中心(肯定比室内游泳池凉爽得多),并带有蒸汽室和冷水浴室。

我看了两次视频,格温妮丝(Gwyneth)参与了每个细节,因为她知道绘制墙纸并制作瓷砖并设计灯具的人的名字。她与所有联系人联系,她努力完成了每个细节。虽然谈论金钱是极为熟练的,但这对格温妮丝来说是一项巨大的投资(她在与布拉德·法尔库克(Brad Falchuk)结婚之前就开始了该项目) - 六年来的成本超支本来是疯狂的。一位非常著名的设计师曾经告诉我,如果这是一份50万美元或500万美元的工作,那么总会有财务压力和争议点。美元金额不同,但压力水平相同。

当名人plol比赛视频2019artake in a home tour for AD there’s typically a reason: they are getting ready to sell the house, they are getting a divorce, or they want to show off. As Gwyneth mentioned, she has spent years and years designing this for her family and it’s a “forever, forever” home. So I don’t think she’s listing the house and I don’t think she’s getting a divorce. I do think she wanted to show off her accomplishment and praise the people she worked with. And I also think that as someone who makes her living in lifestyle, she has to do these kind of tours, she has to put her home up for public consumption to maintain her level of expertise and prestige. And some hardcore eyerolling on Twitter because if you have your own plunge spa and an abundance of Staub cookware and wood-burning fireplaces, do you care if some poors on Twitter are talking sh-t? No.

关于这一举动,我有一个挥之不去的问题:这是否意味着GP永远把Brentwood留给Montecito?苹果队17岁,所以很快就要离开高中,但是摩西15岁,可能还剩几年(除非他正在加速课程或家庭学校)。布拉德的孩子大约在同一年龄。那他们换了学校吗?那格温妮丝(Gwyneth)通勤到Goop办公室所在的圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica)呢?这是远足。我需要南加州的一个熟悉该地区的人,以分解每天早晨如何发生这种情况。人们每天都在从蒙特西托通勤到洛杉矶吗?甚至富人都无法控制流量。

如果这是对蒙特西托的永远搬迁,那意味着GP将更接近Lowe家族(她与Rob和Sheryl非常接近)。和奥普拉。还有苏塞克斯!格温妮丝(Gwyneth)对成为皇室成员的朋友并不陌生,但即使按照她的标准,梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)和哈里王子(Prince Harry)也是他们的社交圈子。农民市场不可避免。