每个人都喜欢失利的超级英雄回到最新的预告片复仇者:endgame。他们正在炫耀新的头发,新套装,并在他们准备在圆形中拍摄同时的时候,让他们的经历。我不是超级进入这些拖车的基调,只会增加我的“让我们刚刚通过这个”的感觉结束游戏。I’m sure the movie itself will have more verve, and I understand the Avengers are dealing with their f-ck up resulting in the death of half the universe and it’s not going to be a picnic to fix it, but I watch these trailers and it’s like, Yeah, I get it, the Avengers are serious now. I just wish the marketing was pushing the hope button a little harder and the sad, grey button a little less. This is a tone they’re choosing to set, and it’s kind of a bummer. I’m still high from玛佛队长,这就是你乘坐卡罗尔的方式?悲伤,傻瓜,闷闷不乐?他们可以播放“希望用第二次机会上升”卡,而是他们正在播放“悲伤咨询和遗憾的发型”卡。

说说发型。在黑寡妇的头上发生了永恒的f-ck?娜塔莎一直有质疑的头发 - 即使斯嘉丽约翰逊自己有一个甜蜜的底切,而且这结束游戏看起来是最糟糕的。我不得不暂停拖车并备份并确保我没有想象双色染料工作。我不是,那是她的头发。Natasha就像,我甚至不在乎,我要染色,只需用Kool-Aid就染成头发的顶部。我们在夏令营这样做。娜塔莎看起来像是去过营地,她的染料工作和辫子。

Hawkeye,同时,终于有一个独特和酷的外观。这部电影完全浪费了Hawkeye,其中一个伟大的漫画救济复仇者,但至少在这里他看起来很酷。它很清楚他的家人撒了尘,他似乎是某种横冲直撞。But mostly I’m just waiting to reboot Hawkeye on Disney’s upcoming streaming service, where the Matt Fraction comic book run can be done properly and we can get Superior Hawkeye Kate Bishop in here (and no, I do not think that is Kate in the trailer). Also, can we talk about the Avengers new suits? They’re horrible. They look like officemates dressed for a corporate team-building exercise at a weekend retreat in the woods. Of course, they probably wouldn’t look so bad if we hadn’t just seen Carol Danvers’ kick ass super-suit. There is no way they get Carol into one of these. I bet she incinerates hers on sight and sticks to her own look.
