皇家媒体卫生的另一个例子以及媒体素养和卫生的重要性,因为有一个版本是英国小报随着这个故事而旋转的版本,以及这种情况的事实。这里的问题在于,在过去的几年中,《每日邮报》,《太阳报》和其他一直针对哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的英国小报所塑造的很多东西。最初,这些出版物的报道方式是,哈里王子正在起诉内政部,以便当他和他的家人访问英国时,他可以提供安全,这缺少一些关键细节:他想知道为自己的保险付费,并被拒绝了。So he’s seeking a “judicial review” of that decision – and, again, to be clear, his initial request was to personally fund any security that would be assigned to him so as not to burden the taxpayer, because his own private security does not have access in the UK to all the resources (intelligence information and legal jurisdictions) necessary to carry out their duties.

This became an issue in July 2021 when Harry was in England for the Princess Diana statue unveiling and there was a security incident when his car was chased by photographers which was explained in a statement released by Harry’s representatives after the erroneous report was published in the UK tabloids.

你最后读了那部分吗?关于“秘密时机”?让我们来谈谈时机。Last week, after Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled that Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s lawsuit against Prince Andrew for allegedly raping her when she was 17-years-old would proceed, despite motions to dismiss filed by Andrew’s legal team, Buckingham Palace confirmed that he’d be stripped of his titles, and no longer an HRH. It was a BIG story, and it shared headline space alongside Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wine parties – two major scandals that were dominating the news… until…

哈里王子sought the judicial review of his security request back in September, so they had months and months and months to get it out there and the story just happened to get leaked this weekend of all weekends? Coincidence or conspiracy?

谁能访问这些信息吗?我们talking about a judicial review of a Home Office decision, it’s privileged government information that, you would think, would only be shared with a select few. So let’s not pretend that this could have happened easily. Let’s not pretend that there wasn’t strategy here. And intention. Because the Prince Harry security story certainly diverted a LOT of attention away from Prince Andrew and the Prime Minister, two posh upper class middle-aged white dudes with problematic party behaviours. But that’s what the status quo has always protected.


As for this whole security thing…

我必须继续重复这一点,因为最初的《每日邮报》实际上报告说他正在推动纳税人资助的保护。他们最终以后更改了副本 - 但是很多人没有阅读更正,因此有些人仍然在外面没有完整地了解这一投诉的真正意义。

Harry’s complaint was actually rather quiet; filed in September, no word about it for months, and probably because, up until last week, it wouldn’t have helped the British royal family or the government to have this out there. Harry has been villainised in so many corners of the British media and a story about him paying for his own security would have illuminated his independence and called into question why his request was refused if it wasn’t a cost to taxpayers, underscoring the assertion that he was being treated unfairly by the royal institution.

不过,这对英国皇室成员和鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)的办公室来说是100%的优势,但是当它做到这一点时。它通过利用了英格兰的苏塞克斯人的两极分化,从安德鲁和总理的丑闻中转移了注意力,当他们以不完整和不准确的报告中的报告中,小报使敌意打开了故事,这使他们感到敌意。


I mean, if we’re talking security here, one member of the royal family wants to pay for his own security and is asking to be allowed to do so and another, the disgraced one who was friends with a dead rapist pedophile and his convicted sex offender accomplice and is being sued by one of their victims, still gets “纳税人资助的苏格兰院子安全细节” ...



就像哈利要求进行司法审查的要求一样,这是最大的问题。可能要根据 - 您确定这些人真的可以保护您吗?因为他们似乎无法保护自己的文件。这是与这些皇室成员以及英国电力结构内发生的任何F-CK的又一层次无能。你为什么要告诉自己?