这些年来,我已经阅读了很多詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)的采访,也许我们都有。一段时间以来,由于她已经做了很长时间,因此在Harper's Bazaar中的另一个Elle功能与下一个Elle功能之间没有什么区别。这是熟悉和相同的……设计。我之所以这样说,是因为在她的新魅力封面故事中,她决定不依靠她以前的谈话要点,而她的启示是新的。这是现在被捡起的大头条新闻:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)长时间尝试生孩子。

Again, Jennifer Aniston is not unaware of her fame. One of the reasons she’s sharing this personal detail is because she’s making a statement about fame, and how famous people are treated. She’s sharing the story because she’s criticising tabloid culture for how her split from Brad Pitt was covered and consumed. And she’s doing it now because “现在,我不他妈的护理”。


We sit quietly for a minute, maybe sad for all the ships that have ever sailed. I almost want to apologize to Aniston for being a journalist. This doesn’t feel like any of my business.


Back then — and for years — there were headlines swirling through pop culture that Aniston wouldn’t have kids. That she wasn’t interested or she just wanted to be a star or whatever idea was selling that week.


在Laineyg1zplaylol赛事中心ossip,当Brad-Jen-Angelina是名人八卦中最大的关注时,我参加了这种有害的报道。那是互联网野外西部的日子,我想和写道,我现在为此感到羞耻。这就是为什么几年前我被宣布为厌恶女性,同性恋,跨性别和种族主义的旧帖子的原因。这就是为什么本网站上有当时帖子的免责声明的原因。因此,可以肯定的是,我对那个时代的詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)说的一些SH-T?这是卑鄙的。它没有做任何事情来推动女性的对话以及我们应该为我们提供的选择。




“I feel the best in who I am today, better than I ever did in my 20s or 30s even, or my mid-40s. We needed to stop saying bad sh-t to ourselves,” says Aniston, scolding her future self: “You’re going to be 65 one day and think, I looked f-cking great at 53.”

她看起来f-cking伟大。我喜欢这些extensions on her, a throwback to her character in Rock Star back in 2001.

这是詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)已经出现了一段时间了。几年前,我谈到了这个当她晋升Dumplin’并通过最初的促销早上的表演- 我有多喜欢看到詹进入她的老板阶段. She is more publiclypolitical than she’s ever been;我敢肯定,她利用自己的声音和平台来支持黑人生活和生殖权利。

这是给詹·安妮斯顿(Jen Aniston)的无F-CK,这些年来一直很重要。那个不再由F-Cking护理的人,并弄清楚了这样做,她在工作中变得更好,迄今为止的职业表现最好。

所以我想知道,随着我们越来越接近发布第三季的第三季,将来是否还有更多启示早上的表演and the other projects she has in production, including two films, one of them beingMurder Mystery 2with Adam Sandler. As she has said, she is coming through a period of personal growth and in that growth she’s telling everyone about her IVF experience and having to move past the hope of becoming a parent. But that was a complicated time for everyone. People were taking sides, Team Aniston vs Team Jolie. No matter what side you were on, it meant that the woman whose side you weren’t on was being treated unfairly. And if we’re talking about harmful narratives, that’s certainly one that has persisted. There are those who are very much not about Jen Aniston because they’re down with Angelina and there are those who are very much against Angelina Jolie because they support Jen.
