玻璃城堡是珍妮特·沃尔斯(Jeannette Walls)的回忆录的改编,讲述了她与酗酒的父亲和推动者的母亲无所不包的童年。I think it’s supposed to be a heart-warming, family-above-all-else, I Survived tale in which we celebrate Jeannette overcoming the hardship of her youth to find success as a writer, but the ending is so f*cked up I’m not actually sure what even is the moral of the story. Starring a roster of great talent including伍迪·哈雷尔森(Woody Harrelson),,,,Naomi Watts, 和布里·拉尔森(Brie Larson)- 谁与她团聚短期12Destin Daniel Cretton导演,并以“年轻Jeannette”女演员Ella Anderson的突破表演(老板),玻璃城堡是浪费每个人的时间。

这部电影是成年后的珍妮特(Jeannette),居住在纽约,担任八卦专栏作家,并与可亲的大卫(Max Greenfiel1zplayd,基本上是Schmidt)订婚,她lol赛事中心的童年和她的童年与家人一起逃离了美国的旅行车,就像一辆旅行车一样收债员和警察从一个城镇追逐墙家族。最终,他们定居在西弗吉尼亚州的韦尔奇,生活在蜂鸣器中破旧的乡下人死亡陷阱中。众所周知,乡村兄弟姐妹迫切希望逃脱忽视的生活和各种形式的虐待,一次互相帮助,一次彼此帮助。

爸爸的墙壁,雷克斯(·哈里森),是一个不能喝醉keep a job and steals from his kids. Harrelson is capable of swinging between the charming con artist who teaches his kids constellations and “gives” stars for Christmas presents, and the enraged monster who terrorizes his family. Mama Wells, Rose Mary (Watts), is an artist who enables her husband because she, presumably, is too deeply victimized to imagine life without Rex. The reason given in the movie is that she loves Rex because one time he complimented her paintings, but at the point that her children are starving and badly injured—Jeannette is seriously burned in an accident brought on by utter neglect—you have to assign some deeper motivation than that. The film, co-written by director Cretton and Andrew Lanham (窝棚),对罗斯·玛丽(Rose Mary)的一个人几乎不感兴趣,因此除了雷克斯(Rex)可怕的酒精中毒的受害者驱动器外,她仍然在很大程度上难以理解。

城堡对雷克斯有最奇怪的态度。也许沃尔斯(Walls)的书提供了更多的背景,但是这部电影表明雷克斯(Rex)交替出现,破坏性,虐待和不信任,直到最后,刚好突然,请原谅他的一切。半秒钟似乎玻璃城堡将是一个瘾君子的生活,这将是一个残酷的坦率看待生活,这与克雷顿(Cretton)和拉尔森(Larson)在短期12中一起做的情感压迫的工作与之相吻合,但城堡迅速变成了关于家庭的卑鄙陈词滥调,这在面对家庭中尤其是无牙的陈词滥调。the Walls children’s suffering.城堡想对虐待周期说些什么,但它拒绝变得丑陋,以使人们不高兴。It hints around the abuse Rex may have suffered as a child, and presents Jeannette and her siblings as ultimately forgiving of their father, but we’ve seen way too much bad sh*t happen for such a quick emotional turnaround and the forgiveness coda falls flat.

我认为沃尔斯(Walls)的书对她与父亲的情感旅程更具启发性,但是这部电影,即使在两个多小时的时间里,也无法管理平衡的弧线。拉尔森(Larson)和演员表现出色,但最终很难以逆转的方式加入。电影中的提示完全是错误的。乔尔·韦斯特(Joel West)的分数告诉我们一切都很好,但是感觉就像我们花了两个多小时看着一个人摧毁他的孩子。珍妮特(Jeannette)意识到自己无法从童年时期逃脱的场景,大卫(David)如此理解,您想知道她为什么要离开他。有一个手臂摔跤的场面笑着笑,同时完全忽略了雷克斯如何将他的欺凌方式传递给女儿。这部电影试图使您的感觉和实际感觉之间存在脱节。玻璃城堡想成为一个老式的哭泣,但故事比恐怖更接壤。