哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)发布了他们的假期卡。而且,这不仅带有一张照片 - 苏塞克斯人包括他们支持的慈善组织清单,这些慈善组织与他们的家庭肖像一起,这显然是现在的大头条新闻。

苏塞克斯度假卡是通过Rubicon Team发布的,Rubicon是一家非营利组织,旨在帮助退伍军人将服务的承诺扩展到现役之外:

This, of course, tracks with Prince Harry’s longstanding commitment to veteran outreach and it’s also a collaboration with Welcome.US and their resettlement efforts with Afghan newcomers to America:

至于这张照片,这是由Alexi Lubomirski拍摄的,他们拍摄了Harry和Meghan的订婚和婚礼,现在有了制作第一张包括所有四名成员在内的苏塞克斯全家福的区别。哈利和梅根的节日贺卡一直是一个巨大的故事,但是现在我们为此倾诉了更多的额外,因为莉莉贝特当然在这里 - 这是她的首次亮相。自从我们对阿奇(Archie)的好看已经很长时间了。

这是一个伟大的投篮,一个动作,而不是一个posed one, which has been very much the Sussex holiday aesthetic, as brief as that tradition has been. You’ll recall the digital card they released a couple of years ago, of Archie, less than a year old at the time, crawling towards the camera with Harry and Meghan smiling in the background:



Per Omid Scobie,,,,这张照片是在夏天在家拍摄的。You’ll note that Archie is barefoot and wearing jeans, rolled up at the ankle – worth mentioning because according to uptight royal class rules, boys are supposed to only wear shorts, no long pants, until they’re eight years old, no matter the weather. This came up a few years ago, you’ll recall, when people wondered why Prince George was always in shorts. Per Harper’s Bazaar:

“有一个非常具体的原因。上层阶级,贵族和皇室成员在短裤上穿衣服的传统 - 通常被认为是绝对的“郊区”。

礼节专家威廉·汉森(William Hanson)解释说:“穿短裤的小男孩为年轻男孩打扮是一件非常英语的事情。”“裤子适合年龄较大的男孩和男人,而小男孩的短裤是我们在英格兰拥有的沉默阶级标记之一。虽然时代正在(慢慢地)变化,但一个小男孩上的一对裤子被认为是中产阶级 - 相当相当郊区。没有自重的阿里斯托或皇家都希望被视为郊区。甚至剑桥公爵夫人。”



This was an eventful year for the Sussexes. In February it was officially confirmed that they would not return as senior members of the British royal family. Then they announced they were expecting. In March it was the Television Event of the Year with Oprah and people are still talking about the bombs they dropped during that interview. Meghan came out with her children’s book. Harry announced his upcoming memoir. They took over New York for a few days. They made the TIME 100 list. It’s been a lot.
