在与洛里·哈维(Lori Harvey)进行红地毯首映后在奥斯卡之夜迈克尔·B·乔丹(Michael B Jordan)昨天回到工作信条3。这是他的专辑《导演》的首次亮相,这是一个雄心勃勃的项目,考虑到他显然,他将在特许经营中的第三部分中回到阿多尼斯。如您所见,MBJ正在这里与一位破烂的乔纳森(Jonathan)专业人士一起工作,在过去的两年中,他们已成为演员董事的主要收入。正如我们从Loki所知道的那样,他是Marvel下一阶段的重要组成部分,现在每个人都希望乔纳森大满贯。他是在扮演阿多尼斯的对手的事实信条3告诉您,这不会是一维对手。但是话又说回来,MBJ会知道这一点。

因为如果这里有相似之处,那可能就是乔纳森(Jonathan)信条3是MBJ所在黑豹:a complicated villain, one of if not the best MCU villain for all the character’s layers, and of course for the nuance and depth that MBJ brought to the role – which was one of the keys to the movie’s success, credit to Ryan Coogler, with whom MBJ has worked on several projects and from whom he’s probably learned. Which means MBJ would appreciate that a story is better served when it’s not just the main character getting all the shine. As a director, his responsibility is tell a complete story, and not just a vehicle for the lead actor, himself. But also, a strong lead requires a strong opposition, and when that happens, EVERYBODY wins.

你知道谁总是赢吗?洛里·哈维。还附有 - 昨晚洛里(Lori)的照片。