
现在,我们距离2022年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼和近年来最激烈的奥斯卡赛车比赛不到一周。但是雷切尔·泽勒(Rachel Zegler)会在那里吗?


雷切尔发布这张照片上IG on Saturday and then, in the comments, in response to someone who wrote that they couldn’t wait to see what she’d wear to the Oscars, Rachel confirmed that she wouldn’t be going because she tried but couldn’t get an invitation, sparking big reaction from people who were like…um… how can the star of an Oscar-nominated film not get an invitation to the Oscars?

由于我们仍处于大流行状态,因此今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼并未充分满足。提名人和演示者将获得额外的门票,然后将其余的分发给代表被提名电影的工作室,然后决定如何管理自己的门票分配。我猜迪士尼,西侧的故事的工作室,找不到将雷切尔(Rachel)列入名单的方法 - 至少还没有。因为现在她在社交媒体上被召唤出来,所以幕后问题现已成为一个悬而未决的问题。

That’s the part of this that I’m most interested in. Rachel is still relatively new in the industry and, well, typically it’s not advisable at this stage in her career to be out here talking about not being able to go the Oscars to represent your movie. I’m curious whether or not she checked with her publicist before she responded that way on Instagram. If so, it’s a ballsy strategy and I’m not mad at it. But also, she’s 20 years old, the rules are different for her generation and it may very well have been a spontaneous reaction that has resulted in an even bigger reaction. Rachel ended up tweeting one final message about it yesterday, perhaps on the recommendation of her team to soften the situation but at the same time, this isn’t an apology. She said what she said.

但是,谈到雷切尔的一代,这就是学院的观众,随着节目的所有变化,并试图使其更加相关和娱乐,以便他们可以在该机构中获得青年投资。这可能就是为什么肖恩·门德斯(Shawn Mendes)被邀请作为主持人的原因,我在这里得到了策略,因为肖恩(Shawn)拥有大量且投入的粉丝群。But when you consider that Shawn will be there, and he ostensibly has nothing to do with the films being celebrated, and Rachel’s not going to be there (unless something changes – and I’m thinking it probably will? Although now it’ll be a scramble to get a dress!), it makes the whole thing even more confusing.

另一位被确认为主持人的迪士尼明星是即将上映的Live Action Little Mermaid电影的明星Halle Bailey。它仍然一年多了l小美人鱼出来,但许多人猜测这里还有另一种联系:碧昂丝。碧昂斯(Beyoncé理查德国王。该学院尚未确认女王是否会表演 - 我们甚至不知道她是否会参加。但是自从哈勒(Halle)宣布为主持人以来,现在有人猜测她将介绍碧昂丝(Beyoncé)。如果是这样的话,如果碧昂丝真的表演或至少要参加,那么学院目前正在退缩就令人惊讶。

