Netflix的第一卷Harry & Meghan针对英国媒体,尤其是英国的小报媒体,以及皇家机构与皇家罗塔(Royal Rota)之间的关系,这是涵盖王室的新闻池。这是对王室和哈里王子在去年对奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)采访时首次提到的王室“无形合同”和小报之间的“无形合同”的解释。

In response, the“媒体对梅根(Meghan)和哈里(Harry)系列赛愤怒的媒体揭开墙壁的报道”。正如监护人指出的那样:

“在发行第一集的两个小时内,top 12 stories on MailOnline都是关于这对夫妇的,并配有图片,GIF和屏幕截图。The Sun在前两个小时内,在线上了七个有关这对夫妇的故事。”

不用说,几乎没有提及“隐形合同”,或者他们对梅根的报道多年来的报道多年。就是说,在“看不见的合同”方面,这里更大的观点就是为什么君主制要维护它的原因,为什么他们继续对这种新闻业的软联合依据。这将是哈里和梅根第二卷的重点。第一卷就在哈利和梅根的婚礼当天结束。第二卷,大概是事后发生的事情,那将是一部大戏 - 婚礼与哈利和梅根(Meghan)退出皇家生活的决定之间发生了什么?那时该系列的重点可能会转移到皇室成员本身。下周,我们可以谈论第二卷的小人。然而,第一卷的反派绝对是英国媒体。

如果您想一个例子说明他们对苏塞克斯人的报道有多么不负责任,那么第三集提供了一个重要的内容:梅根(Meghan)的同父异母姐姐萨曼莎·马克尔(Samantha Markle)。英国媒体已经为萨曼莎·马克尔(Samantha Markle)提供了很多通话时间,萨曼莎·马克尔(Samantha Markle)多年来一直声称她非常了解梅根(Meghan),而实际上他们没有恋爱关系。有很多证据支持这样一个事实,即两者之间没有有意义的联系。然而,许多英国小报出版和广播基本上是萨曼莎所说的任何东西,而且自然而然地,这是贬义的。没有事实检查,如果是的话,缺乏信誉并不是一个问题 - 这可能是他们想要的。萨曼莎(Samantha)谎言越多,他们就越会放大那些谎言。萨曼莎(Samantha)被鼓励撒谎。

So much of what Samantha has said has shaped public opinion of Meghan, which means so much of what the public thinks of Meghan, via what they’ve read through the tabloids, comes from Samantha’s falsehoods, contributing to the foundation of anti-Sussex sentiment. At this point, these people are like their own QAnon.

But there’s a pretty big revelation about Samantha in Harry & Meghan, centering on a person who has NOT been reported on very much over the years: her biological daughter, Ashleigh. For all of Samantha’s screeching about Meghan abandoning and betraying her family, it turns out that she was never a part of her own daughter’s life. Ashleigh was raised by her paternal grandparents, she’s obviously been through some sh-t.


Because of Samantha. Samantha was spreading so much bullsh-t leading up to the wedding, through the British tabloids, that royal advisors cautioned Meghan against inviting Ashleigh to the wedding because they thought it would be too messy to have to explain why Ashleigh was there but not her biological mother. That decision, it seems, has permanently altered Meghan and Ashleigh’s relationship.

为什么像萨曼莎(Samantha)这样的人缺乏信誉,鉴于如此巨大的平台可以散发出如此多的谎言?想一想所有这些谎言的影响,就像披萨阴谋主义者在Facebook上一样 - 这是故意的,而且是出于种族动机。

梅根·在三集,她说believes that the tabloids desperately wanted the Black side of her family to be the mess so as to feed into racist stereotypes. But in Doria, her mother, all they got was someone “classy and quiet”. So instead they took the word of a white family member who is shady AF, who came out of the woodwork claiming to be a close relative, and gave her a megaphone without interrogating, at all, the integrity of her claims. The British tabloids here were agents of disinformation, and that disinformation has caused irreparable damage. Why, then, does the royal institution continue to align themselves with them? What does it say about the royal institution that they do? That’s coming up in volume two.