He does it a lot.RocknRolla, Peaky Blinders, Legend, technicallyInceptionand黑暗骑士崛起》, and that’s just the criminal/gangster roles I remember off the top of my head. Tom Hardy has a niche and it’s “unintelligible crime boss”. (I like Tom Hardy, he’s a great actor, but let’s not pretend like enunciation is his thing.) His latest gangster role is none other than Al Capone himself, in a biopic titled Fonzo. Hardy posted a first-look photo on his Instagram—for all that his MySpace is a never-ending treasure of millennial fontrum, Hardy’s social media game is solid—showing him sitting with what I presume is his Capone posture and holding a fedora. I’m sure he’ll make a good, if incomprehensible, Capone.Fonzocomes from writer/director Josh Trank—

Wait, back up. Josh Trank? JOSH TRANK? The same Josh Trank who melted down and got into a fight with his studio overwhose faultit was thatFantastic Foursucked so hard? The Josh Trank who was sh*t-canned from Star Wars because of thechaossurroundingFantastic Four? THAT Josh Trank? Yes, THAT Josh Trank. I’m not saying directors who make bad movies never deserve to direct again, but ask yourself if a woman or minority filmmaker went through a wild clusterf*ck likeFantastic Four, would they turn around and make a prestige biopic with someone likeTom Hardy? I think we all know the answer to that and it’s “unlimited chances for baseball cap bros”.

Attached- Tom at the Prince's Trust Awards earlier this month.

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