模型是Met Gala的常规演员。这是时尚最大的夜晚 - 您可以争辩说,他们属于那里的人比经常超过他们的名人。lol比赛视频2019That said, most of the time, at least in my opinion, models are the least interesting models at the Met Gala because first of all, it’s their job to make an outfit work, and up until the last few years, their silhouettes were pretty similar, and frankly it’s more fun to see celebrities play with the theme because their professional theatricality lends itself better to an event that’s literally about costumes.

最近,当前一代的超模对他们的Met Gala选择更具想象力(例如,吉赛尔·邦申(Gisele Bundchen)),但这一次,因为在美国, in my opinion it wasn’t a standout year for the proper models…save one. Let’s not lump Iman, the legend, in with that.

我们从应该开始的地方开始,伊曼(Iman)在英国美国人哈里斯·里德(Harris Reed)中,他将其品牌描述为“浪漫的孤独二进制”。伊曼(Iman)的服装受到美国宴会厅的启发,这是一个奇观,这是只有像伊曼(Iman)这样的图标才能实现的奇观。This is 100% how you nail a theme – a debutante for modern times, and you can see a clear connection in this outfit between the southern belle cotillion and drag ball culture, especially in that headpiece, which is both Scarlett O’Hara and Scarlet Envy, or Scarlett Bobo if you’re in Canada. If you know, you know.

至于吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid),昨晚我们看到了很多好莱坞的敬意,她也在那条车道上服役。这可能是Ann-Margaret,可能是Ava Gardner,可能是Audrey Hepburn。虽然这并不是特殊的主题,但我真的很喜欢这款Prada连衣裙的建造。在大多数情况下,一件无肩带的连衣裙紧贴着胸部,这是我对露肩感到非常烦人的东西,因为您不得不经常调整其位置以解决肉的挤压位置。或者您一直在拉紧它。


另一方面,肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner)在纪梵希(Givenchy),我的意思是它精美,真的非常漂亮。我喜欢衣领,我爱帽子肩膀。是的,这也是对奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)的点头窈窕淑女。如果她将其戴在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,或者其他一些知名活动,那么我将全力以赴。但这是大都会晚会。正如我一直在说的那样,这是庆祝的万圣节,一半的人出现在电影人物中。但这仍然是一件赤裸的衣服,你知道吗?这是我们一遍又一遍地看到的。对我来说,这里的动机不一定是主题,而是我如何适应主题,以便我能够满足我的真实欲望,即看起来是性感的。从这个意义上讲,对我而言,鉴于事件,这是一个错过的。

性感总是艾米丽·拉塔科夫斯基(Emily Ratajkowski)的车道,她在维拉·王(Vera Wang)实现了这一目标。维拉(Vera)是美国人,维拉(Vera)在名人婚礼上度过了愉快的一年,坦率地说,我更喜欢维拉(Vera)的服装而不是她的模特。大都会晚会的拳击手短裤?对我来说,这是一个很大的肯定。

Emily Ratajkowski和Vera Wang参加了2021 Met Gala
Emily Ratajkowski和Vera Wang参加了2021 Met Gala(Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

最后,莉莉奥尔德里奇在拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)。抚慰心灵c Ralph Lauren. This is about as Ralph Lauren as it gets, so a checkmark on the theme but another check on the country music vibes too. Like June Carter Cash energy. So there’s a double down on the In America of it all and you can technically triple that when you consider her husband Caleb Followill and his musical roots.