什么时候布里奇顿在第一个赛季结束时,浪漫主义英雄和女主人公西蒙和达芙妮(Simon)和达芙妮(Daphne)陷入了婚姻幸福(Bliss),这是一个婴儿。不过,达芙妮的哥哥宣布打算寻找妻子,但要从诉讼中消除爱情。Season two catches up with Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey), in the season of 1814. Armed with a checklist of desirable traits in a wife—including “suitable hips for childbirth” and “half a brain, though that’s more of a preference”—Anthony begins his search and quickly find the ladies of theton缺乏。输入两个新人,沙姆a sisters, with elder sister Kate (Simone Ashley) a spinster at age 26, and younger sister Edwina (Charithra Chandran) declared the season’s diamond by the queen. Deciding the diamond will do, Anthony sets about courting Edwina. Just one problem: he can’t stop staring at Kate, and they develop a habit of flirt-fighting and breathing intensely on each other wherever they go.

For those looking for a redux of season one’s frothy, bubbly rom-com fun, season two of布里奇顿might be a disappointment. The froth factor is lower, the bubble quotient much reduced. Kate and Anthony are a splendid pair, bolstered by the tangible chemistry of Bailey and Ashley, but they are mired in an increasingly untenable situation. Both are so stubborn they cannot admit they are wrong, which means Anthony won’t back down from his courtship of Edwina, and Kate won’t just be honest and tell her sistershelikes Anthony. And so the love triangle grows thornier and more fraught the deeper into the season we get, and布里奇顿pushes this plot to the absolute max, backing the characters into a corner that is inescapable without making Anthony and Kate out to be assholes at one point or another. While that serves to deepen the costs of what is usually a facile romance novel plot and explore the true consequences of declaring your heart for the wrong person in the Regency era, it doesn’t make for the same kind of fun escapism as season one.

另外,读者,请警告。该节目与书籍相去甚远。本身本身,这不是一个问题,因为要真正成功,改编必须独自站立。但是在布里奇顿节目的作家第二季,由演艺人员克里斯·范·杜森(Chris Van Dusen)领导,放弃了deus ex apisprovided by Julia Quinn in her novelThe Viscount Who Loved Me, but they never quite work out what this season is about, if it’s not going to be another romp through the Regency complete with compromising positions and speedy marriages and extended honeymoon sex scenes. Indeed, the sex scenes are vastly reduced here, and whether that’s a function of filming during the time of COVID or a desire to move the show away from its licentious reputation isn’t clear; either way, season two is tons of foreplay and little follow-through.

但是,哦,那个前戏。尽管季节与故事引擎挣扎,但通过主题将角色并将各种故事情节联系在一起的事情,它钉上了前戏。(1zplayLainey:确认 - 是否Everrrr。真正相信安东尼是一个拼命坚持自己的荣誉的人,但知道他无论如何都会把它赶出窗外。它非常热,应该给“我为你燃烧”的钱。有很多类似的时刻,可以很好地工作。家庭pall购物中心游戏精美,恰恰是一种泡沫乐趣布里奇顿在新生赛季交付。这里有一顿痛苦的家庭晚餐,几只明亮的针头滴落,完美地强调了特定时刻的情绪,并且演出凭借其糖果色的连衣裙和鲜花的套装看起来仍然很棒。

But to return to the idea of the story engine,布里奇顿season two never quite gels. The engine of the first season is gossip, and all the many storylines weave in and out as various characters deal with gossip from myriad angles. In season two, though, there is no uniting factor. The central love triangle has little to do with Eloise’s foray into political radicalism, and nothing to do with Benedict’s continued pursuit of art or the Featheringtons scheming to save their fortune; and the queen hunting Lady Whistledown feels even more removed from all of this, even though Edwina is, ostensibly, her trojan horse in the affair. There is something missing at the heart of season two, and it has to do with how the show handles the respective childhoods of Kate and Anthony. We get a series of flashbacks showing the terrible day Anthony’s father died, and what it meant for him to inherit the title and estate—and responsibility for his family—at 18.

There is no corresponding flashback for Kate, though. She touches on her own parental losses, but she seems much more emotionally stable, on that front, than Anthony, which means that when he lays his heart bare, she has nothing to offer in return. (Book readers, I hear you, and I KNOW.) It creates an imbalance in their relationship that then undercuts why they’re so determined to take the love triangle as far as they do. For Anthony, it is a desire to not marry a woman who tortures him as Kate does, he simply cannot make himself vulnerable to that kind of love for fear of losing it, or leaving his wife behind, as he saw his mother mired in grief after his father died. He clings to Edwina because she is the easier option, the less challenging partner. But Kate’s motivations are strictly plot-driven. She has a reason for dissembling with Edwina on the plot level, but no deeper故事reason for her self-denial. WHY is Kate doing this? Sure, she doesn’t want to hurt her sister, but at a certain point, it becomes clear Edwina will be hurt no matter what. At that point, WHY does Kate keep going? There’s never a good answer for Kate’s behavior, which is when she starts to just seem like an asshole.

因此,本赛季的结论感觉非常匆忙。在本赛季的节奏非常糟糕,新的子情节深入到季节中,然后只需在一个或两个小时内就可以解决。最后一集的最后20分钟在Breakneck Pace Blaze Blaze时,作家试图将所有内容绑起来,然后我们才能在第三季进入本尼迪克特的故事。但是,没有比凯特(Kate)和安东尼(Anthony)的节奏不好的受害者更大,他们渴望永远互相焦虑,然后几乎没有得到任何宣泄。I don’t even mean the sex scenes, I mean the characters never get a moment to just breathe as Kate-and-Anthony, the emotional payoff of all their pining is rushed and undercut by all the other stuff going on as the season winds down.布里奇顿第二季还不错,我怀疑非书籍读者会更好地做到这一点,因为他们只是不知道他们缺少什么。但是,不可否认的是,匆忙的结局或对凯特和安东尼的史诗般的困境的仓促解决方案。设置很棒,渴望很美味,但最终的实际浪漫量是平坦的。

布里奇顿season two begins streaming on Netflix from March 25, 2022.