“A little wince.”在2010年的本质中,这就是吉尔·斯科特(Jill Scott)described her reactionwhen a black male friend told her he had married a white woman. The piece received an onslaught of vitriol. Scott was called a racist. To avoid repeating Scott’s fate, I should probably skip this admission but I’d be lying if I said I’ve never winced. All of my black girlfriends have also admitted to The Wince. There’s an unspoken thing that happens between black people when we encounter each other on the street – especially in the predominately white spaces I grew up in. Usually, it’s a nod. Sometimes, it’s a smile. And if it’s between a black woman and a black man with a white woman on his arm or vice versa, it’s something else entirely.

Six days ago, it was reported that杰西·威廉姆斯filed for divorce从他的妻子Aryn Drake-Lee援引经典的“不可调和的差异”。消息后几个小时被确认人们,,,,TMZ报道that Williams had been “hanging out” withMinka Kelly。演员(据称)将非著名的妻子留给另一个演员。这听起来像是一个典型的Laineygossip故事。1zplaylol赛事中心如果是另一位演员,我们可能会将其归类为八卦,并有一个团队电子邮件将分裂进行剖析。lol赛事中心我们从事有关名人分手的撰写业务。通常,我们不会等待六天来分析这一分析。但是直到现在,我们还没有对杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)进行任何有关杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)的活动,因为关于杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)与敏卡·凯利(Minka Kelly)一起作弊的艾琳·德雷克·李(Aryn Drake-Lee)(无论是否正确)不只是不忠。这不仅仅是杂物八卦饲料。lol赛事中心这个故事很重要,因为这是关于这个特殊的黑人与据称与白人妇女继续前进的黑人妻子。

当我第一次读到杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)和他的妻子离婚的消息时,我想我笑了,开了个玩笑,说明我们所有人最终如何与Black Twitter的第一名男友有机会。当然,这是对婚姻解散的不敏感反应,尤其是在看似幸福,稳定的黑人夫妇之间。有时,我可以成为一个混蛋。几个小时后,当Minka Kelly谣言开始时,我不再笑了。实际上,我畏缩了一下。又有了。

对于外行来说,畏缩很难解释in. It’s uncomfortable and rarely talked about out loud because it often gets misconstrued as unfounded jealousy or bigotry towards interracial relationships. But this isn’t that. My partner is white. I’ve written before about thequiet courage of interracial love。The issue here is not that Jesse Williams may be dating someone outside of his race; it’s that dating outside of your race, as a black man, has traditionally been viewed as a status booster and this seems to be exactly what Jesse may be perpetuating. The Wince is not rooted in hatred. It is an unconscious reflex steeped in a complicated history of oppression, white supremacy and the correlation between dating or marrying white women and success.

根据第六页,威廉姆斯(Williams)与他5岁的妻子德雷克·李(Drake-Lee)分开的“真正原因”,是因为……他想更加出名。严重地。你以为你认识某人。第六页的消息来源声称“(Aryn)poured money into this relationship and sacrificed her life for him, and now he wants to go out and be the hot single Hollywood guy. Jesse wants to . . . do whatever he thinks will make him a bigger star”.

If this is true, there’s a lot to unpack. Let’s start with the language:


同样,如果这是真的,那么杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)在热门好莱坞明星(Hot Hollywood Stardom)的道路上所做的第一件事就是据称与白人女演员敏卡·凯利(Minka Kelly)联系。(我应该注意杰西有cryptically dodged questions关于谣言。)如果她是黑人的话,那将是另一回事。如果他在过去的10年中一直和一个白人妇女在一起,而奖杯妻子Trope不存在,我可能不会写这篇文章。然而,在这个特定的故事中,很难不将这些点从成功和名望连接到白色。信息是,如果您想成为好莱坞的大明星,您需要某种女人的手臂 - 一个中度著名的白人妇女仍然被视为来自黑人妇女的进步返回并生下你的孩子。对于黑人妇女来说,当然感觉是个性的。感觉是个性化的,因为我们一遍又一遍地看到它。

When he get on, he’ll leave your ass for a white girl.

