塔蒂亚娜·马斯拉尼(Tatiana Maslany)是一位大型明星,我知道这不是因为她的多层,变革性的工作孤儿黑但是因为仅她的明星力量就足以转弯he-hulk:法律律师,就像Marvel曾经提供的一碗超级英雄坡度一样,就像一个轻度有趣的半小时表演一样。她绿,就像某人所说的那样,“艾莉·麦克比尔(Ally McBeal)但是有了超级英雄,”不考虑所有的方式艾莉·麦克比尔(Ally McBeal)从理论上讲,这是一部在律师事务所开设的“超人法律部”的工作场所喜剧。在MCU世界的当前时间表中,超级英雄距离超级英雄已经有20年了,他们刚刚采取法律,案件非常疯狂,但这也是一部分的一部分她绿当然,“超人法律”的魅力将是傻瓜,因为如果不是邪恶的机器人试图征服世界,那么阿斯加尔德骗子骗子骗子失败者认为他们可以和梅根·梅根·诺普(Megan Thee Stallion)约会。

她绿名义上是关于詹妮弗·沃尔特斯(Jennifer Walters)的詹妮弗·沃尔特斯(Jennifer Walters),他扮演了马斯拉尼(Maslany)的精彩魅力,在与堂兄布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)意外的血液交流后被抚养。但这也有很多关于“ 30多岁的约会”和“成为女人”,而前四集中有60%是从奇迹船长骑自行车的人告诉卡罗尔在哪里微笑。It’s not that being a woman isn’t hard and dating in your 30s doesn’t suck—or that “30s” isn’t just a construct for the liminal space between “young enough to f-ck around” and “old enough to find out”—it’s that她绿对此很简单。There are several opportunities for the how to use Jennifer’s Hulk situation to examine the duality of a being a professional woman expected to achieve at the highest levels but also be a potential homemaker who could, at any time, mother this man-baby into full adulthood while also raising actual children and it does nothing with it. You can feel the show trying to Have Thoughts and Things To Say about the State Of Modern Womanhood but getting nowhere.

由凯特·科罗(Kat Coiro)和阿努·瓦利亚(Anu Valia)执导的演出以及杰西卡·高(Jessica Gao)的头写,是成功的,就是成为马斯拉尼(Maslany)的明星车辆。她很棒。CG是无缝的吗?不!绝不!She-Hulk的设计令人困惑吗?是的!总是!詹妮弗(Jennifer)是一位高大的绿色怪物妈妈,拥有巨大的芭比娃娃尸体和完美的海滩波浪。她以某种方式很大,同时又娇小! She can step on my neck AND give me body dysmorphia! And through it all, Maslany’s natural cuteness beams through the screen and makes you love Jennifer as “just Jen” or the broccoli-skinned Boudica, even when her dialogue is drivel.

There’s almost a point made about Jennifer being better at handling her Hulk side than Bruce Banner because as a woman, Jennifer is used to swallowing insults/harassment daily and is thus better at managing her anger, but the show does ignore that Bruce was an abused child, which is the source of his rage, and Jennifer had a happy homelife. The show doesn’t really do anything with the way women must contain emotions or else be labelled “difficult”, anyway, except point it out and pointing something out is not the same thing as thematic revelations. But, hey, there’s Wong (Benedict Wong), and everyone loves Wong!

我们梦dream以求的大绿色固定着女孩告诉我们,她打破了第四堵墙,没有为节目增添实质性!马斯兰尼(Maslany)是如此有才华跳蚤在做,你错了!休息时间没有阐明詹妮弗的内心生活,思想或理解,她只是放弃了博览会或单线,然后继续前进。Again, this entire show could have been about duality and how women are pressured to constantly present multiple selves but the scene of Jennifer “code switching” between “just Jen” and the vast verdant babe is so thin it’s borderline offensive to those who have to code-switch just to survive in our stifling society.

如果您停止考虑,她绿感觉像是一个主要错过的机会。所有的作品都在那儿,以探讨社会如何弯曲和扭曲女性不可能的形状,但这并不是任何有趣的东西。她绿感觉不到其部分的总和,充满了可爱的演员在可爱的环境中表现出可爱的表演,除了“约会很烂”之外,什么也没说什么话,但这认为这是机智和聪明的。她绿基本上是妄想丹尼斯·布科夫斯基(Drew Matthews)的电视节目版本,他认为他是上帝对女人的礼物,但实际上只是一个混蛋。

她绿不过,这不是一个混蛋的表演,它太善良了,但是如果他们认为自己对女人和女人味或工作女人的世界说什么真实的话,那背后的每个人都会被迷惑。什么她绿很擅长让Tatiana Maslany成为F-Cking明星,刚刚拥有屏幕开始完成,还向我们介绍了Madisynn(Patty Guggenheim),这是一个完全最糟糕的垃圾人。这可能是一个不好的迹象表明,关于您的新复仇者节目的最好的事情是关于一个空头派对女孩的一体笑话角色,但Madisynn拥有无可挑剔的交付和喜剧时机的超级大国。如果我再也看不到我们巨大的草皮女神,我可能不会三思而后行,但是我希望Madisynn从现在开始,直到太阳爆炸。
