The last episode ofAtlantaaired over a year ago. It won’t be until some time in 2020 thatAtlanta’s third season will air.Atlantais a show that makes us wait. So it’s a minor relief that it has already been renewed for a fourth season, and they intend to film seasons three and four back to back. That’s probably the only way to cope with everyone’s schedules but it also means we won’t have to wait two years between seasons again. (As to where they film, because Georgia has decided that women are second class citizens, FX chiefJohn Landgraf saysthat is Donald Glover’s call.) But does anyone else get the feeling these will be the last seasons ofAtlanta? That Donald Glover is assembling the team for one final hurrah?

Has any recent series launched as many people straight into the stratosphere asAtlanta? Donald Glover came in already established, butAtlantaput Brian Tyree Henry, LaKeith Stanfield, Zazie Beetz, and Hiro Murai on the map, and now they’re all insanely busy. Henrywill film Marvel’sThe Eternals之前Atlanta,Stanfield hasKnives Outcoming up, Beetz has a fall festival double shot with Joker and Seberg, and besides his work with Glover, which includes this year’sGuava Island, Murai is working onBarry(only one of the best shows on TV). And this isn’t even touching on everything Glover himself is up to—The Lion King, obviously, but he also just played Lollapalooza in Chicago. That’s why these final two seasons feel like a swan song. It’s not just that everyone is ready to move on, it’s that they already HAVE moved on.
