After a pandemic-delayed three-year hiatus,巴里is finally back, with the premiere episode of season three airing last night on HBO. For a show that started out strong, somehow巴里keeps getting better, reaching new highs—and emotional lows—topping itself in ever more impressive ways. Series co-creators Bill Hader and Alec Berg share directing duties, and co-write a number of episodes, and while Hader’s performance as erstwhile assassin-cum-actor Barry Berkman is as good as ever, this season, his direction really shines, and it’s not like he was doing a sh-t job before. It’s just that in its third season, everything about巴里feels at its most confident, from the styling to the writing to the directing to individual performances.巴里随着一切都无法控制,将其自身的外部限制扩展到荒谬的程度,因为所有这些混乱的后果最终开始加起来。

Consequences are a major theme in season three, though not so much of the legal variety. Cops are as hapless as criminals in the world of巴里洛杉矶警察局,花更多的时间想象他们would-be cool task force’s logo than they do on any real investigating (they’re as bad as Noho Hank trying to find just the right bullet to mail to someone for intimidation). But everyone has been making decisions for better or worse—mostly worse—and in season three, the consequences of some of those decisions come home to roost. Noho Hank (Anthony Carrigan, still an UTTER DELIGHT) is trying to have it all after the monastery shooting in season two, running his new heroin business out of a parking lot nursery. He’s on the outs with Barry, though, because Barry killed “most of [his] buddies” and landed him in hot water with the LAPD. Noho Hank’s American dream of being a cool gang leader with a stable home life and active social circle, though, is jeopardized by continued threats from Bolivia and the oversight of his bosses back in Chechnya.

同样,侦探珍妮丝·莫斯(Janice Moss)去世后,巴里(Barry)和吉恩·考诺(Gene Cousineau)(亨利·温克勒(Henry Winkler))的后果仍然存在,尽管他们并不全都不好。本赛季的第二个主要主题是打破周期,巴里交织在一起面临后果,赢得宽恕和破坏周期的思想是合法的。情节和故事几乎与本季的故事情节相同,与之编织在一起,以令人惊讶的,有时是有趣的和其他时代的悲惨方式分开并分开。例如,莎莉(Sally)在流媒体服务上首次亮相的新节目的故事情节似乎与本赛季的Cousineau与Barry的中央故事相去甚远,但这是角色打破节目中最尖锐的插图之一。莎莉(莎拉·戈德堡(Sarah Goldberg))正处于实现自己的梦想的风口浪尖上,但首先,她将不得不面对一些坚硬的事实。艾尔西·费舍尔(Elsie Fisher)弹出了她年轻的演出秀主演,使她怀疑她周围所有成年人所看到的东西,这是节目的较暗方面之一,同时也有效地证明了如何有毒系统使好人成为好人不愿意支撑坏人。

巴里的过去以一种意想不到的方式又回来了,因为他和富奇(Stephen Root)努力打破他们的有毒轨道。其中一些导致了幽默感,但其中很多导致痛苦和悲剧 - 本赛季有很多附带损害,而且并不是所有无名的毒贩都陷入各种刺痛和突袭中。巴里(Barry)试图将自己的过去抛在脑后,过去越多地将他的过去抛在脑后,而越来越多的无辜者被交火陷入困境。一些角色似乎可以逃脱Barry的唤醒并没有更糟的衣服,但是考虑到整体轨迹巴里到目前为止,已经是第四季的脚本,很难想象任何积极的收益都是永久的。巴里的情感和讲故事的范围正变​​得积极,莎士比亚,因为感觉到每个角色,甚至没有任何令人反感的角色,最终都会遭受痛苦,因为甚至短暂地对抗巴里·伯克曼(Barry Berkman)。

