
安德鲁正在开路上晚秀主演Stephen Colbert本周谈谈这部电影。他是一个可爱的谈话展览客人 - 伟大的能量,愿意愚蠢,在正确的时代认真地认真,不尊者。易受伤害,特别是在谈论他的表现时,他与Jonathan Larson的才能和损失的真实故事有关,以及他如何将其与自己的损失相连。安德鲁的母亲两年前去世了。他的父亲和他的兄弟在Colbert的观众身上,当斯蒂芬问他关于艺术和悲伤之间的关系时,安德鲁的讲话很好,同时经常打手势给他的父亲和兄弟,关于悲伤是多么悲伤,他是多么悲伤,他是多么悲伤感谢有机会通过这个故事纪念他的母亲。


如果你有更少的时间,这里是孤立的剪辑 - 并准备好,泪水会来。

I love that he says that he wants to talk about it, that he doesn’t mind being asked about it, almost as though he’s embracing his grief because, as he says, it’s a testament to this amazing person who gave him life, it means she was there, it means she was cherished. And I’m sure we all have our own ways of connecting to what Andrew is communicating here, we all are missing someone, or someones, or we’re all preparing to. So it was a powerfully unifying moment, to see a man so comfortable showing his grief in the most public way. We can all probably learn something from that.

这里有一些Andrew在上周左右的镜头左右,以及他的女朋友alyssa米勒与他的女朋友。1zplay如果这个名字听起来很熟悉,它可能是因为Alyssa在2013年回到了Jake Gyllenhaal。