那些坎耶(Kanye)的歌词始于剪切的观察,现在,它们已成为一个痛苦的陈词滥调。是杰西·威廉姆斯,Woke Bae of all Woke Baes,现在是F-Cking陈词滥调?他是一位黑人激进主义者,他对黑人妇女的吸引力本质上与他对黑人女性特定的斗争的不断认可。杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)在去年的BET大奖中的史诗般的演讲中这么说

“This is also, in particular, for the black women who have spent their lifetimes dedicated to nurturing everyone before themselves. We can and will be better for you.”He also said he was,“在这本发明称为白色使用并滥用我们的本发明时,已经完成了观看和等待。”

当我重新观看他的演讲时,我认为Aryn Drake-Lee以及所有对Jesse Williams狂欢的黑人女孩的一部分是因为他有一个看起来像她的黑人女人 -卷发,天然弯曲的身体和所有的头发 - 贝斯,在他成名的同时将他压低。当杰西说,雅林“与[他]坚持不懈,浓密又厚又薄,这意味着什么。这些年来,杰西(Jesse)的“骑行或死亡”之后,现在可能会抛弃雅林(Aryn)的可能性(按照好莱坞的标准)和白人令人心碎,但这也是一个叙事的黑人妇女,非常了解。看:柠檬水

Some of you might be wondering what any of this has to do with Jesse Williams’ activism. Why make his personal life political? Why not just call out Williams for the rumours he cheated on his wife, peg him a philandering asshole and move on? After all, even MLK had his own share of marital indiscretions. Why even point out Minka Kelly’s race at all? I wish it were that simple. But ignoring race is not a luxury afforded to black women. I’ve quoted这条Dee Lockett系列before and in this case, it’s extremely relevant:“ [黑人]爱一直是政治性的,别无选择。当失败时,对于所有黑人恋人来说都是失败的。”

几个月前,Earta Kitt谈论Harry Belafonte的故事是在Twitter上进行回合自杰西·威廉姆斯新闻以来,它已经浮出水面了。1960年,Earta Kitt与白人Bill McDonald结婚,这是当被问及是否面临这种选择的审查时,她不得不说:

“人们会说‘你为什么不嫁给一个黑人?’我会回答:“因为白人女孩有他们!’我想和的男人西德尼·普里特(Sidney Poitier),哈里·贝拉芬特(Harry Belafonte)约会,主要是白人妇女。我说的是50年代。当哈利·贝拉顿特(Harry Belafonte)从费城的床上接我时说:“我不想让你认真对待我,因为没有黑人女人能为我做任何事情。”我忍不住要进入他要去的地方。“一个黑人妇女会把一个黑人拿回来”,这就是他告诉我的。如果我想嫁给一个黑人,那没有一个,因为白人女孩有他们。”

回顾一下,哈利·贝拉顿特(Harry Belafonte)将Earta Kitt踢出床,他的理由是因为“没有黑人妇女可以为[他]做任何事情。”这来自有史以来最著名的贡献者之一。我知道这个故事是一些F-CKSH-T,但每次阅读时仍然会刺痛。在整个历史上,黑人女性比我们的白人同行的心态毫无价值或少于我们的白人同行。据哈里·贝拉芬特(Harry Belafonte)和这么多黑人演员,运动员和说唱歌手说,要在成功之路的盒子里,包括豪宅,漂亮的汽车和黑人女孩交易,以换成闪亮的新白人。Eartha Kitt的故事探讨了黑人社区异族关系的复杂性。

One of the questions I asked myself when I was approaching this piece was, “Is it hypocritical that I have felt The Wince when I am in an interracial relationship myself?” I asked the same question to my friend Allya, a black woman who is married to a white man. She noted that the way black women are perceived when we’re in interracial relationships is different than how black men are viewed. Eartha Kitt was called out for having a white husband in a way that Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte were not. Look no further than the reaction to塞雷娜·威廉姆斯的订婚to a white man compared to, for example, the non-reaction to Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian.

Growing up, I had a years-long crush on a black boy with glasses and a sweet smile. He was the only other black kid in my class and he became my best friend. I loved him every day from elementary to high school. Despite all my (tepid, awkward, teenage) advances, I watched him choose white girls over me again and again. Allya shared a similar story with me when we talked about Jesse Williams. Her first romantic rejection came from the only other black boy she knew and also had a crush on. Black women, how often have you heard a black man explain why he doesn’t date black girls? I can name three occasions off the top of my head. I don’t think it’s fair to say that Allya and I both ended up with white men because of the rejection we faced from black men. It’s unfair because it’s simply not true. It’s not like either of us swore off black men after our childhood heartbreak. And, of course, there are many black men who love, respect and marry black women. But these rejections, and being constantly told through pop culture and那些超级令人沮丧的研究没有人愿意和黑人妇女约会,肯定会造成胜利。

我想明确说明:您绝对可以成为黑人和约会/嫁给白人。检查我们固有的偏见很重要,因此黑人妇女不会不断地放在较低的梯级上。杰西·威廉姆斯(Jesse Williams)是一位自称为亲黑人的激进主义者,他谈到了符合和偶像白人的危险,因此您会认为他会做得更好。如果这些谣言是真的,他确实确实让妻子追逐名望和白人妇女,威廉姆斯可能已经在沉没的地方and not even know it. To quote Allya, “Is Jesse Williams theShea Moisture黑人?”我真的很笑了,但实际上,没有什么神圣的吗?