在某个地方月亮骑士是一部很棒的两个小时的电影。一部带有心理惊悚片的动作电影,穿着超级英雄的斗篷打扮,这是两个小时的电影拉链,快速而有趣,而且足够不同,以至于感觉很新鲜。但是,实际上,月亮骑士是由奥斯卡·艾萨克(Oscar Isaac)担任史蒂文·格兰特(Steven Grant)主演的六小时电视连续剧罗杰斯,是一位受压迫的英国人,在伦敦市中心有废话和神话般的公寓。他白天在大英博物馆(大英博物馆)在礼品店柜台工作,晚上他会把自己连锁到床上,因为他患有睡眠障碍,这意味着他经常出现在远离家中的几英里(这是真实的)great movieabout it). Pay attention to reflective surfaces, though, because Oscar Isaac also plays Marc Spector, an American mercenary saddled with a bumbling Englishman as his other half. Marc just wants to keep a beetle away from a cult leader, and this other guy keeps ruining his bad times in Eastern Europe. Does that sound confusing? It’s actually not.


多元人物还允许一些创意电影制作 - 该系列是由穆罕默德·迪亚布(Mohamed Diab)和贾斯汀·本森(Justin Benson)和亚伦·莫尔黑德(Aaron Moorhead)执导的 - 尤其是在战斗场景中。是月亮骑士比其他迪士尼 - 马尔维尔节目更暴力?不。但是,至少在前几集中,它以创造性的方式围绕着图形暴力。一旦史蒂文(Steven)的线索进入了马克(Marc)的午夜活动,以及他作为古埃及月亮神昆胡(Khonshu)的人类化身的角色。到目前至Thor: Love and Thunder)。

But now the MCU is going full-interdimensional being and Khonshu is一个真实的神,具有跨越物理和形而上学平面的巨大力量。他似乎是马克(Marc),是一个巨大的令人毛骨悚然的两足鸟骨架,里面用木乃伊布包裹,这真是太棒了。Khonshu很容易成为Marvel屏幕上最酷的东西之一。他听起来像F. Murray Abraham度过了愉快的时光,因为他经历了愉快时光的F. Murray Abraham表达。每当Khonshu出现时,月亮骑士perks up. He has given Marc a supersuit and superpowers, which transfer to Steven when he’s the dominant personality. But the two men being different people, they perceive themselves as “Moon Knight” differently. Marc looks cool in a white cloak and cowl beating people up, while Steven goes for an all-white bespoke suit and the less violent “Mr. Knight” persona.

月亮骑士manages its Egyptian lore carefully, never overwhelming scenes with impenetrable bricks of exposition, but there is a still a lot of table setting to be done, as this is new territory for the MCU, and also most people aren’t familiar with the Egyptian pantheon and the multiple facets each god presents. But if you ARE familiar with the Egyptian pantheon,月亮骑士做一个伟大的工作建立Marc和史蒂文再保险吗presentatives of different facets of Khonshu. Much less interesting is Ethan Hawke as the villain, Dr. Arthur Harrow. His performance is quite good, it’s just that Harrow is a pretty basic villain, even for a guy who is the avatar of the Egyptian crocodile goddess Ammit, the personification of divine retribution. Sounds cool, right? She is! But the most memorable thing about Harrow as a character unto himself is that he wears mandals.

If you’re an MCU diehard or super into Egyptian mythology, stick with月亮骑士因为一旦到达那里,就可以到达那里。但是首先,它很慢,很繁琐,并且只有合适的和开始,至少直到系列的后半部分,直到其前提是其前提中固有的超现实主义。但是首先,有情绪和不确定性和缓慢的探索自我的探索,这需要不必要的时间才能达到这一点。月亮骑士is a slow burn, emphasis on “slow”, and even when it gets where it’s going, it might not be for everyone because it is steeped deep in Egyptian mythology, and a lot of the foreshadowing is going to pass by the uninitiated as mere set dressing. But if you’re an uber mythology nerd or, like, a witch, this is the show for you.

月亮骑士is now streaming on Disney+, with new episodes arriving every Wednesday.

Attached - Oscar Isaac at美国早安昨天在纽约。1zplay