詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)与贾斯汀·特鲁克斯(Justin Theroux)结束后的叙述与她和布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)分手时的叙述不同。关于她帖子的每份“来源”报告都是关于她多么高兴,她有多兴奋,她会出现在朋友的社交媒体帐户上,微笑,不承担,没问题。当然,其中有些是在反对Theroux方面,该队谈论Sh-T关于他的生活太前卫,arty和纽约的生活,但是正如我去年秋天写的那样,就在她开始晋升之前1zplay邓普林’,感觉就像她正在建立一个新时代:工作时代,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿的力量时代


“当我们发现我们是苹果公司(Reese [Witherspoon)购买的第一场演出之一时,我俩都有这个时刻。第一位帮助作为演员和制片人建立网络的女性,拥有我们真正获得和应得的那个美丽的馅饼。我们对此有很大的敬意。”

珍妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)50岁时的品牌是老板。她在自己的项目中担任了多年的老板,但那时从来都不是她的形象的一部分。现在?老板现在是消息。而且对她来说看起来很棒,尤其是在这个节目中,这是一个有关工作场所动态和力量失衡的系列。Duana在几周前发布了有关拖车的信息,并称其为“升华”而且,老实说,当我给她发电子邮件的那一天,我实际上只是在与她联系,以便我们可以挤在一起,她马上写回来,就像我在写这篇文章一样。她在我可能的情况下要求!我想写它,因为我认为它也是崇高的!Not just because we both work in TV and this show is producer porn for both of us but because there have been dramas about working in TV but this show was informed, clearly, by women’s experiences and these scenes will be familiar to many women in different industries.

你知道我的骨头是什么时候?在预告片中2:05,当Jen被告知如果“你走出那扇门,你永远不会回来”。F-CK你!This is what blasted out of my entire body the first time I saw the trailer and every time since because this is what they imply, even when they don’t say it – every time they need you for something even though you know and they know that they would never have asked a man, every time you try to argue that you’re worth more, every time you ask for what should just be a standard, when what you hear is “oh, really, we thought you’d be so into it”, “we’re surprised that you’re not as excited about it as we anticipated you’d be”, what they really mean is “you walk out that door you are never going to get back in” and the next line, “why aren’t you just grateful for what we’re willing to give you?”


在这个时代,这似乎也是詹的方法。所以我为早上的表演- 我为她感到兴奋。是时候了。点击这里要阅读Instyle的完整詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)封面功能。明天更多。