Apple TV+在几天之内启动早上的表演由詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)和里斯·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)制作和主演。他们一直在这里宣传该系列的努力 - 杂志,脱口秀节目,Instagram,今晚是纽约市的首映式。1zplay现在已经解除了禁运,所以我们这些预览它的人可以谈论它。前三集可用于预先筛选,杜阿纳(Duana)和我上周将它们主持,我们将继续进行。展示你的工作but the quick and dirty review on our end is that I was hooked from the beginning and started harassing Duana to start watching and I couldn’t stop until I had finished all three – which is not usually how I jam, I’m one of those people who can breathe between episodes – and neither could she.

那并不意味着早上的表演没有缺陷。该系列肯定有问题。飞行员不是很好,但是飞行员从来都不是完美的。Many, many years ago, Duana told me to always push past the pilot, to at least two episodes, because you can’t judge a show by its pilot, a really good pilot is rare, even if Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon are in it. The question here though is it is watchable? Yes. It’s VERY watchable. Like I said, we couldn’t stop. If all the episodes were available, I would have finished it by now. Maybe it’s more watchable for us because we work in the business and we get off on the inside baseball – but that’s also the point I’m getting to: the story they’re telling and the people they’re playing are legit; these conversations happen, these dynamics exist, this world is tangible. Which early reviews, the ones everyone is trying to rush out today,他们混在一起,不要真正捕捉。还有一件事情:

这是詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)职业生涯的表演。她是早上的表演。三集中,我还没有在里斯(Reese)上卖出,但詹(Jen)从未过得更好。她很复杂,戏剧性,狡猾,富有同情心和自信,但也充满了Sh-t,她在这里付出的东西是如此分层和细微差别,您可能必须像Duana一样重复观看,只是为了获得她的作品的完整图片。而且我通常不是参加詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)粉丝俱乐部会议的人,但她是该节目的力量。该节目本身可能不会得到强烈的收获,但她的表现不可能。更多关于展示你的工作本周晚些时候。