感谢您上周有关哈里王子在达克斯·谢泼德(Dax Shepard)和莫妮卡·帕德曼(Monica Padman)的播客中露面的所有电子邮件扶手椅专家。It was over an hour and a half so I banked it for the weekend and probably it was the same for others, so now that people have had a few days to get through it, let’s get into what Harry discussed – like what he ACTUALLY discussed, and not what the UK tabloids are misinterpreting – and some overall takeaways. I’ll start with the not-so-good and build to what’s good.

对我而言,这并不是那么有趣的是,达克斯和哈利都如何谈论回声钱伯斯,然后在他们关于狗仔队的讨论中自己爬上一个。这并不是说他们没有关于隐私的观点,尤其是在孩子们的情况下。当他们的孩子受到追随并遭到安全损害时,他们应该感到不高兴。当然,很明显,为什么哈利尤其对PAPS及其追求有深刻的问题 - 狗仔队追逐他们的货币射击可以产生的侵略是完全越位的,可以并且导致了悲剧。但是,在哈利现在居住的好莱坞尤其是在好莱坞,这个问题的层次不仅仅是“ paps and the小报很烂,末期”。名望是一个涉及许多玩家的生态系统。有一些名人,有些人绕着他们养活那个名声。在这个例子中,有些名人是达克斯和哈利的同龄人,他们与狗仔队互动…

与哈利在今年的电视节目中告诉我们的方式与奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)说,他自己的家人与《每日邮报》和《太阳》这样的英国小报与英国小报。他称其为“看不见的合同”,还记得吗?


He went on to explain that the Firm was too afraid to break that contract, to not get into bed with racists and irresponsible journalism – and you do get the sense that that’s what he was encouraging, for them to stop giving the tabloids so much power – but the same can apply to certain players in Hollywood who are actively part of the ecosystem working in much the same way with the paps and the tabloid media. By all means, call out the paps and the tabloids, as he and Dax were doing, but also, while we’re here, let’s dig deeper and explore how that ecosystem really functions and speak to the other celebrities who are participating in the process, because if you have one celebrity on the one side being all like, the paps are vile and the other down the block telling their publicist to call them up and photograph them when they’re wearing a cute outfit, then this becomes a more nuanced problem. That, to me, was the weakest part of the episode. But then again, that’s pretty standard when it’s two celebrities talking to each other.

幸运的是,这可能仅占豆荚的10%,而其他部件也很有趣。因为即使达克斯(Dax)和哈利(Harry)在他们的回声室中,这也是一次非常自由的对话 - 而且我们没有太多机会听哈利·弗里(Harry Freeball)。He’s been interviewed many times, certainly, and a good interview is when two people are exchanging ideas so that it becomes a conversation, but we’ve all seen, in these situations, it often becomes one person just answering questions instead of a true dialogue.

What Dax, Monica, and Harry had was a dialogue, a back and forth, with everyone interjecting and following tangents and joking, so it felt loose, it felt like the closest representation to what it actually might be like to hang out with Harry and shoot the sh-t. What I took away from this pod then is that Prince Harry is quick and he’s curious – and he’s prone to get carried away, speaking freely and unscripted, with an idea when it moves him, which is endearing; as in, he can be longwinded …and it’s kind of cute, listening to him keep going and going, especially at the end when they were wrapping up and Dax and Monica were ready to say goodbye and they still got another few minutes out of him because he didn’t want to stop.

这个挑战的误解and more pervasive, especially over the last year as Harry has stepped up his criticism of the British media, in the “royal rota” in particular, that he’s not bright or articulate, that he’s controlled by Meghan Markle. Meghan wasn’t there, these were his thoughts, his perspectives. And they certainly weren’t perspectives that she could have planted in him either, not when you listened to him talk about his time in the military. This was the first time that I’ve heard Harry talk at length about serving – and I don’t mean sharing his thoughts on the contributions of servicepeople but in the everyday details about training and camaraderie, the internalised stress of that kind of active duty…he’s knowledgeable about it because he’s been there, and he’s actually quite good at communicating that experience that’s relatable to those who haven’t. This is, clearly, why he’s been able to connect with people who have served: he speaks their language. And to Dax and Monica’s credit, they brought it out in him.

不用说,这些并不是现在成为头条新闻的部分。英国媒体正在关注他关于育儿的评论,并打破遗传创伤的循环以及他希望如何与自己的孩子实现这一目标。英国媒体的某些部分认为这是对他的家庭的“攻击”,这是对父亲抚养他的方式以及父亲父亲抚养父亲的方式的批评。但是上下文很重要。在谈话中流动的情况下,达克斯并不是在诱使哈利浪费他的家人 - 他们俩都在分享他们的童年如何塑造他们的童年,既反思他们的家人,又反映了他们的内部痛苦如何无效地处理痛苦。在许多方面,哈利将他的家人描述为遗传创伤(或世代创伤,可能是更普遍的表达)是同情心,而不是对抗。因为它正确地标记了过去是什么:创伤性。这是对别人的创伤的认可,这意味着他试图通过精神健康来理解父亲的行为。这样称其为“攻击”就是实际上错过了心理健康意识。当您谈论一个人并将他们形容为经历过遗传或世代创伤的人时,这不是对他们的侮辱,而是对他们的理解。 And again, this part of the conversation, in the context of what they were discussing, was more about how future generations need to be encouraged to confront their pain, not because it’s a weakness, but because it takes more strength to heal than to escape. And that was his big point – which, not surprisingly, has been entirely missed by the usual suspects.

哈利也期待这一点。At the end of the pod, when it was just Dax and Monica and they were debriefing their time with Harry, Monica revealed that Harry and his people predicted that the UK press would misinterpret his comments and twist them into something else entirely, and that’s exactly what’s happened. Every day for weeks the Daily Mail and the Sun and the others have been running inflammatory headlines about what Harry’s agenda was in doing the podcast to bring down the royal family and launch a PR assault against his father. That’s to be expected – no one is living more for this family feud than they are. Apart from the profitability of that narrative though is some real damage that they’re doing by their criticism of Harry’s mental health awareness efforts.


那么,“太多的治疗”真的是我们社会今天面临的一个问题吗?那真的是F-Cking危机吗?那真的是该死的头条新闻吗?“过多治疗的危险!”- 这真的是为什么人们会受伤吗?那真的是什么人损害了需求?

还是正是这种言论不鼓励人们获得所需的帮助?这是危险和不负责任的,您不能将其放在哈里王子和梅根·马克尔。这也破坏了他们几乎对哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的角度,因为如果他们从这个F-Cked Up位置进行操作,他们的镜头也是F-Ckk的。

现在,及时及时应对这种F-CKSH-T,这是Oprah和Harry系列的第一款预告片,我看不到, just came out today. That Daily Mail article is why shows like this are being made – because too many people are willfully misunderstanding what it means to prioritise mental health and so many people are struggling, not because they’re getting “too much therapy”, but because there’s not enough of it, for f-cks sake!