Vogue has a video feature where they bring on a celebrity to go through their “life in looks”, revisiting some of their most memorable fashion moments. This is great idea, I wish I had thought of it, because I’m the kind of person who has an outfit brain – I remember outfits, especially celebrity outfits, sometimes I have a better memory of celebrity outfits than basic math.

格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)是我很长一段时间以来一直关注的名人。不只是我。超过25年来,全科医生一直是一件大事 - 无论好坏,我们中的许多人都在学习八卦,她的召回率很高。lol赛事中心因此,对于我来说,至少对我来说,参与此功能是有道理的,因为如果您与我处于同一队列,那是一种集体体验。这些服装很熟悉,可以立即识别。

例如,那红色天鹅绒汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)适用于Gucci西装。这是经典。当时这是值得注意的,即使是现在,时尚内部人士一直在提到。她的奥斯卡连衣裙也是如此。格温妮丝(Gwyneth)可能会像F-CK一样烦人,但您总是知道她赢得奥斯卡时所穿的衣服:Bubblegum Pink,Ralph Lauren。有趣的是,关于这件衣服,它的时代被爱,然后有点过时了,对十年后的趋势并不吸引人,但我想知道它是否正在卷土重来。例如,在2000年代中期和2010年代中,我不在乎1997年的享受方式。尽管如此,现在,公主的雪炮又回来了。因此,当我在这段视频中查看它时,当她翻阅她的外观书时,我实际上不介意。你?

至于格温妮丝(Gwyneth)的两极分化亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen),这是她在获胜后几年穿着奥斯卡颁奖典礼的“哥特”连衣裙,我当时从不介意,这是领先的。那件衣服现在并不像当时那样有争议,即使那样,我也很喜欢她在尝试不同的事情。


格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)于2012年2月26日在加利福尼亚州好莱坞的好莱坞和高地中心参加了第8​​4届年度学院奖。

是的,当她声称发明或启动事情时,她可能会烦人。但是她对2012年的汤姆·福特·白色帽帽的荣耀确实没有错。这是有史以来最好的奥斯卡连衣裙之一。I know we look at it now and it seems not that special, but nine years ago, caped dresses weren’t as all over the place as they are now to the point where we’ve gotten so used to them, it’s taken the shine off of this on Gwyneth. But if you consider it in the context of its time, on that night, that dress was far and away the best one, and when she arrived in it, everyone paid attention. It’s stunning – and the problem isn’t the dress itself, it’s that she’s just so f-cking smug about it, you can’t help but eyeroll.


不过,在我让您去看它之前,我们可以谈谈她的皮肤吗?这允许吗?G有一条护肤线。大约一个月前她也做了Vogue的护肤视频这导致了一些强烈反对,因为在某一时刻,她很少使用防晒霜,例如作为荧光笔 - 而且,这不是防晒的目的。要清楚,请将防晒霜作为防晒霜,就像慷慨的!

当我们在这里,我们讨论的是her improper use of sunscreen… um… you can tell? I’m looking at her in this Vogue life in looks segment and I can see the sun damage. And this may be an unkind thing to say but if you’re someone who’s giving people advice on skincare and your advice is wrong and the effects of your advice being wrong are evident on your skin, isn’t there a case to be made that this is a fair criticism and also…


就像,我买了詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)告诉我她的皮肤秘密,因为看着jlo。A lot of JLo might be genetic (and she sleeps a lot and generally has a very healthy lifestyle) but at least when I’m watching JLo tell me what to do with my skin by showing me what she does with hers, I’m like… yeah, I want some of that. Gwyneth? Not the same. In fact, maybe the opposite. Whatever G is doing with hers is not what I want to do with mine.