
I’m obsessed with schools, with education, with the way wanting ‘the best’ shapes and justifies people’s choices. I’m obsessed with the fetishization of the Ivy League and other ‘elite’ colleges. I spend approximately 28% of my time trying to get my friends to care about these things as much as I do.


"We're here today to announce charges in the largest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice."

By now you know the facts – Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin are the celebrity names indicted in a massive college admissions cheating scandal, along with Loughlin’s husband, creator of the Mossimo clothing brand, and other CEOs and wealthy executives. “These parents are a catalogue of wealth and privilege,” one of the FBI investigators said, which is exactly synonymous with the worst of celebrity culture.

无论是由于他们的特权还是出于这种特权,根据您的观点,他们都作弊和撒谎。所以问题仍然存在 - 为什么?


值得强调所讨论的享有声望的学校的选择性。哈佛的入学率徘徊在5%左右,耶鲁大学接近6.5%,而“更容易”的USC仍然只有17%。And within that 5 or 6%, priority is given to ‘legacy’ students, high-profile ‘gets’ (including actors and athletes) who are courted by dozens of schools, in some cases to the children of faculty… all before you get to the ‘regular’ applicant pool, facing near-impossible odds. As the kids say,“HYPS [Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford] is a ‘reach’ for anyone.”

On college-obsessed boards likeCollege ConfidentialandUrbanBaby,受过高等教育的父母抱怨他们admitted to Ivy League universities with mostly-great scores and grades, maybe a yearbook editorship or star turn on the swim team… and that’s it. These days those resumés would be laughed out of the dossiers Tina Fey carried around inAdmission- 父母生气。这些变化是由于总体上的出勤率增加,在国际申请人中,来自合格学生的应用程序在过去几代人中没有接触过东海岸大学(是的,我们将在这里进行更多挖掘)。

You have to beexceptionalto gain admission to an exceptional university these days, and if you don’t have a ‘hook’, you’d better have patented a medical technology, or created Tinder before you were old enough to use it. My favourite story from the last few years is the girl who wanted to bake for a living, but instead of running school bake sales, she spent her high school career interning for the Cake Boss people at her own expense so she could be the top of the self-motivated pile.

So… what if your kid just isn’t that?

ECON 205: Wealth & Privilege in Elite University Acceptance

精英大学一直接受家庭的捐款,随后接纳了可能与同学不符的资格的学生。展品1- ???目前占领白宫。

That’s gross, reeks of privilege, and belies the reputation of these schools as merit-based institutions – but those acceptances in exchange for the donation of a library or whatever are offered with the full knowledge of the university’s admissions department, to ‘diversify their student body’ or some other euphemism.

‘Buying your way into college’ is a bitter pill of a joke because it’s true – and it’s often happening right out in the open, even as underprivileged and underrepresented parents arejailed只是为了让他们的孩子有机会去更好的学校或学校。阅读更多有关此的信息hereandhere.

Which brings us to the next ‘why’ that came up in this story, the constant online refrain: “Why not just donate? Weknowit’s not a meritocracy. Just cut out the middle men and give a building already!”

Guys… you think they didn’t try?

截至目前,该案有33个父母被起诉,您只听说过3至4个。(另外,您不是白痴 - 我们都知道他们的靴子还有成千上万的震动their‘side door’ just hasn’t been busted yet.) In short, there are many more parents who would doanythingto get their children into school than there are available buildings to be named, or library donations or whatnot – and when you’re Princeton or Dartmouth, you can afford to be selective. Like, even if they did donate $17M for‘The Lori Loughlin School Of Looking Flattered’,校园想要什么?甚至没有ASU,她的丈夫不值得他的女儿感到沮丧。

另外,这些名人发现了一个lol比赛视频2019更经济的选择 - 仍然符合其“价值观”。

PSYC 315:“我应得的” - 父母的权利如何破坏名人孩子

One of the internet’s most gleeful discoveries yesterday was Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli’s second daughter, Olivia Jade (Giannulli), not-actually-a-coxswain at USC who said she ‘didn’t really care about school’.

She later apologized, but I kind of wonder why? She was just being honest! She doesn’t care about school, she isn’t academically oriented, and she makes a lot of money from her YouTube channel and endorsements… meaning college isn’t about educating her for an upcoming career, but about ‘an experience’, one she doesn’t even want. She explained on the Zach Sang show (as found by The Cut) that, “Mostly, my parents really wanted me to go because both of them didn’t go to college.”

Oh yes. There it is.

This isn’t about getting kids into college so they can have successful lives. They already have successful lives, by virtue of being born into incredible privilege. Not only do their parents know that – they know, in their darkest souls, that their children are unlikely to achieve as much as they did, either because they haven’t built the grit that comes from having to struggle, or because, in the case of the Huffman-Macys, it’s statistically preposterous for the level of success (in a luck-filled business) that’s visited both parents to also fall on both children.

