
博客的长期读者,但在这里首次发送电子邮件。当我们在第二个三个月开始发现时,我和我的丈夫收到了我们的生活震惊是两个婴儿 - 相同的双胞胎男孩!震惊仍然存在(我想我们永远不会真正克服那个!),但是男孩们的到来迅速接近(如果我不早点不开始工作,则计划于10月下旬进行驱逐)。我们很早就定居了名字,但开始有一些疑问。我们的第一个关注点是确保我们的男孩被视为单独的个体,因此,我们无意给他们“匹配”的名字(例如,没有“ Matthew and Michael”或“ Mark”和“ Mark”和Max” - 尽管这些都很可爱名称)。我们确实希望我们的孩子的名字能够一起工作,不仅在双胞胎之间,还希望我们女儿的名字莉拉(Lila)。男孩的两个领跑者是杰克逊和雷克斯,有着非常传统的中间名字(以纪念他们的两个祖父)和我丈夫的姓氏,这也很普遍。我和我的丈夫之所以被放在雷克斯(Rex)上,因为尽管其他人可能会相信,但实际上,这是一个非常古老的名字(拉丁语中的“王”),我们喜欢它并不是很普遍。 Plus, doesn’t Rex just sound like a fun dude? There is also a family story on my husband's side behind it (it was the name his father wanted to give him, but his mother and sisters refused), which is another nice nod to his father. I have always loved Jackson, and we like the consonance of the “k” sound in both names. Ultimately, my husband doesn’t have any strong objections, but he is worried about its recent increased popularity and wonders if we are overlooking what could be a perfect name for one of our twins that works with Rex and Lila.




How late is the eviction? How much of a run for your money are these two giving you? Because they’ve already punked you once, so nothing would surprise me at this point.

I’ll be fast, I promise – I think you’re in a great place in terms of the things you’re thinking about: not making the names match, having them go with Lila and not just with each other ...and yeah, wondering if Jackson is quite as special as the other two.

看,虽然我总是倡导一个不寻常的名字,但我还想指出,经典和/或受欢迎的名字是经典的,并且是出于某种原因而受欢迎的。Jackson has come to such prominence because a lot of people value that it feels old but still modern, that it’s got a longer more ‘formal’ place for a lot of would-be Jacks to live, and because it fits into the trend of the ‘on’ sounds that are popular with boys’ names right now without feeling like it was made up for that purpose. I would totally get why you would choose it…

但是不要的原因是您的来信。The reasons you love Rex, the stories you have associated with it, and especially ‘doesn’t Rex sound like such a fun guy?’ all point to a name you love, and yeah, I worry that beside that, Jackson seems like it’s a good ‘fitting-in’ name but not as likely to shock and amaze, if only because it’s quite commonly heard.

因此,我不得不与立即违反您的规则进行战斗,因为我的第一个想法是Felix。Yeah, they both end in ‘x’ and I get that you didn’t want the sound-alikes to be that close – but I chose it because Felix means ‘happy’, because I was thinking about who else is a ‘fun guy’, so Rex doesn’t get to wear that crown all by himself (heh, see what I did there?) and because it’s got that perfect ‘familiar but unusual’ label. If you say them together - “Rex, Lila, and Felix” - you don’t feel like they’re too matchy, but see how they work as a set.

说,我觉得自己在试图说服我们to it, so let’s move on. I think one of the things Rex has going for it (as does Lila actually) is an unusual sound, so thinking about how to replicate that in another name brought me to Cooper. It’s got the same sort of formality as Jackson but with a more unexpected short form and nickname. Or you could go with something like Spencer or Sawyer – still with that surname feel, but more to play with; “Rex and Sawyer” could get up to some trouble, NOT THAT THEY HAVEN’T ALREADY, am I right?

If you want to go single-syllable, you could go Rex and Jude or Rex and Cole – both combinations have a hint of a duo who might go off and start a jazz combo, but I’m not mad at that in the least, you know?

I could also see something like Micah and Rex (I thought about Milo, but it echoes Lila in a way that might be annoying) or even something with a few more syllables – Diego? Elliot? Hell, I even came across Buchanan if you’re feeling fancy; Buchanan and Rex are about as different as they can be, and yet they kind of work together in a hilarious way…

Other names I found in my travels that you might like are Ambrose, which I really like with Rex, though I’m not sure it feels ‘fun’, Guthrie, Virgil, Fielding (!!! Someone has to be writing a YA protagonist called Fielding, right?), Pascal, and Willis.

I bet it’s in here somewhere. I bet you’ll find it even if it isn’t.,.
