蒂夫(Tiff)的单词很快。有时,太快了。和Lion当每个人在周六首映时都感到惊讶a standing ovation。It's the based-on-a-true-storyDev Patel,Nicole Kidman,鲁尼·玛拉(Rooney Mara)收养电影似乎是由Google Earth赞助的,许多人称之为节日的失控。

Why? Well, because Harvey Weinstein bigged it up earlier this year as a film that会赢得“八或九”奥斯卡。This would be the film to save his studio — which is reportedly hemorrhaging staff, funds, access and acclaim — and he's been known to hype up projects with hot air in the past, so how can you take his word for it?

Maybe we should have listened with less of a sarcastic ear, becauseLionis非常有效Lion是萨鲁(Saroo)的故事(由帕特尔(Dev Patel)在后来的几年中扮演),他努力寻找和锻造自己的身份。他的收养母亲(妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman))爱他并关心他,但他对自己的生活感到内gui。萨鲁(Saroo)五岁时,他不小心被困在火车上,前往加尔各答(Calcutta),同时与他的兄弟在当地的一条火车轨道上玩耍。在街头生活和与绑架者的一些可怕的奔跑之后,他因盗窃而被捕,并在被派往收养机构后不久就被妮可的角色陷入困境。他坚持不懈地说,他永远无法告诉他的母亲“还好”或他的兄弟停止寻找他。他热爱他的收养家庭,但直到找到过去的答案并追踪他的亲生妈妈之前,他无法找到有关他的旧生活的关闭。

The film is devastatingly emotional, but not cheesy. While the conversations in the film, especially between Rooney Mara (Saroo's girlfriend) and Saroo appear to be too sparse or too swift to keep the plot moving quickly, they still work. And watching Rooney flirt with him throughout their meet-cute? It's a dream.Lionputs you in an emotional haze, actually. And it asks the question, too, about whether we know too much about celebrities.

Nicole is so, so, so good in this role, as an adoptive parent who insists that while she could have had children of her own with her husband, she always wanted Saroo and his brother (also adopted, not related by blood to Saroo). After this scene, where she talks about choice and choosing to adopt, it's hard not to relate it to her personal life, and her kids from her marriage with Tom Cruise, Bella and Connor. In the public's mind, we've heard about their estrangement, yet while doing press for the film with etalk, Nicole said not only that she was the mother of "four children," but that she was an adoptive parent of two and tells our colleague Liz Trinnear all about the joy, pain and stress of adoption. She called it a "love letter" to her adoptive children.

Nicole is leaning into her personal life with this role.


和it almost did not happen. Well, I almost did not see the movie on a Sunday at 9:15 a.m. I rushed to see it earlier than Lainey and I had originally scheduled because of how Liz — a self-professed music person and less of a film person — raved about the movie. I had never, ever, heard her talk about any movie like that in over a year of working together, and with such passionate language and "oh my gods." It was so engrossing, I had to see it barely 12 hours later. And she was right.Lionis not without its flaws of course, it reminds me a lot of Tom Hooper's debut, which also caught onto rapidfire word of mouth success at TIFF, and which was ALSO a Weinstein movie.

Is it manipulative? Sure. Also, is the product placement of "Google Earth" too much to handle? This is one of the tools Saroo uses to find his mom and it does not bother me. Like I said to Lainey yesterday, it reminds me of how Fed Ex is used as a catalyst inCast Away(with very different results). It's a brand, sure, but it feels more like a "brand partnership" than a marketing campaign. Besides, if independent-ish films cannot take advantage of this product placement, why can Marvel movies? And, also, it's true to life. This is how he reconnected with his (illiterate) mother in India. So why not honour the true story without looking "hokey" and while retaining that authenticity?


As for those "eight or nine" Oscars? Well, Nicole was stronger in Rabbit Hole, but this role was truly something she felt strongly about and could relate to deeply. You could tell. And she's already taking about these personal ties in her interviews. Dev is wonderful, too, and so rugged. This is not the Slumdog Millionairekid. He’s a man now, and eight years after贫民窟成为TIFF的巨大成功,他s back again with another multi-generational portrayal and word of mouth hit.


Click hereto see Liz's interview with Nicole Kidman andherefor Dev Patel.