The first season of俄罗斯娃娃basically perfect,因此第二个赛季的酒吧特别高。还有跳蚤standard to contend with, in which a one-off limited series is extended to a second season after breakout success, and in跳蚤’s case, the second season is, somehow, better than the first. The question, then, is can俄罗斯娃娃do what跳蚤做到了并给我们第二个赛季至少与第一个一样好吗?答案:不完全。自从纳迪亚(Creator Writer-Star)娜塔莎·莱昂(Natasha Lyonne)和艾伦(Charlie Barnett)(Charlie Barnett)陷入了纳迪亚(Nadia)第三十六周年生日之夜以来,已经过去了四年。现在,纳迪亚(Nadia)现在在四十岁的风口浪尖上,发现自己乘坐6列火车回来了,1982年登陆她的出生年度,发现她居住在母亲莱诺拉(Chloe Sevigny)的尸体。

就时间漫步而言,设置相当简单,就时间而言。纳迪亚(Nadia)有机会通过在关键时刻体验自己的生活来更好地了解她已故的母亲,这不仅仅是纳迪亚(Nadia)自己的出生,而且是勒诺拉(Lenora)失去金克鲁格兰兹(Gold Krugerrands)的时代。纳迪亚(NadiaIrén Bordán). I skipped all trailers and previews for俄罗斯娃娃,打算尽可能地进入新季节,所以想象一下,当Sharlto Copley发出巨大的可卡因泥巴能量时,我的喜悦出现在Lenora的Dirtbag男友Chez时。安妮·墨菲(Annie Murphy)也是本赛季的新季节,接任娜迪亚(Nadia)的教母露丝(Ruth),他抚养了她。

但是,除了看到科利(Copley)感到惊喜之外(我从回来的路上爱的人),第二季没有像以前相同的刺激。其中有些是故事的宽松,较不连续的本性 - 纳迪亚和艾伦各自的旅行与彼此无关,主题上也不相处良好。但这也是我们最近看到了很多时空的骗子来探索世代创伤,并且该概念的新鲜感正在到期。不是俄罗斯娃娃的错,但确实感觉到每个人都有同样的想法,现在一切都是多个和平行的维度,就像对家庭创伤的隐喻一样。但是什么俄罗斯娃娃尝试做得很好,尤其是在后来的一集中,纳迪亚(Nadia)越来越拼命地“修复”了母亲的过去,然后是祖母的过去,导致了一个越来越多的搞砸了。您无法真正改变发生的事情,您只能学会与它们一起生活,然后继续前进。这是一个不错的信息,俄罗斯娃娃gets it across without becoming too obvious.

不过,纳迪亚和查理之间的断开连接是一个痛苦的地方。由于他们的命运之夜的重叠方式,他们在第一季中的整合得很好,但是在第二季中没有这样的有机场所。显然他们已经成为亲密的朋友 - 似乎他们的分裂时间表可能合并了吗?目前尚不清楚,但纳迪亚(Nadia)和艾伦(Alan)都记得他们四年的时间循环噩梦,但是本赛季的新科幻机制并没有使他们更加接近。艾伦(Alan)回到了他在柏林冷战的母亲的生活中,她正在学习工程学。He isn’t learning the same lesson as Nadia by making these trips into his mother’s life, though, nor is as much story space devoted to Alan as is to Nadia, who has a whole Nazi mystery to unravel, so Alan’s story ends up feeling rushed and undercooked. It feels like they should have either found a way to better integrate Alan into Nadia’s story, or just not brought him back at all. The half measure that exists doesn’t really work, and is the season’s weakest element.

俄罗斯娃娃第二个赛季仍然是有趣,真实吗table verbal symphony for Lyonne (who also directs three of the seven episodes), who remains one of the coolest people on television, but it is unquestionably messier than season one. The balance, between characters, between story and theme, is slightly off in season two, and the spinning plates trick of season one doesn’t come off as cleanly in the second season. It’s still a good show, but a slightly less good one, with less surprises and less heady narrative tricks. The main thrill now is just watching Natasha Lyonne chew dialogue from New York to Nazi-occupied Budapest while wearing killer boots and really cool sunglasses. She is always entertaining to watch, but俄罗斯娃娃第二次感觉不太特别。

俄罗斯娃娃season 2 is now streaming on Netflix.