The British royal family released a statement today about Prince Andrew. I know that you don’t need me to tell you why Prince Andrew is in the news but, you know, maybe in a hundred years, if the internet is still around and someone stumbles across this site, they might need the context. And the context is this: Prince Andrew, son of Queen Elizabeth II, was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, the dead rapist pedophile, and has been accused by his victims of knowing about the sex trafficking and even participating in the exploitation of girls. Which wasn’t new. In fact it’s old. What’s new is that Prince Andrew was interviewed on BBC Newsnight and his performance was… “unbecoming”。所以现在:

安德鲁王子is saying that he was the one who asked Her Majesty if he could “step back” but these things usually happen by committee and, clearly, they didn’t see any other option. Andrew f-cked it up so badly on Newsnight that nothing can be salvaged at this point – which is why he was advised to NOT do the interview in the first place.

不过,我想在这里清楚,因为这很重要。由于公众对自己所做或没有做过的一切(他一直保持着自己的纯真),他与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein),死去的强奸犯恋童癖者和他的受害者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)和受害者(他一直保持纯真),因此他没有被替补。如果那足以让他替补,那将发生在几年前。今年夏天,爱泼斯坦去世时会发生。这是在弗吉尼亚·罗伯茨·朱弗雷(Virginia Roberts Giuffre)的许多陈述之后发生的。这是关于安德鲁王子的采访。如果他没有接受采访,什么都不会改变。我之所以做出区别,是因为它更多的是尴尬,而不是剥削和虐待妇女。在那方面还没有胜利,还没有在这里。

But there is a lot of failure. First and foremost, obviously, women have been failed. For as long as Jeffrey Epstein was enabled to commit his crimes, women were failed. In this case, specifically, with respect to Prince Andrew and these new developments, on top of failing the victims, there is of course a failure of character and a failure of counsel. We are dealing with a privileged aristocrat (is that redundant?) and an incompetent staff.

Because now that we’ve established that this interview is what sank him, HOWWWWWWW did we get here? Jason Stein quit after less than a month working on Team York because Andrew and others persisted in wanting to do the interview. We’ve already gone over that. But after the interview went down, AFTERWARDS, after he talked about his Inactive Sweat Glands, after he walked journalist Emily Maitlis out of Buckingham Palace, after they’d spent 40 minutes talking, after she practically scolded him for calling Jeffrey Epstein’s raping and pedophile-ing “unbecoming”, after all of that…

Nobody sounded the alarms?

They should have been damage-controlling that sh-t the minute the interview wrapped, before the cameras were turned off. He had to have had handlers present for the interview, right? They would have heard what we heard? If those handlers knew what the f-ck they were doing, they would have stepped in and negotiated more time – hey, Emily, we think the Duke might have more to say. But he has to have a quick meeting withx(这里构成假名,无论如何)and it’ll only take 15 minutes, so can you stay and we’ll come back and pick up where we left off?

That way, they pull him into some side room, or whatever the f-ck you call a side room at Buckingham Palace (probably a ballroom) and get that fool to memorise a statement about sympathy for the victims. You encourage him to talk ad nauseam about how badly he feels for them. You throw him back out there for as long as it takes for him to express at least ONE EMPATHETIC thought about what these girls went through. AT THE VERY LEAST.

And then you put together a f-cking war room to see how you can get the jump on the BBC to at least try to have some control over the narrative. You have to at least try.

They didn’t. Because they either sat there and held their breath, hoping that it wasn’t as bad as they thought it was and the BBC would do Prince Andrew a solid and blow gold up his ass or they actually thought, even though they were in the room, that it wasn’t that bad. And imagine that? Imagine being the person staffing Andrew that day and walking away from that mess all like, OK, that seemed to go well, we don’t have to do anything more, we’ve done our jobs today, let’s have some tea.

那是这场崩溃的另一层,你知道吗?The possibility that Andrew’s team just stood around as he talked about his Inactive Sweat Gland condition and being so honourable he had to break up with the rapist pedophile in person but still stayed at his house for four days and all the rest of it, and THEY WEREN’T CONCERNED, they were so unconcerned that they didn’t take action, is terrifying. Because, again, it’s just girls. What happens to girls at the hands of powerful men isn’t a concern.
