罗伯特·埃格斯(Robert Eggers)的第三部电影,诺斯曼,继续他的电影传统,创造了狂热的详细,历史悠久的世界,如此明显,您几乎可以闻到体味,并看到虱子在他的角色上爬行。诺斯曼,co-written by Eggers and Icelandic poet and novelistsjón,基本上是海伦音乐会in cinematic form, a work of art that is built on contemporary foundations but reaches back into a distant past’s storytelling tradition for authenticity and to tap deeper, earthier emotions, evoking an instinctive response to the unfolding story that twangs not just our heart strings but also ancestral memory of darker, more brutal times. Based on the legend of Amleth, the inspiration for Shakespeare’s Hamlet,诺斯曼is an Icelandic saga come to life, a tale of family, loss, revenge, and pitiless fate from which there is no escape, realized with Eggers’ usual zeal and a nihilistic beauty that threads through the violence and bloodlust as it should in an Icelandic saga.

由于莎士比亚,故事的骨头是可以识别出的,这是被剥夺权利的王子阿姆利斯(Alexander Skarsgard)。背叛叔叔,Fjölnir(Claes Bang);到典范的女王母亲,古德鲁恩(妮可·基德曼);去法院小丑的头骨;尽管这里没有奥菲利亚,但有一个女巫奥尔加(Anya Taylor-Joy),她在她的法庭对手的地方蓬勃发展。阿姆利斯目睹了他父亲国王的死亡奥旺迪尔战争(伊桑·霍克(Ethan Hawke)),小时候逃到广阔的大海中,向叔叔发誓要复仇。多年后,阿莫斯(Amleth)大约在十世纪的北欧文化中,一个人变成了一个野兽,一个有组织但无情的社会围绕着“可能是正确的”。“野蛮人”在他和他的部落在鲁斯土地上搜寻一个村庄后,吐了一个维京人,使大多数人死亡,其余的被奴役,妇女de污了。如果维京突袭的现实主义在艾格斯的描绘中并不那么直率和无情,那将是很有趣的,这是狼人的快速移动力量,倾向于彻底破坏他们认为弱的人。

Violence is the language of诺斯曼, and Skarsgard, a hulking physical presence, embodies the Viking essence of man—big, brutal, conquering.在另一部哑巴电影中,Skarsgard将直立地呈现,所有角度和飞机以及经典的男性美感,上油并点燃了相机的完美;阿姆利斯(Amleth)会通过他的探索与他闷闷不乐的莎士比亚对手更直接地对齐。但是在这里,他是一只野兽弯腰而笨拙的,散布着鲜血和泥土,埃格斯在摄影师贾林·布拉斯克(Jarin Blaschke)的帮助下,像怪物一样构成他的束缚,肌肉猛烈地隆起了丑陋的目的,他的脸扭曲成鼻子和不人道的表情和痛苦和愤怒。斯卡斯加德的身体表现令人震惊,阿莫尔几乎不需要说话才能交流,但是当他这样做时,如果没有小时候,那个男人可能没有索要他是一个丑陋的命运。但是,他反映了北欧宗教的固有虚无主义,在这种虚无主义中,没有自由意志,只有线条编织,预定了每一生的结果。Amleth无法逃脱这个网络,他必须实现自己的命运,不是因为它是光荣的,而是因为它只是他的命运

Amleth’s is a soul-crushing world of subsistence farming and merciless pillaging, where even celebratory games are fights to the death. And while Eggers never depicts sexual assault directly, there is no question the women of this world are totally lacking agency, at the mercy—or unmercy—of their husbands and captors, who are often one and the same.诺斯曼is not a celebration of Viking culture, it is a stark, vicious imagining of life in the Dark Ages. Not even a touch of magical realism can soften this world. Odin is a silent watcher, his ravens damned useful in a pinch but no amount of a god’s favor will save Amleth from his fate, and a Valkyrie’s ride is as thrilling as it is haunting. Whether hallucination or real, the Valkyrie is omnipresent death, waiting to carry off her charges when the Norns snip the last threads of life. There is a constant sense of doom permeating诺斯曼, from the elemental smoking volcano looming on Iceland’s horizon to the mythical appearance of that Valkyrie, as much a promise of rest as a premonition of death.

在爆炸的火山上,赤裸裸的剑斗争,诺斯曼它是地狱般的,它的复仇故事与冰岛伟大的传奇故事一致,这是一个史诗般的电影渲染,对这个故事至少讲述了一千年。但这也是忧郁的,虚无主义的,是一个真正黑暗时代的丑陋肖像。埃格斯(Eggers)制作的是斯卡斯加德(Skarsgard)居住的东西,是维京时代的精神,立即变得复杂而简单。详尽,竞争的宗教仪式占据了生命和死亡,人们因简单的力量而生活和死亡,那些残酷的人的异想天开,足以通过任何必要的方式夺取权力。但是也有爱,更新和地球魔法,而诺恩斯可能是无情的,但是女武神的最后一游是胜利。命运是残酷的,不可避免的诺斯曼,从两个人急于实现命运之间的小时刻,生活就雕刻了。就像在最好的冰岛语中一样诺斯曼death promised is death delivered, and the cycle begins anew.
