When I dubbed the 2022 Oscars the “肖斯卡”,我不是这样的意思!看,我们将在自己的帖子中谈论当晚最大的故事,但是就目前而言,让我们从其他所有内容开始,这是从头到尾的真正可怕的奥斯卡奖。整个夜晚都随着婴儿车的能量超越流量而展开,在所有问题中,都会问到什么问题,基本事件计划因素有多少?例如:座位安排。杜比剧院的地板像夜总会或金球奖一样,与会者坐在桌子旁。艾米·舒默(Amy Schumer)在开场独白中对地球界的裂痕,他们总是以宽松的,更多的空气中闻名。好吧,这种放松到了奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,看看发生了什么。问问自己,如果威尔·史密斯不得不离开排队座位,那会发生吗?这并不是要兑现,而是奥斯卡奖试图通过地板设置提出更加合作的基调,但也许奥斯卡不应该休闲?

But the night started out badly with the eight categories presented off-air while the red carpet was still going on. Riz Ahmed won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short and we didn’t get to see it in real time, and his speech was edited down for the broadcast, so his whole moment—and every other pre-show winner’s—was stepped on by that decision. Which didn’t even make a damn bit of difference because this year’s show ran almost half an hour longer than last year’s. The Oscars are long, LIVE WITH IT.

然后,主持人的三人 - 艾米·舒默(Amy Schumer),里贾纳·霍尔(Regina Hall)和万达·赛克斯(Wanda Sykes),他们最好以强烈的笑话开始“官方”表演。可以肯定的是,有一些坏的人 - 里果娜·霍尔(Regina Hall)的考验测试位太长了,当她开始摸索乔什·布洛林(Josh Brolin)时,她变得非常不舒服。He was probably in on it but still, it wouldn’t have played AT ALL the other way around—but on the whole, Schumer, Hall, and Sykes did a good job, and Schumer, especially, came through during her last segue and almost managed to get the show back on track. Although, the bit with Kirsten Dunst being a seat filler was distasteful. I 100% believe Oscar hosts SHOULD be making jokes about the audience, but it’s all about tone and target. Schumer’s joke about Aaron Sorkin was BRILLIANT, and it got a great response from the audience because they recognized that Sorkin’s self-seriousness is the butt of the joke.

For the Dunst joke to work, it would need to be aimed at a MUCH bigger star, not that Dunst isn’t famous, but that premise only works if it’s targeting someone SO universally famous that they could NEVER be mistaken as anyone BUT who they are. Someone like Nicole Kidman, maybe, could make the payoff work, but in general, that’s just a bad joke and once again, I am BEGGING the Oscars to just stop doing bits. Have an opening monologue and move on. A good comedian like Schumer can ad-lib if something unplanned occurs, that is a valuable skill for a live broadcast, but outside the monologue jokes, none of the bits really worked.

And then there is the problem of flow. I truly do not think anything justifies bumping categories off the live show, but if the Oscars had been brilliantly produced, maybe it would have seemed, if not justified, then at least tolerable. But the Oscars were NOT brilliantly produced. Beyonce’s opening number, yes, of course, she’s immaculate. But everything else? A mess. Case in point: that James Bond tribute that was just a montage presented by Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk, and Shaun White. Much love to these athletic legends, but what have they to do with James Bond?

也许节目制片人无法与活债券演员一起组织任何事情 - 丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)正在开放Macbeth本周在百老汇上,可能会抵抗旅行和冒险的危险,我可以理解他的(假设)不情愿的态度是否削弱了一个不同的概念,但是扮演M的Judi Dench,Javier Bardem和Javier Bardem和Rami Malek,两个邦德小人,都在房间。您找不到实际上与邦德有联系的人出示债券蒙太奇吗?然后,它甚至没有引起Billie Eilish和Finneas的“无时间死亡”的表现!

THAT is what I mean about badly produced. There was no flow, no rhythm to the night. Bond actors should have presented the montage which should have segued into Billie and Finneas’s performance, that way it’s a whole Bond block and the “tribute” seems less lame because hey, it all built up to the performance of the eventual Best Original Song winner. This is just one example, but it’s a clear illustration of how poorly managed the whole night was BEFORE that other thing happened.

The tributes in general were sort of weird. None of them felt particularly special or momentous, because most of them were grafted onto award presentations, I can only assume to save time, like how Elliot Page, Jennifer Garner, and JK Simmons presented Best Original Screenplay, the Oscar won by Diablo Cody forJunoin 2008. Unlike the Bond tribute, at least this makes coherent sense, with the connection between film, actors, and category.

然后是塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)(曾是州长奖的人,我们没有看到的那一刻),乌玛·瑟曼(Uma Thurman)和约翰·特拉沃尔塔(John Travolta)团聚并在宣布最佳男主角之前做了一点。看,这一刻很奇怪,原因有很多,其中一个是这些人与该类别有任何关系,甚至不是里程碑周年纪念日低俗小说。通常,这个奖项是由以前的最佳女演员冠军颁发的,我认为弗朗西斯·麦克德曼德(Frances McDormand)不会被打扰 - 好的电话,弗兰尼·麦克(Franny MCD),但为什么不取得以前的最佳男主角冠军?这是有道理的,但是在整个演出中,确实缺乏凝聚力,这使每个细分市场都与最后一部分脱节。

而且,我们甚至都没有谈论纪念中的无味,在蒙太奇期间对某些人进行了个人标注。这很糟糕,谁能做到和不会为蒙太奇裁员,但纪念活动应该是当晚的一部分,这不是一个受欢迎的竞赛。强调某些人而不是其他人只会减少那些悲痛的人,而毫无卫生的制作人,编辑和高管等人。而且,我也几乎没有心理空间,因为Twitter民意调查的毫无意义Zack Snyder是正义联盟在“最大的欢呼时刻”中军队of the Deadfor “fan favorite” movie, because Snyderbros are nothing if not organized and devoted. The Oscars got Boaty McBoatfaced and that’s like, the sixth worst headline of the night, that’s how bad the show was.

In summation, nothing anyone did made the show any shorter, there were a number of distasteful, if not outright disrespectful elements, the Twitter polls were stupid f-cking nonsense that added nothing to the show, and there WILL be questions about how the planning of the show facilitated such a disastrous evening. I don’t know how there could not be MAJOR changes at the Academy, immediately, including but not limited to resignations from people involved with the broadcast and Academy brass like CEO Dawn Hudson. I also wonder if this will be the last live Oscars for a while, maybe ever. One way to avoid many, if not all, of these issues to pre-tape the whole thing and edit it down into a tidy three hours, not unlike how the BAFTAs operate. I just can’t imagine the Oscars experiencing such a bald-faced MELTDOWN on a global stage and emerging unscathed.