You know that description of Voldemort in哈利波特与死亡圣器》中,哈利什么时候在地方之间的途中生活?“……原始而粗糙……它被遗留下来,不需要,塞满了视线,为呼吸而挣扎。”伏地魔,被击败,提供了最恰当的描述正义联盟,a messy movie which never manages to choose a path, and feels as though it was abandoned as everyone agreed to just write it off as the last vestige of Zack Snyder’s misfiring creative vision for the DC cinematic universe. Or perhaps you could compare it to the Titanic, a colossus too big to nimbly turn into a more welcome, optimistic direction. But though正义联盟不是真的很好,它远不及蝙蝠侠v超人。正义联盟至少可以观察。

There are a lot of problems with正义联盟,其中一些是超级英雄电影的常见 - CG恶棍,无人机军队,天空门户,麻木的第三幕CG SH*tacular Battle-但其中一些问题是独特的正义联盟and the issues that have plagued the DC movies since钢铁之躯,and some of the problems result from the attempt to fix those problems. The most obvious is the complete clash between Zack Snyder’s original vision and Joss Whedon’s fourth-quarter Hail Mary to turn正义联盟整体上更轻,少了。毫不奇怪,两个这样不同的电影制片人根本不混合。电影的哪一部分来自惠顿,而属于斯奈德是什么部分,结果是科学怪人的语调和风格的怪物。

Whedon definitely won the tonal stakes, as the movie is stocked with his signature quips and everyone has a zinger in any given situation. But that is completely at odds with Snyder’s directing style, which emphasizes brute force and weapons in a way that belies the light banter of the characters. It’s like watching a twelve-round boxing match set to “Yakety Sax”. And unfortunately, this dissonance doesn’t even lead to anything interesting.

The action in正义联盟is bafflingly bland, with only three good sequences in the entire movie. The Amazons get a solid bit showing off their determined brand of teamwork, Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) has a now-signature inspiring piece of life-saving action, and the Flash (Ezra Miller)让我们对他的力量的视觉可能性有所了解,尽管坦率地说,福克斯的Quicksilver仍然是大屏幕上最好的速度师。但是其他一切都是完全忘记的,甚至更糟,丑陋。没有一个正义联盟可以看到可怕的照明,令人震惊的CGI和丰富的设计选择。关于蝙蝠侠的一切都很笨拙,半机械人是一场过度劳累的噩梦,水下亚特兰蒂斯几乎看不到retrograde costumes, 但Wonder Woman美丽的Themyscira看起来像是便宜的视频游戏插入物。

BUT. The saving grace of正义联盟are the characters. The cast manages to scrape together enough chemistry to carry the movie for (a relatively fleet) two hours.本·阿弗莱克really is so good as both Bruce Wayne and Batman, it will be a shame when he quits the franchise before doing anything truly worth his time. And Gal Gadot is the brightest spark in the DC franchise, even though Wonder Woman’s arc is wasted on cleaning up that “sat out the twentieth century” detail from蝙蝠侠v超人。Gadot herself is fantastic, and it’s a testament to her performance that Wonder Woman remains the best thing about these movies, but character-wise, she’s treading water here and not allowed to do anything interesting as her main narrative function is to be explained at by Bruce Wayne.

As for the newcomers, Miller fares the best as Barry Allen/the Flash, playing Barry as the kid who just wants to impress his mentor. His loose screen presence is a good fit for Whedon’s writing, and he gets the most quips and zingers to toss out, and is sure to be a fan favorite going forward.Jason Momoais okay as Aquaman—the energy is there, but he never really meshes with the movie or the other superheroes. He might fare better in his own movie, where he gets to be the center of attention, but it also might not bode well that the whole Atlantis sequence is laughably bad. And Ray Fisher as Cyborg doesn’t register at all. That’s one stand-alone movie that will never happen.

And then there’s Superman. In what feels like a holdover from Snyder’s embarrassment of the character, he’s barely in the movie and his return is a total drag and also completely bizarre from a story perspective. It’s actually one of the quirks that makes正义联盟sort of interesting to watch. The whole “Superman returns” bit is so confounding and misguided, it’s weirdly compelling in its awfulness. But once he’s back,Henry Cavillis actually allowed to smile and say words like “truth” and “justice”, and this almost feels like the kind of awesome, inspiring Superman for which we’ve been clamoring. Although the digitally erased mustache is a total disaster and gives Cavill a tragic case of computer-face.

正义联盟is not as bad as predecessorsBatman v Superman或者Suicide Squad,but it’s a huge step down fromWonder Woman.It can generously be called a mixed bag, if the mix in that bag is mostly rocks and worms. At least at two hours and with a pace of editing that says, “We just want to get this over with,” it’s not a hard sit. It’s just forgettable, without anything as bizarre as Lex Luthor’s piss jar or triumphant as Wonder Woman crossing No Man’s Land, and it’s obvious no one had a clear vision to replace Snyder’s doom and gloom take. The nicest thing to say about正义联盟is that it won’t give you a migraine. And hey, Wonder Woman is cool.