Riley Keough is making her directorial debut at Cannes, with a film she co-directed with her business partner, Gina Gammell. They’re premiering战争小马在电影节的一定方面,他们制作了一部关于年轻人在南达科他州的派恩里奇保留地长大的电影。不是本地人的Keough和Gammell也是剧本的共同撰写者。让我们拆箱,因为里面有很多文章包裹关于基尔和她的新电影,这基本上是对两名白人妇女摇摇欲坠的理由,并制作了一部关于住在那里的土著人的电影。这件作品在付费墙后面,所以我将为您彻底引用。

首先,背景。基尔在做美国蜂蜜在2015年的安德里亚·阿诺德(Andrea Arnold)遇到了来自派恩·岭(Pine Ridge),富兰克林·苏(Franklin Sioux Bob)和比尔·雷迪(Bill Reddy)的两名Oglala Lakota男子,在南达科他州拍摄时被聘为一日游。Their scene got shifted, so they ended up spending the day hanging out and talking, and it sounds like a real friendship was born between them, and Keough, along with Gammell, would make trips back to South Dakota on, let’s call them friendly fact-finding missions. She was taken with the stories Sioux Bob and Reddy would tell about growing up on the rez, their “war stories”, and over time, these storytelling sessions turned into writing sessions. The four of them ended up writing a script together inspired by Sioux Bob and Reddy’s experiences on the rez.

好的。莱利·基尔(Riley Keough)在拍摄电影时结交了一些朋友,这导致了脚本合作。但是导演说电影呢?加梅尔说,“我认为从来没有有意识的想法,“让我们一起去看电影。’”但最终,他们决定这样做,以“促进[我]的声音”,他们讲的故事。加梅尔继续“重要的是我们没有进入中间。[…]我们的声音不是写作过程或电影制作过程的一部分。我们只是作为使人们讲述自己的故事的船只而存在的。”

Giving Keough and Gammell the benefit of the doubt, let’s assume they have the best, purest intentions, and reading the interview, it does sound like they’re aware of how loaded it is in 2022 for two white people to make a movie about the contemporary Native experience in America. Keough calls it “very complicated” (right after this quote,包裹包括库尔(Keough)的祖父埃尔维斯·普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)认为,他的母亲一边有切诺基鲜血,正如许多南方人认为,他们总是在母亲的一边做到的那样)。因此,他们意识到他们正在使用这部电影的大量弹簧陷阱,公平地说,他们似乎对将这个主题作为局外人的问题和含义非常敏感。

但是,您永远无法真正将作者与他们的故事分离。每个故事都与故事本身一样多。人们希望他们的电影对自我的深刻个人表达,直到他们知道自己正在制作一部可能不应该制作的电影。然后是“我只是一艘船只”和“我想确保做对了”。您知道还有谁想确保事情做对吗?来自派恩里奇(Pine Ridge)的拉科塔电影制片人威利·怀特(Willi White)于2017年获得了圣丹斯·奖学金。

他生产的经验战争小马, 他说,“起初,我不确定我是否真的想成为其中的一部分。[…] A lot of people have come to Pine Ridge to make movies about the [I]ndigenous experience, and it’s very clichéd, problematic storytelling: ‘Oh, there’s poverty, there’s addiction, all these things are wrong with the community, poor Native people, boo hoo.’ With no real sense of the diversity of the community, or the roots of those issues in colonization and the mass genocide of [I]ndigenous people and federal laws taking away language and culture and all these things. They never contextualize stories like that. So when they say, ‘Oh, Willi, go see these white filmmakers,’ I become very suspicious.”


我想这是使整个事情都可以的本地认可邮票,我想知道是否有人不愿问威利·怀特(Willi White),他是否真的相信莱利·基尔(Riley Keough)和吉娜·盖梅尔(Gina Gammell)是制作这部电影的人,或者他觉得这是这样最好的。我也想知道,库夫(Keough)和伽梅尔(Gammell)是否曾经停下来问圣丹斯·同胞电影制片人怀特(White),是否也许他想指导这部电影。我可以理解Keough和Gammell对讲述朋友的故事充满热情,但是他们曾经想过要寻找一个本地电影制片人来掌权吗?毕竟,他们与本地作家共同编写了剧本,他们似乎敏锐地意识到他们正在涉水的深水,我只是想知道是否有人说,也许我们应该尝试找到一个本地电影制片人?除了威利·怀特(Willi White)站在你旁边,本地电影制片人还在存在

再一次,我完全相信Keough和甘贝尔通过ionate about this film and are aware of the loaded nature of making a film about Native experiences as white filmmakers and are trying to be sensitive to that. And it does sound like they worked to involve the community and collaborate with Natives, except, you know, in the directorial effort. I just wonder why we’re still doing this in the year 2022. This subject is so loaded that包裹专门介绍了他们的戛纳特刊,以解释为什么这两位白人女士可以制作一部关于本地体验的电影是可以的。一无所有,但是有人曾经告诉我任何人在不提示的情况下解释自己可能做错了。

而且不要把克洛伊·佐(Chloe Zhao)作为障碍,她充分讨论了她作为移民的局外人地位如何帮助她解构美国西部的神话。在她在美国西部及其周围制作电影的经历,赵,,,,但是,仅通过将相机指向某物,您就已经在发表某种声明了。这是不可避免的,因为您正在添加视角。I find that sometimes when I go into a community that’s not my own, or a community that has a lot of issues attached to it, I have to resist wanting to say something about how I think they could be better, or how I think the government has wronged them. A lot of times, they tell me what they think I want to hear because they’ve been interviewed many times by journalists. And usually, there’s something that these people who are interviewing them want them to say, because people go in with an agenda. I hear them saying things to me almost like they’re programmed to do it.”

一,赵通过导演电影承认,她正在对这个故事进行看法。没有权威离婚。而且她知道,当局外人来到一个封闭的社区并试图理解它时,她必须超越自己的看法,这是她自己作为一个无知的局外人,以及她的臣民的任何看法都可能,她的臣民都必须超越观念,而她的臣民可能会超越自己的看法,并且她的受试者可能会超越观念有他们认为她想听听的内容。另外,她作为移民的地位,她关于西方的电影植根于另一个人的视角。她的电影Songs My Brothers Taught Me骑手,两者都设置在松树岭保留地上,这是由在自己的土地上成为陌生人的想法所基于的。她不会成为莱利·基夫(Riley Keough)和吉娜·加梅尔(Gina Gammell)的好盾牌。

我希望这部电影最好。它已经制作了,我希望结果很好。我也希望威利·怀特(Willi White)能尽快执导一项功能,我希望他不会在某人想在Pine Ridge拍摄电影时成为Lakota的家伙。我希望下次白人在南达科他州有顿悟时,他们首先谷歌看看是否有人更适合讲述他们突然想这么糟糕的故事。因为我向您保证,美洲原住民一直在等待字面的几个世纪来讲述自己的故事。
