
Here is my three-prong approach to this episode.

1) Bad Pet Ownership

The animals of Westeros deserve better! Poor Ghost shows up at the mass funeral and has half his ear bitten off and NO ONE IS PETTING HIM. Ghost is a Very Good Boy and Jon Snow couldn’t be f-cked to even give him ONE PAT. Jon dismisses Ghost, sending him north of the wall with Tormund and the free folk, and you know what? GOOD. I hope Ghost runs free and lives wild forever, and enjoys his freedom from an idiot like Jon Snow. He never deserved Ghost.

Also, RIP Rhaegal. The dragons were always an unfair advantage and I never really expected all of them to make it to the final battle—there’s a reason the writers only bothered giving Drogon a discernable personality—but still. They are super f-cking cool and I wish Rhaegal got a cooler death than being speared by f-cking Euron Greyjoy, that discotheque trash wannabe Jack Sparrow. Euron Greyjoy looks like someone Charlize Theron kills in an action movie. F-ck that guy forever, I hope Drogon eats him.

2) Stop Sacrificing Women

This is areal problem lately。这是这一集的一个主要问题,以您刚刚扔下的公共汽车的规模进行分级。当得知Cersei袭击了Daenerys的舰队之后,Brienne泪流满面地恳求Jaime留在Winterfell上时被扔在公共汽车上,并且肯定会死于Dragon Fire的冰雹中。在那场战后党之后,他们终于完善了,而且似乎海梅实际上可能留在布里恩(Brienne)身边,帮助她捍卫温特费尔(Winterfell),并结束了他的救赎弧线。您想让这种告别发生吗?很好,然后找到某种方法来尊重一个坚强的女人布莱恩,一个看到她所爱和钦佩的人以前离开她的人。想象一下,对女性角色,杜德作家来说更好的东西。

Another writer sacrifice is Sansa’s entire terrible history up until this point. Talking to Sandor Clegane, she says she wouldn’t be who she is without every bad thing that happened to her. True, but also, that’s a super bad take. Maybe David Benioff and D.B. Weiss should consider following in the men ofBarry’s footsteps andtalk to some actual survivorsbefore they commit to a character’s words on screen. Yes, Sansa has been shaped by her long and difficult journey. Yes, she has been permanently changed by it. No, “Well it made me who I am” is not a good response to sexual assault. Again, imagine something better for your female characters. Imagine a Sansa who accepts what happened without in any way coming off like she is BETTER OFF FOR IT. Jesus Christ, the bar is so low.

And finally, there is the literal sacrifice of Missandei. She dies to give Daenerys a reason to literally burn everything to the ground. She dies to prove Cersei is The Worst. Here’s the thing—we already knew all that. Daenerys has repeatedly had to be warned against burning King’s Landing, including a whole scene in this very episode dedicated to that very conversation. We do not need a refresher course by way of a woman of color being murdered for motivation. There’s a name for that – fridging – and it’s not great. Also, we know Cersei sucks. If you feel Tyrion needs a reminder, find a different way to go about it. I’m not saying spare Missandei, I’m just saying, don’t make her death solely in service of someone else’s motivation. Imagine a way for Missandei’s death to serve Missandei as a CHARACTER and not just as a prop.

3) Yes, This Was Always Going To Happen


另外,海梅的救赎从来都不是真实的。他已经接近真正赚钱,但是每次他倒入Cersei时。这次没有什么不同。宝座建立在违背期望的基础上,而海梅的救赎弧一直是颠覆救赎弧线。我们喜欢他,我们为他扎根,我们希望他被赎回。在一个稍微友善的故事中,Jaime实际上会接受他可以改变,接受他应有的第二次机会,并在Cersei以外找到幸福。但这不是那个故事。海梅从来没有真正相信自己的救赎,因此他离开温特费尔(Winterfell)前往塞雷(Cersei)是100%不可避免且可预见的。他的故事不是救赎之一。这是一个近乎失误的故事。 He is a tragic figure, and he’s going to die a tragic figure.

同样,Daenerys突然“焚烧”is not a shocker. She has always teetered on the edge of that Targaryen madness. Tyrion and Varys have worried about it ever since the met her. Even Jorah, her most loyal subject, flickered his eyebrows forebodingly once or twice. The problem with Dany’s turn is not that it’s happening—it has always been in the cards—it’s just that it is happening so fast. If this season was a few episodes longer, if we have a little time to breathe and let developments marinate, it could perhaps be accomplished more elegantly (and without Missandei’s death). If Daenerys is truly going to become a Mad Queen, I wish that it was truly EARNED, and not hastily justified because the one woman of color on this show got her head cut off in a moment of totally redundant cruelty. Imagine better for her. Imagine better for all of them. DO BETTER by all of them.