但是他们不能忍受的想法。给their children everything – and still having them fall ‘short’.


But since those kids don’t have to work and prove it to the world, because you gave them everything so there’s not much to strive for – well, now you’re going to prove it by telling everyone what a prestigious school they got into, even if you have to engineer it by any means necessary.

SOC 435: The Sociology of Abuse & Denial in Academic Aptitude

Those means, by the way,总是包括让孩子确定有特殊的学术需求,以便他们能够获得考试的两倍时间 - 这意味着他们可以独自在房间里写下它,并带有操纵的监督员。每次孩子是否记录了学习困难。

It’s a gross abuse of legitimate accommodations and while entitlement of wealth runs all the way through this piece, it’s particularly notable where parents were denied this accommodation two or three times, and pushed for it anyway – and you know this abuse means it will be harder for students who legitimately need this separation to get it in the future.

But that’s only a shadow of the most tragic part of the whole thing.

I read all 269 pages of the federal indictment (which I highly recommend, by the way) but it wasn’t until page 259 that my heart broke, to my total surprise and against my will. In a description of a text message from one of the non-celebrity parents with one of the ringleaders of the scam organization, it reads:

“…ZADEH replied that his daughter was concerned that ‘she did not get in on her own merits’. I have not shared anything about our arrangement but she somehow senses it. She’s concerned that others may view her differently.”

许多在线评论者希望这些学生被开除(尽管许多学生已经毕业),因为“他们一定已经知道”。毫无疑问,他们在某些情况下做了,例如他们为Photoshopped的“动作”体育投篮摆姿势 - 但是在大多数有罪的成绩单中,父母是obsessedwith ensuring their schemes for extra time and inflating students scores aren’t revealed to the students. Macy and Huffman are among parents who talk about how their daughters are so diligent and academically oriented that they’ll want to write the test twice (like many students), so how can they create the illusion that she’s doing it ‘on her own’ both times?

正如我们的朋友洛雷拉(Lorella)指出的那样,现在每个人都认识您,父母,您的孩子无法获得这些学校所需的分数,包括您的孩子。父母撒谎和撒谎,不仅是为了让孩子进入他们没有资格的精英机构,而且还hide that fact from their children indefinitely.

Come on. You can see that as dirty and conniving, and it is, but it’s also tragic. Because it’s so obvious that who these kids are on their ownwasn’t good enough. Didn’t measure up to their parents’ idea of who they should be.

This is where people will call out the hypocrisy of ‘liberal Hollywood’, where vocally political stars like Macy and Huffman will talk about loving everyone for who they are, and Olivia Jade talks about her parents’ ‘unconditional love’但是,他们仍然会撒谎和作弊,以使他们的孩子们“应该”去的地方。

But, of course, sympathies for poor little rich girls come at a direct cost – to underprivileged people who don’t have these opportunities to give themselves a leg up on their legs up, and especially to the tens of thousands of people of colour who are told, over and over, that they only got into a prestigious institutionbecause of their race.

In admissions parlance, being a URM, or ‘under-represented minority’ is seen as an advantage – the idea being that, in an effort to create more diverse university classes, where there are two academically identical candidates, diversity may also become a consideration.

当然,哪个立即转化为“您只是在这里,因为您是黑人”,或中东或中东。哦,除非您是亚洲人,在这种情况下,您的代表人数过高,可能会因为tooacademically capable, and denying your admission will be aboutyour one-dimensional personality, or something.


Yes, you can, because you’ve seen it, and so has everyone else.

Graduate Studies: Meritocracy Is A Lie

When this story first broke, some of the athletic details initially confused people into thinking that these were scholarship students, since that’s what we’re most familiar with. But of course that’s not the case – these are all students who can pay full fees, and whose parents cheated their way in在之上the implication that, if admitted, they’d make significant donations to the school.

On the surface, it’s great that they’re not taking away scholarship money – but it means these students are in the ‘regular’ admission pile, and ostensibly got in ‘on merit’. Anyone who’s been to a selective school – or, shout it from the rooftops, had an ‘a-million-people-would-kill-for-this-job’ job – knows it’s not always about what you can do; half the people there are there because someone made a phone call.

But the insidiousness of the way this went down means privileged people are getting further and further along thinking their achievements are earned. That they deserve to be where they are, and ‘neither Mommy’s fame or Daddy’s money had anything to do with it! Honestly!’

That’s why they get so angry when power structures are challenged. That’s why it’s so hard to change ‘the way things have always been’. The people who will stay on merit aren’t worried about opening the doors to new voices and new ways of doing things – it’s the ones who suspect that Mommy and Daddy had their thumbs on the scales the whole time, who know deep down they’ve never been good enough, who are terrified at the idea that people with none of the same advantages could get to the same place.

After all why would your parents riskliterally going to jail如果有机会自己做?是的,他们不会 - 因此,您最好将那扇门紧紧牢牢地关在您身后。