




以前的SNL作家蒂姆·罗宾逊(Tim Robinson)和扎克·卡宁(Zach Kanin)为我们提供了有史以来最奇怪的素描表演之一我想你应该离开。草图范围从略微不舒服到非常怪异,而且每一点都引起了极大的报价(“骨头就是他们的钱”,“您没有好的汽车想法”是我现在的非遗产者)。每次观看时,它也是以不同方式有趣的事情之一,因此它永远不会变老。几乎每个草图都是基于一个人的前提(通常是由蒂姆·罗宾逊(Tim Robinson)扮演的人),将社会契约付诸实践,以琐碎和奇怪的方式将其绝对结束。itysl对于那些在葬礼上不适当地笑的人来说,这是奇怪而令人愉悦的电视。



莎拉(Sarah)的频道在整个夏天首次亮相,从澳大利亚来到我们这里。Written and directed by Nick Coyle—who also stars as Justin—and starring Claudia O’Doherty as social media influencer and brand ambassador Sarah, Sarah’s Channel is a pitch perfect parody of beauty vloggers and influencers, with a little bit more going on behind the scenes. The joy of Sarah’s Channel is discovering the twist—I can tell who is not finishing the series based on who asks why I sent them a beauty review vlog—which makes selling it a little difficult, but it did provide me one of my biggest and longest laughs of the year, and I am just waiting for “like and subscribe” to enter the lexicon as an inappropriate response to fraught situations. And, at just twenty-nine total minutes, it’s super quick and easy to get through, a perfect lunch break pick-me-up. Discover the pure joy of scathing influencer satire and like, Justin’s whole deal. Like and subscribe!



如果莎拉的频道太长了,如果您需要更瞬间的感觉手表,请查看小厨师。由艾米丽·T(Emily T)建议,小厨师是您眼球最柔软,最短的喘息之处。大多数剪辑都是六十至九十秒,并以欢乐的小厨师为特色,他的厨房业务是对自己的厨房业务的指示。这些是咬合大小的视频,是“令人心动的”的定义。不可能看着他厨房里的小厨师Traipse而不是微笑。



有两个系列葡萄酒表演,但我特别推荐了系列1,演员马修·古德(Matthew Goode)和马修·瑞斯(Matthew Rhys)面包在意大利周围品尝,品尝葡萄酒,彼此有些讨厌。The Matthews are obviously wine enthusiasts, but they don’t actually know much about wine, so they are joined by experts Joe Fattorini and Amelia Singer, who travel the world exploring various wines, seeking to add a perfect bottle to the “wine case”. The show also has a gadgets section for the Connor Roys of the world, and the Matthews, especially Rhys, are as enthusiastic about the gadgets as they are the bottles of wine Joe and Amelia bring back for the Matthews to taste. Between the setting, the profusion of wine, and the Matthews, The Wine Show is basically a romance novel for your eyes.
