看不见的视线Annette Bening被誉为最好的女演员竞争者(也是可能的领先者)20世纪的女性,该电影于周六在纽约电影节上首映。1zplay维奥拉·戴维斯(Viola Davis)的工作随后发生了同样的炒作栅栏, and coincidentally, the trailers for both of these films dropped上个月的同一天, giving a first glimpse into how strong their performances will likely be in their respective films. Except, perhaps unlike栅栏,20th Century Womentrailer tells you very little about how great (and funny! And charming!) the film is... or how absolutely peerless Annette is.

考虑一下。除了(可能是吗?)朱利安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)外,您能想到安妮特(Annette)的其他女演员,他们可以提供一条可以同时伤心并让您发笑的线条吗?其他任何人都可以从中脱颖而出的“传家宝西红柿”场景孩子们没事or the "I Will Sell This House Today" scene fromAmerican Beauty? That's unparalleled comic timing, and delivery, that is also on display in20世纪女性。

安妮特(Annette)有四项奥斯卡提名,但从未获胜。根据专家的说法20th Century Womencould be her chance. Indiewire is calling her a "frontrunner," and describes her as performance and possible recognition "表演系,早就应该。"20th Century Womenis writer-director Mike Mills' follow-up to初学者,semi-autobiographical story about his father (played by Christopher Plummer) who comes out at 75.初学者was able to help Plummer win the first Oscar of his career at 82, and20th Century Womenmay do the same for Annette at 58.

It follows much of the same rhythms as初学者,太。就像初学者, it's also a love letter to Mike Mills's other parent,his mother。Annette plays Dorothea, a chainsmoking, effervescent, and brutally honest single mom to her teenage son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann). She worships Amelia Earhart and works as both a drafter and landlord, and is constantly trying to restore a gorgeous historic house. In an effort to relate to her teenage son and provide him with great role models, she enlists two other strong women, Abbie (Greta Gerwig, who is great as always), a cervical cancer survivor and photographer, and Julie (a best-everElle Fanning), his bewitching 17-year-old "girl next door" crush, to help raise him... even though she's doing just fine on her own.

But you can't simply say no to Dorothea. You're drawn to her. Everybody is. Women seek her advice and comfort and men want to be with her. Her officemates are so shocked that she is able to carry herself independently that they think she's a lesbian. She's not. She's in her 50s, self-assured and single, but not lonely. She was born during the Depression, so that's why, in her son's mind, she works so hard.

It's a much more interesting role than the trailer suggests, actually. When Lainey first watched it, she sent me a note asking if it would be all about the boy, and not at all about the women. In fact, it's the opposite. All the men in the film, including Jamie, andBilly Crudup威廉(William)是迷失的男孩,而女人变得复杂,充满活力,独特和自信。尽管如此,安妮特(Annette)的多萝西娅(Dorothea)获得了所有最好的台词……在最近历史上最具活力的女性角色之一中,几乎没有飞溅的时刻。缺乏飞溅的时刻会为她或对抗她吗?她是否需要像艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)的“场景”啦啦土地audition song, Viola's snot cry in栅栏,艾米·亚当斯(Amy Adams)的第三幕到达or, well, all of Natalie in杰基?

Think of Dorothea as a spiritual sister to Annette's character inThe Kids are All Right,except this time, she's not fed up, and just as funny, but much less angry. Annette and husbandWarren Beatty仍然很强壮。他们在星期六晚上一起走了红地毯,在那里她做了整个新闻界。人群真的为她扎根。当她在舞台上介绍这部电影时,她受到了轰动的掌声,几乎所有的台词都笑了起来。

So, can she still take on Viola, Emma and my Natalie? Well, she's certainly hustling. And her studio is ready to fight for Best Actress.

Much like Nicole Kidman's促销之旅Lion, Annette is bringing up her kids at every opportunity to help promote this movie and to big up her connection to Mike Mills' material. She told Variety motherhood is, “the center of my life, so everything I’m doing emanates through that in a way. ... For those of us who become parents,it becomes the linchpin of our lives。” This, too, comes after Warren dubbed their trans son a "revolutionary, a genius and my hero - as are all our children" in the latest issue ofVanity Fair..

不过,这部电影不一定是扣篮。我真的很喜欢它,但是它绝对是古怪的(尽管不是Twee),并且具有很难定义的角色。周六首映后,一些奖项专家在金德比(Gold Derby)上修订了最好的女演员选秀权,将安妮特(Annette)包括在他们的前五名中,but none place her in first。她将能够从第五次提名和第一次胜利中突破吗?这取决于营销。这部电影需要一部新的预告片 - 展示了多萝西娅的惊人程度,以及安妮特如何完美地体现了这一角色。

At least the bloggers are in her favour... and they seem to agree that the trailer didn't work.