基于乔纳森·拉尔森(Jonathan Larson)的音乐剧,托尼和普利策奖得主作家Rent,,,,tick,tick ...繁荣是自传对受试者死亡的自我意识。舞台版本的繁荣was also written by Larson and was first performed as a workshop Off-Off Broadway in 1990, and then was reworked after Larson’s sudden death in 1996 as a three-person show that was first produced Off Broadway in 2001. The film adaptation, directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda making his feature directorial debut, and adapted for the screen by Steven Levenson, imagines Jonathan Larson (Andrew Garfield) himself performing the reworked version of繁荣作为框架设备,随着故事围绕拉尔森(Larson)试图获得一个名为摇滚音乐剧的故事,它变得有些复杂超级比亚离地。但是这部电影充满了Rent,拉尔森的地标工作。将所有音乐剧的线程保持分开绝对是比非音乐剧院想要做的更多的作品。

但是我敢打赌繁荣与音乐剧院人群交流狂喜。毕竟,它是最大的音乐剧院书呆子之一,大约是20世纪后期最重要的音乐剧院书呆子之一,它充满了以音乐剧而闻名的人的客串。有些人是可以识别的 - 是neuwirth!Lin-Manuel Miranda很乐意推动您,低声说:“那是某某!”在你的耳边。撇开笨重的客串,米兰达(Miranda)在镜头后面很好地无罪释放自己。繁荣看起来很棒,米兰达(Miranda)在描绘创作过程中做出了最令人钦佩的努力,这始终是电影内部的挑战。其中有些是有点陈词滥调,例如乔纳森(Jonathan)的想法在屏幕上刮擦,就像他在小笔记本中记下来的音符一样,但是有些人更聪明,就像乔纳森(Jonathan)在公共游泳池中疯狂地游泳时的音符进展。

1990年纽约市的气氛也很好。1zplay艾滋病猖ramp,不可避免,乔纳森(Jonathan)在因失去一代艺术家而破坏的创造性氛围中腌制。乔纳森(Jonathan)对新型音乐剧院的野心与周围的任何人都脱节是脱节的,除非一位年老的斯蒂芬·桑德海姆(Stephen Sondheim)(布拉德利·惠特福德(Bradley Whitford))参加了他的一些表演。他们的一代差距是指的,尽管我认为米兰达的主要目标是说明乔纳森是一位与桑德海姆相等的进口艺术家,但同时也是他们之间缺乏任何人。艺术家在哪里桥接桑德海姆和拉尔森?乔纳森(Jonathan)并没有从地面上完全形成,他和桑德海姆(Sondheim)之间有一整代人,但他们显然缺少。这是米兰达(Miranda)是否打算,这是艾滋病流行创造性丧失的最有效刻画之一。

Jonathan is also haunted by the specter of time, stuck in the very 20-something mindset that life ends at 30 as that milestone birthday looms and he faces failure after toiling throughout his 20s without catching a break. His best friend, Michael (Robin de Jesus), has given up acting for a life in advertising, and has the fancy apartment and corner office to show for it. His girlfriend, Susan (Alexandra Shipp), is a dancer taking a teaching job at a studio in Massachusetts. Everyone seems to be moving on from the fever dream of their 20s of attaining Broadway success, but Jonathan cannot let go of his own dream of Sondheim-like stardom. That odd self-awareness sets in as Jonathan contemplates the passage of time, often accompanied by a ticking clock on the soundtrack, in a way the real Jonathan could not possibly have done, as his death was quite sudden (he went to the hospital with chest pains but was misdiagnosed with stress or possibly the flu). But because WE know Larson died at 35, the film imbues Jonathan’s preoccupation with time with an impending doom that is at odds with the otherwise exuberant nature of Jonathan’s story.

加菲尔德,至少不给meta-awareness of Jonathan’s fate. He doesn’t shy away from Jonathan’s worst tendencies—the self-belief necessary for an aspiring writer to persevere through rejection trending into arrogance, the self-importance required to believe people want to hear your words morphing into selfishness—but he plays Jonathan with great exuberance and a palpable zeal.繁荣has a niche appeal, centered on an artist most famous for a work only obliquely referenced in the film, anyone looking for “the story ofRent”会感到失望,但是对于音乐剧院的极客来说,我想这很好。如果您不介意所有的唱歌,tick,tick ...繁荣!is an engaging portrait of the artist as an increasingly not-young man.

tick,tick ...繁荣!现在正在Netflix上流式传输。

附有 - 周四在年度GQ男子聚会上的安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield),包括与汤姆·霍兰德(Tom Holland)的一对夫妇。