如果你问Natalie Portman哪种表演更令人生畏:跳舞黑天鹅或掌握杰奎琳·肯尼迪的镇定杰基,她可能会说前者更难。但是在杰基昨晚的红地毯,她向我们的摄制组承认,我的朋友和同事丹妮尔·格雷厄姆(Danielle Graham这部电影将与我们都非常了解的[标志性]照片进行比较。”

The pink Chanel suit.
The photos of Jackie at Arlington National Cemetery.


Natalie Portman gives a career-best performance in杰基,这是一部真正创造力的,曾经是一生中的一部电影,揭露了我们对“杰基·肯尼迪夫人”的神话的了解。


At no point does the film ever drift in to "camp" territory, when it's so easy for it to. This is, in part, because of director Pablo Larrain's decision to deliberately reference the iconic moments and pivotal parts of Jackie's life through angles we've never seen captured on film, or staging that deliberately subverts what we remember about the positioning of those "perfect" Americana photos. Imagine seeing those moments in 360, and getting inside of Jackie's head separate from the interviews she gave, which the movie reveals she almost always had final say over their portrayal of her and her family.

制片人达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)在电影首映之前谈到了在红地毯上的故意颠覆。他在etalk告诉我们,您甚至无法将娜塔莉的作品与扮演杰基的其他女演员进行比较。

"Come on. She's NATALIE PORTMAN!"

So, this is far from Katie Holmes'杰基。And while he laughed at our黑天鹅vs.杰基挑战问题,他指出,这部电影起作用的原因之一是因为这部电影的构建方式再次。他补充说,他们竭尽所能保护粉红色香奈儿西装中的娜塔莉的任何图像,以免泄漏,以避免任何营地现金比较。这部电影是关于这些照片的(可能是虚构的)现实,以及杰基在丈夫在11/22/63被暗杀的日子里的生活。

Every shot in the film is deliberate. Natalie not only masters Jackie's voice, but also her eyebrow arch, her blinks, her grace, her poise and her fear that public sympathy for her and her children will permanently damage any attempts they would have at normalcy. Scenes in the film feel like they're shot in November, full of fog and not-quite-winter weather, while still retaining the chilly stand-offish air that both the climate and Jackie exudes. She wanted so badly for her husband to be remembered, and to have a legacy. Plus, Natalie's Jackie always has a game face on. But did you ever know the real her, or just what she spun for herself? She can outsmart any reporter, and if anything, is too in control of her own image.

这部电影的运行时间超过90分钟,在这些问题上发挥了完美的作用。直到电影中的最后一个场景之一,您才会看到暗杀的“准确”重述,但是当她与一位sly脚,狡猾的记者交谈时,您仍然看到她在看似不可思议的举止中的恐怖,再次扮演Billy Crudup。。这部电影是在她搬出白宫后对Crudup记者进行的一次采访的倒叙结构。它表明了LBJ如何担任总统职位,她如何为丈夫创建想要的葬礼,并展示她如何打破孩子的死亡消息。哦,您还看到她穿着那条粉红色香奈儿西装的脱衣服,并因她脱下鲜血的裸色紧身裤的形象而困扰着她。

There's an element of mania here, too. Jackie mourns the loss of her husband and in one scene, processes her grief by smoking cigarettes, prancing around the Oval Office in all of the gowns she never got to wear as First Lady and some that she did, all while listening to her husband's favourite song... again, all about mythmaking, and Camelot.

If it was not just shot so differently and if Natalie was not so committed, there's also the incredible supporting cast. Also, again, very deliberate. Greta Gerwig plays Jackie's chief of staff (more or less). The two previously starred together inNo Strings Attached。彼得·萨尔加德(Peter Sarsgaard)Garden State与娜塔莉(Natalie)一起,也以极大的温暖扮演鲍比·肯尼迪(Bobby Kennedy)。他甚至在聚光灯-类型场景非常适合颁奖季节。支持竞争者。娜塔莉(Natalie)发现自己被同龄人所包围,她已经与之建立了关系,以进一步增强我们都认为我们所知道的角色如何处理丈夫的死亡。她和她和牧师之间的场景,她可能诚实地倾诉的唯一人?他们很迷惑。这部电影要求我们考虑我们对肯尼迪人的了解是否真实。谁是真正的杰基,为什么她总是如此控制?

The night before the杰基premiere, Natalie was in town to promote the premiere of天文馆,哪个,喜欢杰基, also premiered in Venice. That night, she did not do interviews with every outlet. But at the杰基premiere, we were told by her publicist that A) she was wearing Prada, so please ask about the movie (she did this last yearto Danielle and me上the爱与黑暗的故事carpet) and B) she will not be answering pregnancy-related questions, but she will chat with all of the reporters on-hand. "Don't worry, she's doing everyone." (Lainey: ahem,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)。

And she did. And after the movie received a rapturous standing ovation, Natalie looked much more relaxed. In the Q&A with TIFF's Cameron Bailey, she debunked yet another myth about herself, and said, she's not a perfectionist. She loves to fail, but also loves to win. And she’s now a possible contender for Best Actress once again with this role.

When I was leaving the premiere, I noticed Gael Garcia Bernal was on-hand to support Natalie. I tried to suppress my nostalgia pangs for thoseGarden State从他们约会时开始的两者的现场照片,知道盖尔与拉兰一起在他的电影中合作No.他看上去很高兴。((对于那些保持得分的人,这是两个花园州的参考。不后悔)。它是在standable. I had goosebumps the entire time. It's here where I should add that I'm Kennedy obsessed. My LaineyGossip avatar? It's from a scene in Seinfeld where Elaine asks, during a job interview, if she has any grace... just like Jackie. I visited the Kennedy Museum on 11/22/03, when I was 16. That day, I remember being shocked when I noticed that on the 40th anniversary of the assassination, the museum did not do more to talk about the impact JFK's death had on American and global history. But now, after seeing杰基, 我得到它。他们不想破坏或破坏神话。神话不仅仅是纳塔莉(Natalie)的杰基(Jackie)在电影中不断辩护的东西 - 注意到花钱在历史物品上装饰白宫是所有昂贵的翻新,因为文物是我们的历史,而且持续时间比任何人持续更长。


认真。艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)可能赢得了威尼斯最佳女演员most competitive长期以来,奥斯卡奖最好的女演员比赛。