I’m writing this at a desk while, a few feet away, my husband Jacek is in bed with his iPad, headphones on, watchingHarry & Meghan在Netflix上。这是因为我比他今天早起的前两集都早起,现在他想赶上。我告诉您这是因为该节目适合所有人。对于哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的球迷来说,苏塞克斯队的球队是强制性的。对于那些不一定是超级粉丝但显然想要所有菜的人来说,这很美味。对于仇恨者来说,众多的人被称为,请来吧,他们也会喜欢它。我的一个朋友前几天说,她希望我们能为“我不会看着”人群提供Netflix收视率地图……因为……当然他们在看。有点像“谁在乎?”在线评论员或社交媒体上。你知道那个人吗? The one who comments “who cares” on a post when they just cared enough to post a comment? There’s definitely a Venn overlap between those demographics.

According to media reports ahead of the release ofHarry & Meghan,the couple wanted to walk back certain comments they made during filming. According to Meghanduring her interview with Variety不一定,这是她和哈利卧室uld have told their story, exactly, but they accept that what will be out there is through the filmmaker’s lens. As I noted the other day, the Netflix lens is also important. They know their audience, they know their algorithm, they know what will get people watching and re-watching, they know the formula. Which is whyHarry & Meghan有一部rom-com的节拍,浪漫的戏剧,真正的犯罪系列以及……真人秀。

当然,这是一个真人秀。英国王室是OG真人秀家族。在卡戴珊人之前,是温莎。正如政府和宪法教授罗伯特·哈泽尔(Robert Hazell),君主制在现代民主中的作者,他在纪录片中扮演的角色,他在第一集中说:


他们不使用自己的摄像头 - 他们使用媒体……但这仍然是一场演出。他们的腰带,军刀和头饰显示出它们。他们的马和皇冠表现出来。他们在狩猎旅行,假期和医院中显示出来。

他们的问题是他们的演出变得无聊和过时了……但是演出必须继续。真人秀必须继续。现实表明,人们正在观看的是卡戴珊主义者和家庭主妇。但是,除了标题外,这里真的有区别吗?英国王室出售盘子上脸上的盘子。他们和贝丝妮·弗兰克尔(Bethenny Frankel)和她的葡萄酒有什么区别?


这是Netflix吸引的观众Harry & Meghan。因为哈里和梅根是那一代人最能回应的人。哈利和梅根声称他们不倾向于这一点,但他们是。甚至首先同意制作这部纪录片,他们完全是。他们把王室留在后面。因为如果查尔斯国王和他的人民继续按照他们一直做的方式做事,他们将无法跟上这种讲故事。



正如预告片中承诺的那样,哈利和梅根本人共享的独家录像中,当他们秘密地建立和秘密约会时,就建立了他们恋爱关系的早期。All of these images – of Harry’s disguises, of Harry and Meghan kissing in a photo booth, of the two of them video-chatting, cuddled up on their third date in Botswana – work like an Instagram reel, a highlight package of their love in bloom.




迄今为止,该系列中最强大的部分之一是他们如何将哈利和梅根的时刻联系起来。当时,移民是一个关键的政治问题,右翼领导人煽动种族和文化两极分化,当时已经有一个严重而危险的当前流经英国。在那种环境中,哈里王子(Harry Prince Harry)出生于一个历史殖民者家族,爱上了一个黑人美国妇女。这部纪录片简洁地将其联系在一起,以强调梅根所经历的种族主义,以及为什么骚扰她的方式与其他妇女在皇室遭到骚扰之前结婚的方式不同。


就在昨天,在发布前几个小时Harry & Meghan,《每日邮报》发表了一篇文章,上面写着“朋友和家人的拒绝哈利和梅根的Netflix节目”,暗示哈里和梅根没有任何朋友或亲戚为他们露面。

There are a lot of friends who show up in the documentary. Several of Meghan’s friends, including actress Abigail Spencer, show up to talk about the early days of their romance. Harry has friends who remember what it was like going to school with him. Prince Seeiso of Lesotho shows up to talk about their bond and how they founded Sentebale together and why being in Lesotho was more like home for Harry than it was in England.

然后是梅根(Meghan)的母亲多莉亚·拉格兰(Doria Ragland),最后讲话。同样,我只有两集,但是多里亚的贡献最终可能是最强大的。因为多莉亚一直保持安静,但多莉亚一直在这里。她目睹了所有这些。她不得不看着种族主义者针对女儿。在一个令人心碎的场景中,梅根(Meghan)谈到了她的黑人是如何在她和哈利的关系中揭露的,多里亚(Doria)说的:


Because Doria knew, right away, that the British tabloids feeding into white supremacy would make their situation about race. As the documentary digs deeper into the racism in upcoming episodes, and expands that conversation to include the royal family’s racial bias, it’ll be very interesting to compare Doria’s empathy for her child and her son-in-law to the lack of empathy from the royals.

Speaking of…



And then later, in episode two, Meghan is recounting meeting Will and Kate for the first time and she’s in ripped up jeans and she describes how formal Will and Kate are, how you think it’s one thing to be all clenched and tight outside but to be able to exhale and just relaxed when you’re inside and the implication here is that Will and Kate aren’t like that in private. Meghan at first thought it was a joke that she had to curtsey when she met the Queen and then re-enacts, elaborately, a bow, her body folded and lowered down to her knees, and she’s laughing as she comes up while Harry watches, a bemused expression on his face.

那是给仇恨者的 - 就像我说的那样,Harry & Meghan是每个人都适合的,这一刻将使仇恨者有几天的咀嚼,因为他们已经指责梅根嘲笑皇家习俗和女王的身材。因此,女王的记忆,因为女王je下刚刚去世,现在梅根(Meghan)在这里回想起她与英国最长的君主幽默最长的观众。

I wonder if this was the part that Harry and Meghan wanted taken out. Because they actually speak quite fondly of the Queen and Prince Philip later on but this is the part, especially with the physical gesture, that can be amplified and taken out of context.

这些只是前两集中的一些观察结果,但已经符合Netflix通常的12月流媒体统治所需的炒作。我前几天写了Netflix是这里的赢家and so far, it’s proving to be true. Harry & Meghan are front page everywhere. And the streaming numbers for the first three episodes are going to be big through the weekend, before the second volume of episodes drop next week.
