名人分手有一些模板:联合声明(“我们前进为最好的朋友”)或惊喜档案(最近的kaley cuoco)和核分手(Halle Berry和Gabrielle Aubry和Brad和Angelina - 都采取了years to resolve and the latter isn’t over yet). What separates the gossip-y splits (like Brad and Jennifer) from the oh-sh-t-this-is-ugly splits (like Brad and Angelina) are the allegations of something physical happening. Now, as we’ve evolved in the way we talk about public relationships, understanding that abuse comes in different forms, physical abuse still holds a different level of seriousness because it’s tangible and can involve other parties (like Child Protective Services or the police).

据报道,几个小时据报道,Gigi Hadid和Zayn Malik分裂,TMZ放弃了一个炸弹的故事关于Gigi的母亲,Yolanda Hadid,指称Zayn“击中了”她(我使用引号,因为这是所用的确切短语)。TMZ的故事还包括这个细节:“我们的消息人士称,Yolanda的倾向是提出警察报告,但我们检查了,到目前为止,没有任何档案。”


这是一个主要的家庭危机。对于吉吉而言,与她的孩子的父亲的未来关系,与她的母亲的关系 - 所有这些都会受到这一点的影响。In Zayn’s statement he wrote in part “in an effort to protect that [private] space for her (Khai) I agreed to not contest claims arising from an argument I had with a family member of my partner’s” which I read as this happened and the use of “my partner” is present tense. The wording, to me, reads as if they were working through a discussion “to not contest claims” – contest to whom? Who is checking on the claims?



“我坚持不懈地否认睁大一惊的yolanda hakid,为了我的女儿,我拒绝提供进一步的细节,我希望Yolanda将重新考虑她的虚假指控,并致力于私下治愈这些家庭问题。”

This is sad and I’m not going to speculate on Zayn or Yolanda (yes, I watched her seasons of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and yes I’ve seen the video of Zayn shirtless and fighting on the streets of NYC) or this family crisis. What the story is here, as it is oftentimes with celebrities, is how the story got out. Gigi and Zayn clearly would never leak this (it makes him look bad and she is not one to court this kind of attention). No one on their teams would leak it for the same reasons. It does not say if this happened in NYC or in Pennsylvania, where they spend a lot of time on the family farm. Either way, it doesn’t seem like a law enforcement leak because nothing has been officially filed at the time of this writing.

所以谁泄露了这一点到TMZ,为什么?POV“考虑指控”似乎来自Yolanda的轨道。靠近家人(像另一个兄弟姐妹,地点,父母)那样知道的人可以让它溜走 - 但这是一个大的东西令人震惊。或者有目的地移交给TMZ。有一堆可能的情景:有人认为这个故事要泄漏并希望领先于此。或者与托管谈判有关(如果是的话,Yolanda将需要通过提交纸质踪迹的报告来遵循。或者也许有人害怕环境,并希望通过据称发生的是公众来鼓励分裂。

有很多场景,我们可能永远不会知道究竟发生了什么,我们不应该知道。我们不知道是否有人没有参与TMZ。泄漏这样的泄漏并没有与你的前任相同的紧急情况,因为你的母亲与你的母亲有一天,但是,吉吉可能会解决谁去了tmz,为什么。通过他的陈述来判断,似乎Zayn有他的怀疑。Considering the care they both go to protect their baby from photographers, this breach is a sh-tty addition to an already sh-t situation and now they’ll have to work on containing it on top of what they were already going through – finding a way to move past the damage and heal.
