基于罗伯特·乔丹(Robert Jordan)的长期幻想系列(总计15本书)时间轮是亚马逊的(之一)关于生成“下一个”的大预算赌注权力的游戏”. I can tell you right now, it’s not going to be that, but maybe, if the rest of the episodes in season one pick up some momentum,时间could end up being a decent fantasy series, maybe even compelling if a core issue gets solved before the first season is out. The first three episodes dropped on Friday, the first two directed by Uta Briesewitz and the third by Wayne Yip (who also directs episode four). It’s a decent if not immediately interesting beginning.车轮在第一个赛季面临巨大的障碍:主要主角死了。

我们正在进入一个魔术和神秘的世界,巫婆妇女在这里称呼“频道”的男人,又称魔术,因为很久以前,一个类似的巫婆男人“破产世界”。现在,频道的男人容易受到一种疯狂的影响,因此所有魔术的负担都落在了AES Sedai上。好的!这里发生了很多事情!听起来像是我们应该观看整个世界的节目打破疯狂的魔术师的事情,但是无论如何!现在,AES Sedai正在寻求一个被称为“龙重生”的预言人,他代表了团聚世界上魔术的男性和女性一半的希望,并击败了“黑暗的人”,后者正在重新进入世界,就像索伦好。(很多指环王comparisons to be made here.) If I got any of that wrong, fine, but it’s what I could glean from the first three episodes without resorting to Wikipedia.

关键人物是莫拉恩(Rosamund Pike),AES Sedai正在寻找可能是“龙重生”的年轻人。与她的是Lan(丹尼尔·亨尼(Daniel Henney)),她的“看守”有点像她的保镖。They have Big Time Chemistry, but I am credibly informed that Lan has a different romantic storyline which, fine, but Henney and Pike are GREAT together and the person Lan is supposed to eventually fall for doesn’t have the same level of on-screen spark with him (yet, let’s hope, for the sake of the storytelling, that improves). Then there are the four kids—they’re like fully grown 20-somethings but they’re all such fresh-faced muppets it’s impossible not to think of them as kids—Rand (Josha Stradowksi), Perrin (Marcus Rutherford), Mat (Barney Harris), and Egwene (Madeleine Madden). I had to look up all of those names because even after three hours, I couldn’t remember any of them. Bad sign!

这是一个“选择的”叙述,试图与选择的人一起玩壳游戏,但显然是兰德。他是个矮胖的小子,这正是朴素的小子是所选的叙事,这是我的耐心耐心,但是您的里程可能会有所不同。(And no, I haven’t googled or Wiki’d sh-t, I’ve just read a lot. Pouty brats have been chosen ones all the way back to the ancient Greeks.) So, already knowing this whole entire thing is going to boil down to Rand shooting lightning bolts from his fingertips, what else is there to invest in? Not much. The kids are only slightly identifiable, besides Rand The Pouty Brat, there’s Mat The Asshole, Perrin The Sad Sack, and Egwene The Girl One. This is as distinct as these characters are so far, but Egwene holds some promise as she is a trainee in the magic stuff. At first, it seems like she’s going to become a “Wisdom”, which sounds like some kind of local hedge witch situation, but once she hooks up with Moraine, it’s clear she has greater potential and could become an Aes Sedai.

前三集中最有趣的东西基本上是与孩子们无关的一切。有一次,兰德的爸爸,罗斯·博尔顿(Roose Bolton)塔姆(迈克尔·麦克尔哈顿(Michael McElhatton))在战斗中拔出一把很酷的老剑,似乎那里有一个故事可能很有趣,但我们看不到它。还有一群“白人”狩猎和杀死AES Sedai,他们会立即给蝙蝠带来强烈的印象。在本系列的前三个小时中,莫莱恩面临的“发问者”(Abdul Solis)面对的场景很容易成为最令人恐惧的时刻。车轮需要更多的像这样的时刻维护its pace and energy, but unfortunately, nothing ever matches Moraine and Eamon’s tense meeting.

But the kids and Moraine are all separated, with Moraine and Lan joined on the road by Nynaeve (Zoe Robins), the local Wisdom who was supposed to train Egwene, while Mat and Rand find themselves held up in a town working at a tavern to get by, and Egwene and Perrin hook up with a group of “tinkers” (obviously车轮’s version of the Roma people). At the point that the group is separated, the momentum of车轮遭受痛苦,因为孩子们没有引人注目,也无法带有自己的故事主题。车轮如果它有长期的希望,就必须解决这个问题。除了传统上有吸引力的事实之外,我们还需要更多的理由来投资这些角色,但在最初的三个小时内车轮除了基本的“选择一个”框架之外,没有真正的理由来关心这些孩子。至少有冰rain,一个有趣的角色可以悬而未决,让我们希望罗莎蒙德·派克(Rosamund Pike)能够单独使用整个系列赛,因为到目前为止,仅此而已时间轮已经去了。

时间轮第1-3集现在正在Amazon Prime上流媒体,每个星期五的新剧集都会下降。