
The second episode of守望者, “Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship”, deepens our understanding of this alternate America, while setting up the mystery of the show: Who is Will, and, Who is Angela, really? Building off the第一集,“马术”也由妮可·卡塞尔(Nicole Kassell)执导,它回答了飞行员的一些问题。是的,老人威尔是1921年在塔尔萨大屠杀中幸存下来的小男孩。而且,他是安吉拉的祖父。And Will seems to have some superpowers, as he plunges his hand into boiling water with no effect, has some dexterous ability with handcuffs even at a hundred-plus years old, and he has friends in high places as he escapes Angela’s custody thanks to a GIANT MAGNET. If the whole underpinning of守望者不是世界末日,黑暗,那将是一个我ncredibly fun detail. As is, it’s creepy and unnerving. Who is Will, does he really have superpowers (they exist in this universe, so it’s possible), who are his friends with the magnet? Is Will a villain? Or is Will telling the truth about the “vast conspiracy” and Angela’s world is not what it seems?

As for Angela, we get to see the Christmas night attack that critically injured her and left her partner dead (this is how Angela came to be the mother of three white children, she adopted her partner’s kids). We also learn that Judd survived the “White Night”, and was there for Angela when she woke up, thus cementing their bond. But…we see this sceneafter威尔说,有效存在阴谋,而安吉拉(Angela)不知道“壁橱里的骨架”。现在,我们不能相信任何东西。如果有阴谋,那么每个人都是一个可疑的嫌疑人,除了我们的主角安吉拉(Angela),现在显然是那个角色,他们将带我们揭露这个尚未看到的网络。第一步是安吉拉(Angela)穿越贾德(Judd)的实际壁橱,寻找实际的骨骼,她发现了一个。多亏了X射线护目镜 - 这个世界很黑,但很有趣 - 她找到了一个古老的Ku Klux Klan服装。她向威尔展示了这一点,他对贾德与克兰有联系的启示感到惊讶。这不是阴谋吗?还是只有一块不会知道?

随着堆积的问题,所有这些都以安吉拉为中心,“马术”为我们提供了更多的背景。有一项“种族暴力幸存者”法案负责对过去不公正伤害的人进行赔偿 - 安格拉从技术上讲是作为塔尔萨大屠杀幸存者的后代的资格。我们还看到塔尔萨(Tulsa)周围更多的白人愤怒旋转,格林伍德中心外面的抗议者宣布“雷德福”不公正。这种被剥夺的白人公民反对少数民族的动力实际上在土著社区中有一个现实世界中的对手。我已经知道 - 我已经知道 - 白人对他们从成功的部落赌场获得津贴的土著邻居的成功感到愤怒。赌场仅作为对土著社区的白人暴力行为的遗产而存在。这一切都是关于土著家庭的“不公正”,因为“没有”收到钱,并在隔壁的白人家庭挣扎时拥有(假设的)更舒适的生活。塔尔萨(Tulsa)中的所有白人对黑人社区的痛苦都使社会阶梯抬起,赔偿使社会阶梯不舒服。这是一个飞行的车辆和X射线护目镜的世界,但它扎根于美国一些最讨厌的事实。

So we have the mystery of Angela and Will and what’s really happening in Tulsa, but we also have whatever the f-ck is going on with Adrian Veidt. So far, Veidt seems completely disconnected from the action in Tulsa, except for the squid rain which is definitely, somehow, his fault. What is evident, though, is that his big plan to force world peace as depicted in the graphic novel has backfired. Sure, there’s no sign that this is a world at war, but America is not a peaceful place. Everyone is tense, on edge, prone to conspiracy, and the same racial tensions we have in the real world still exist in the future resulting from Veidt’s global peace plan. The America of守望者就像真正的美国一样,但是增加了X射线护目镜和超级英雄,除了超级英雄似乎都没有烦恼和边缘性的邪恶。



New feature! This is a space for stuff that doesn’t quite fit into the review but deserves a shout. Such as…

•Trent Reznor’s and Atticus Ross’s absolutely STELLAR scoring through two episodes. Hands down the best composing for television I’ve heard this year.

•Also stellar is the costume design. Sharen Davis did the pilot, and Meghan Kasperlik takes over for the rest of the season. The detail is exquisite, right down to how Angela’s skirt at Judd’s memorial echoes the movement of her Sister Night coat.

昏昏欲睡的空心’s Tom Mison stars as the many clones of Adrian Veidt. Remember昏昏欲睡的空心?WTF ever happened with that show?