After the Oscars, word got out that Steven Spielberg is agitating for a rule change that would effectively block Netflix from competing for Oscars as they don’t much believe in distributing their movies in theaters when the whole point of their company is to make movies available instantly at home. It’s a来自斯皮尔伯格的短视视图在2018年的Netflix竞争者都是真正的工作,这是不是真正的工作,罗马Buster Scruggs的民谣,在电影院播放几个星期,Spielberg的拟议变革将影响电影,只会在少数电影院中运行一周的电影,即符合电影在性的基础上将被取消资格。在几周前讨论Spielberg的计划时,很多人都很快就表明,但对于薪水,Spielberg的反流姿势可能会被软化。而且,据昨天,据据说,据据说,斯宾伯格与苹果公司的Netflix-竞争对手的流媒体平台有关。

揭开他们的流媒体计划的大苹果是一种反对。当然,活动是疯狂的星星 - 铆钉 - 斯皮尔伯格被奥普拉,珍妮弗安妮斯顿和雷斯·斯佩斯的喜欢和史蒂夫卡尔尔,阿尔法德伍德和杰森·莫莫纳,牛皮·南京,大鸟等。它和Coterie一样高调,您可以要求推出新的流媒体平台。(那为什么如此如此f-cking无聊?克里斯埃文斯'极其无聊的脸was all of us during the livestream.) And there, amongst all the stars and creatives, Apple is throwing obscene amounts of money at to make original stuff for their platform, is Spielberg, who doesn’t think movies released on streaming are proper cinema. Wonder what the guy who signs his Apple paychecks thinks of that. It’s only a matter of time until Apple is competing for an Oscar, and Spielberg is on that raft now. These are his people. He’s not above the streaming bonanza. He’s in it along with everyone else.

我打赌他的规则变化不会发生。每个人都在床上,包括流媒体,包括不喜欢流媒体电影的人。Spielberg辩解员将指出令人惊叹的故事,20世纪80年代Amblin选集系列 - 思考模糊地带Lite-在Apple TV +上恢复为他在那里的原因。当然,但它仍然看起来不太好。看起来他完全愿意乘坐流媒体,但希望他们通过他的规则发挥作用。它非常“有我的蛋糕,也是”,也是“,也不是任何人都不好看。它几乎是糟糕的看起来“Apple TV +”名称。他们应该掉下“+”。只是“Apple TV”。它更干净
