2017年,我打了电话杀手的保镖“超级愚蠢”,“迷人的sh*tty”和“无脑,笨拙的逃避现实”。通过致力于瑞安·雷诺兹和塞缪尔·杰克逊之间的愚蠢前提和扎实的化学反应杀手的保镖在大片电影中,这是越来越罕见的原始想法,这是一个越来越罕见的成就。不可避免的续集现在已经到了杀手的妻子的保镖,a movie that promotes Salma Hayek’s cameo character in the first film to a co-lead, and that, as most sequels do, doubles down on all the wrong things and makes for a screamingly loud, completely nonsensical, decidedly un-fun trip to the movies. Whatever charm杀手的保镖尽管本身几乎召集了妻子完全废物。这是一部无法容忍的电影。

观看三名演员像雷诺(Reynolds),杰克逊(Jackson)和海耶克(Hayek)这样的才华横溢的演员在身体上痛苦是很痛苦的。雷诺兹(Reynolds)返回为“ Triple-A”保镖迈克尔·布莱斯(Michael Bryce),他试图在第一部电影的事件发生后恢复执照。杰克逊(Jackson)回到了杀手达里乌斯·金凯德(Darius Kincaid),哈耶克(Hayek)扮演他的骗子艺术家妻子索尼亚(Sonia)(没有弊端)。编剧汤姆·奥康纳(Tom O’Connor)再次在布兰登·墨菲(Brandon Murphy)和菲利普·墨菲(Phillip Murphy)的协助下再次弹奏剧本Örvarsson具有另一个偏头痛的分数。有这么多原始的创意团队回来了妻子拥有新的编辑,迈克尔·杜西(Michael Duthie)和杰克·哈钦斯(Jack Hutchings),以及新的摄影师特里·史黛西(Terry Stacey) - 您会想妻子可以从第一部电影中召集一些魔术公式。你会错的!尽管妻子削减一次性女友角色(由Eloide Yung扮演)受益于将Salma Hayek晋升为主角的受益。

对哈耶克这是什么,是谁把more effort than is deserved into such a shallow, stereotypical role as Sonia. Hayek is obviously having fun with the action stuff, but even in large-scale shootout scenes, she never stops being a literal screaming stereotype of the “fiery Latina”. She deserves better! We the audience deserve better! And it’s such a wasted opportunity because Sonia is a con artist, but her idea of a con is just to don a bad wig. We should be enjoying watching Hayek shed personas like snake skins as Sonia traipses across Europe—well, mostly just Italy—trying to save Darius from a Greek shipping magnate (played by a half-awake Antonio Banderas who cannot be bothered to put in any effort, but frankly, I don’t blame him, this material doesn’t deserve him, either). But instead, we get an interminable hundred minutes of Sonia screaming at everyone and everything as if her idea of a con is just to scream until she gets what she wants. Also, it boggles the mind that this movie is less than two hours, it FEELS like it will never end.

第一部电影浮在雷诺兹和杰克逊的化学上,这是一对经典的电影奇怪夫妇,他们的动作喜剧角色出色,但在不同的频率上工作。雷诺兹(Reynolds)的银色谈话schtick在杰克逊(Jackson)的对话中表现出色,但妻子将它们分为电影的大部分时间,雷诺兹(Reynolds)与哈耶克(Hayek)一起度过了电影的前半部分。他们的氛围不是很有趣,因为索尼亚不是一个令人愉快的角色,迈克尔大部分只是恳求独自一人抚养他的心理健康(这部电影对心理健康意识的嘲讽态度与雷诺(Reynolds)的屏幕宣言同样)。When Darius shows up, things don’t really improve, as Jackson and Hayek don’t have good chemistry, so Sonia and Darius are not believable or entertaining as a passionate couple who can’t keep their hands off each other, and Jackson and Reynolds mostly talk around each other in scenes, not to each other.

杀手的保镖是您在星期六下午可以享受的那种schlock,但我无法想象杀手的妻子的保镖会很愉快。它以懒惰的方式残酷地响亮,令人反感,“幽默”从未超过海耶克尖叫西班牙的水平,向人们发誓。杀手的保镖有一种聪明的自我意识,适合1990年代的愚蠢的宝石,但这部电影是一艘空的船只。甚至不是每个人都只是在消磨时间 - 除了安东尼奥·班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas),他总是看起来像是检查了他的手表 - 因为有一种感觉,雷诺兹,杰克逊和海耶克互相享受。但是,哈耶克和杰克逊无法召集性感,更不用说令人信服的,浪漫的化学反应,而雷诺兹则对残酷的故事情节感到特别困扰。杀手的保镖有一线能奏效的东西,但是杀手的妻子的保镖基本上是在制作续集时不做的事情的课程。
