
所以这不是一个星球大战婴儿。这不是Cinco de Mayo宝贝。但这是一个遇到的晚宴宝贝!Today is the First Monday in May – and, as I said in today’s intro, this child is giving us celebrity vibes already, born on the same day as the most extensive A-list red carpet of the year, setting up their first Met Gala appearance 18 years from now, as one of the co-chairs, of course, when they become of age to attend the event.

虽然来自白金汉宫的动词时态 - 过去时,不存在时,不存在时态,另一个公告即将到来。那么,宝宝已经到了。并且在某些时候,我们应该得到所有细节。名称细节,具体而言,这是大标题,对吧?

我仍然希望发生这种情况,就像今晚的第一个到达。真的是完美的。每周几周超市杂志仍未结束。Baby Sussex将制作封面。而且,如果他们在本周某些时候进行照片拍摄,并在星期五发布它们,那么婴儿将在下周再次制作封面。
