
猎鹰和冬季士兵上周五包裹着,结束了一个令人难以置信的令人沮丧的故事,绝不会把所有想法带回家。WandaVision并不完美,但它成功了in turning a side character into a real protagonist with interesting dramatic themes and a complicated narrative, and it did so through consistent storytelling in which every problem stemmed from the central concept (“Wanda is sad”).never found a grounded center like that, and第一集结束了对节目的主要问题以及展示的主要问题的基调,并在该节目未提供的主题元素上过度。首次发作,并以平行的叙述特色了Sam Wilson和Bucky Barnes,他们从未共同分享过一个场景,最终是表演本身的感觉,其中Sam的故事和Bucky的故事从未对彼此有任何关系。当然,他们努力停止旗帜枪杀者,但Bucky的赎回之旅和山姆摔跤与美国队长队长的复杂历史,总的来说与之无关。从未找到一种方法将这些线程一起带来,并且显示出来的感觉脱节。

最终是整个赛季中最不均匀的集中。对于山姆的故事来说,这是一个非常好的解决方案,因为他接受了美国队长的盾牌和船长的地幔,即使他知道很多人都会为他怨恨,甚至恨他。安东尼·麦利在决赛中鞍了古怪的独白,将其全部联系起来,他在纯粹的魅力和胆量上销售,但一个角色只有这样的独特,明确地包裹着主要的情节点,当内在的东西叙事一直是破碎的。它根本不是在麦基上,这是他的信用,他使现场工作,但这是一种被破坏的标志really is, that Mackie has to monologue for almost five minutes to make it all make sense. But that’s just one example of how rocky this episode is. Isaiah Bradley (Carly Lumbly) finally gets his place in history, being recognized in the Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian, and while that is a nice gesture, it does nothing to erase his 30 years in prison or his suffering through inhumane human testing. Acknowledging at the Bad Thing is not the same thing as解决坏事。绝不地址Isaiah发生了什么,这太糟糕了,因为他的故事与史蒂夫罗杰斯'和Sam的故事是展会最令人信服的元素之一。

巴基的决议处理同样糟糕。所有season we’ve been building to the moment when he confesses his part in the death of Yori’s (Ken Takemoto) son, but in the end, we don’t even get to see the moment play out. Bucky makes his confession, then we cut to him exiting Yori’s apartment. Let that moment breathe! It was the dramatic crux of his whole storyline! Similarly, he farewells his therapist by giving her his completed book of names he owes amends to, when a better resolution, one that plays directly into Sam’s speech to him about “doing the work”, would be to see Bucky sit down in therapy, ready to dig in and do the work of healing. It would have been a perfect close to his story, which started in a combative, unproductive therapy session, to see Bucky finally embrace the idea that he deserves to heal. It’s like Marvel wants to have these moments showing the ugliness within these characters, but totally skip over the hard part of writing these characters out of their emotional corners. Instead, we get shortcuts like Bucky essentially quitting therapy because he said sorry once and now, he’s all better. That’s not how this works! That’s not how ANY of this works!

John Walker(Wyatt Russell)结束了同样令人沮丧的说明,虽然这主要是一个“我们会在以后处理它”问题,正如我们之前在许多奇迹的事情中看到的那样,包括WandaVision。我觉得他们不想向他承诺是一个总是坏人,那就是沃克的重点是他是一个破碎的系统扭曲的好人,被军事工业综合体弯曲成史蒂夫罗杰斯的扭曲阴影。但是从上一个剧集出现了真正的认知不应,他被视为一个直接的凶手,看到巴克斯分享了一个“干得好”的时刻在这一集中。Bucky让他去,认识到这一点,让他自己,Walker不是一个失去的原因,这将是一件事。在追求这一点之后,这是与家伙友好的别的东西。这一刻在Bucky和Walker之间的赢得动机和更多的产品在一辆留下了往返空气中的方式留出了故事的过程中,令人越来越多的产品。他是坏吗?他好吗?好吧,他确实签署了一个神秘的女人,穿着黑色的女人给了他一张空白的黑名片,我觉得当发生这种情况时,你的第一个问题应该是:


Bucky Barnes, though, despite Sebastian Stan’s incredible performance, remains a cipher. He’s only ever as emotionally troubled as he needs to be in any given scene, his arm is only as indestructible as it needs to be for the next stunt, his spy skills are legendary until they’re not—we’ll talk about Sharon Carter in a separate post—and we still don’t have any real sense of who he is without Captain America (any Captain America). Far from feeling these characters have been kickstarted into a new phase of storytelling, it feels like we’re still treading water. The promise of a美国第四届船长电影from the showrunner of this series is not the enticing boon Marvel thinks it is, given how wildly uneven猎鹰和冬季士兵是。萨姆威尔逊有希望,至少是一个更好的讲话故事可以让他成为展会的明星。但只需向空间发送抗皱。让他一路远离复仇者,也许他终于成为一个真正的性格。