迈克尔·贝·乔丹(Michael Bae Jordan)’s “Man of the Year”GQ中的功能shares many similarities to his cover story in Vanity Fair last month. MBJ’s goals – to be an International Movie Star like Denzel, Leo, Tom, Will or Brad – are the focus of both. The biggest difference is that the GQ piece, which dropped yesterday, is written by one of our faves, Allison P Davis. My main question在阅读MBJ之后was this:


艾莉森(Allison)是一位黑人作家,她对这些批评的MBJ确实更加深入。艾莉森(Allison)问迈克尔(Michael我想象中的男朋友的尖叫引用。在接受批评之前,请让我完全引用迈克尔·贝·乔丹(Michael Bae Jordan)and Allison P Davis about why he’s hesitant to date (aside from that he’s obviously waiting for the love of his life AKA ME).

“But it's like, I could meet you, right now, boom, right here. Me and you sitting here chilling, whatever. Meal, whatever. Somebody could be over there, see this. And all of a sudden, you're my girl now.”


“Let it rise, girl, let it rise,”他慷慨地说,然后立即变得很严重。“因此,他们将谈论您,他们将找出您是谁。他们会发现您的Instagram是什么,他们会在其中找到我们。所有的粉丝俱乐部和其他所有人都将找出您是谁,现在您和我永远相互联系。因此,现在,您如何去正常的地方,放松,只是认识您刚遇到的某人,您可能不会(或可能不会)将其击中?约会的一部分很难。”

Sure, I want nothing more than to be given a work assignment where I get to sit across from MBJ but if he said the words “you're my girl now,” no matter what the context, I think I would stop breathing on the spot. Passing out from thirst isn’t very professional. What MBJ says here is true. If he’s flirting with a woman,in real life in da clubor在IG上,我们将谈论它。如果您是我,您将要做三部分深度潜水调查在说妇女的身份(如果不是Lupita Nyong’o)中。我可以想象,这会很难找到约会,而不是我打破了他的斗争。MBJ决定迄今为止的女士将不得不面对妄想症Stans的检查,但他还将因女性的外表而受到审判。


我解释这意味着MBJ伤害和surprised that the criticism he received for *maybe* dating white women is coming from some of the black community. I understand why he would be hurt but I also think it’s important not to entirely dismiss the concerns from his black fans. I think Michael B Jordan can date whomever he pleases – even if it’s not me— from whatever race he chooses but I get the apprehension from black women if it looks like MBJ doesn’t ride for us like we ride for him. I’ve written many times before about the complicated history of famous black men约会白人妇女。我写了更多关于约会界和流行文化中不断贬低黑人妇女面对的不断贬低的文章,这些流行文化一直告诉我们,我们不比白人女性不值得爱和感情。

如果MBJ被加冕为新的好莱坞国王,我了解他的女王成为黑人妇女的渴望。但是,对迈克尔·B·乔丹(Michael B Jordan)成为黑人超级巨星的榜样是不公平的吗?说他必须找到自己的保利塔或贾达,否则他让社区失望是不公平的吗?我确实认为这是不公平的。这是一个不公平的期望,通常对黑人妇女不成比例(请参阅公众对塞雷娜·威廉的丈夫的反应,或者蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的任何一个非黑人男人),并且从未坐在白人男人身上。狮子座对他的猫Posse的亲和力是否对他的职业产生了负面影响?有人写关于马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)妻子种族的思想表演吗?我知道,将好莱坞作为黑人有所不同,但是在MBJ的“全球行动”中,将会有很多挫折,以至于我不喜欢他的个人生活也可能是其中之一的想法。另外,所有这些都在迈克尔陷入恋爱关系之前就开始了。难怪他只是专注于自己和帝国。

The idea that MBJ has to be a model celebrity extends into everything he says. In Vanity Fair, MBJ said he wanted his production company to make projects about black mythology and folklore because, aside from黑豹,there wasn’t any. This is how he said it though:

“We don't have any mythology, black mythology, or folklore.”对那句话的强烈反对是迅速的。当然,黑人神话和民间传说确实存在,越来越多的人应该知道这一点。同样,如果一位黑人作家写了《虚荣》公平的作品,他们可能会得到MBJ首先对此进行解释:

“I meant we don't have black mythologies and folklore that's on the big screen and small screen, period… And I want to help bring those to the masses, the same stories, bedtime stories, that I was being told of Anansi the Spider and the story of Hannibal and Mansa Musa and all these historical figures!”

My sexual orientation is Michael Bae Jordan talking about Anansi the spider, the most important fictional creature of my childhood. Excuse me while my ovaries explode. When I read MBJ’s quote in Vanity Fair, I felt like I knew what he meant. I wasn’t offended. I know what he means here. He wasn’t trying to say that black mythology doesn’t exist but that we don’t see it in mainstream pop culture, and when we do see it, we’re seeing it through the lens of the white characters or storylines that heavily borrow from African mythology. But words matter. And the quote, taken out of context was not a good look.

From now on, MBJ is going to have to consider how things will look and sound to the masses. Can he still be King if he says dumb sh-t sometimes or dates someone the public doesn’t approve of? The answer should be yes, in my VERY biased opinion, because other actors have been given the same latitude during their reigns as Kings of Hollywood. Let Michael Bae Jordan live. Plus, what other actor has given us THIS PHOTO SHOOT? Yes, this is my King. *Killmonger voice*

