那是多余的吗?就像您不能只是将“ Gwyneth Paltrow”放在标题中,并假设其他所有人都会知道“财富”和“特权”一词会随之而来?这是新问题的封面好莱坞记者瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)的新Netflix系列的明星格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)和本·普拉特(Ben Platt)的特色政客。这是Ryan Murphy Netflix时代的第一个版本。因此,当然有很多兴趣。这也引起了很多兴趣,因为瑞安(Ryan)在大学招生丑闻实际上发生了大学招生丑闻提及。政治家,then, like most Ryan Murphy productions is both ahead of its time and right on time.

这部电视剧是关于一个年轻人,由本,谁的s trying to get to the White House on his own merit. Sort of. It’s also a “class takedown”, an interrogation of privilege. Which makes Gwyneth’s involvement – she plays Ben’s stepmother, and in some scenes she wears $10 million of jewellery – either brilliant casting or insulting casting. How can a story that aims to criticise those with such a steep advantage star someone who has had such a steep advantage?

好吧,布拉德·法尔丘克(Brad Falchuk)是共同创造者之一。他声称他必须说服她担任这个角色。因为,正如她所说,表演不再是她的优先事项。她正在奔跑,她很忙。但是最后,她想成为他愿景的一部分。因此,我们很快就会遇到格温妮丝(Gwyneth),“乔治娜(Georgina“这种负能量对您父亲的康复不利”。是的。跟踪。不仅因为您相信G会完全这么说,而且因为她实际上是一个好演员。你知道那会发生什么,对吗?格温妮丝·帕特洛, Ryan Murphy, Netflix, delivering killer lines dripping in couture and gems – Gwyneth Paltrow is going to go viral, they’re going to meme the sh-t out of her, she’s going to be the new Alexis Carrington, Lady Olenna, Lucille Bluth. She’s going to win again. But then again, when has G ever lost?


帕特洛(Paltrow)本人是好莱坞皇室皇室成员丹纳(Blythe Danner)和已故导演布鲁斯·帕特洛(Bruce Paltrow)的女儿,他说,作弊的丑闻象征着过多的财富问题,她的丈夫对此有着强烈的看法。她说:“布拉德真的不相信像这样的世代财富……因为他觉得这会在人口的细分市场之间保持巨大的差异。”“他非常进步。”



还有更多。瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)是那些相信传播学分的创作者之一,因此,如果他的演员在周围建立了一场演出,就会获得制片人的信誉,这意味着他们有权获得利润。这是要承认那些启发故事的人的贡献,他们的才华和工作对故事的结合在一起至关重要 - 而且它并没有以这种方式发生,因此您可以想象演员如何从这个机会中受益。本·普拉特(Ben Platt)利用这一点:

Platt made use of his credit by becoming intimately involved in finding the show's all-star supporting cast, which includes Zoey Deutch, Lucy Boynton, January Jones, Dylan McDermott and a crop of newcomers. "A lot of times you have actors with executive producer credits and it's a goof, it's not real," says Falchuk, "but Ben was a participant in all of it." Before filming, Platt invited the younger castmembers to his family's Malibu home for a weekend and later planned a cast trip to Disneyland. "Ben is an amazing leader," says Deutch, with Boynton echoing: "He orchestrated [our] getting close very quickly."

And Gwyneth?





这个角色是为她扮演的。政客总理于9月27日 - 恰好是格温妮丝(Gwyneth)的生日。
