今天访问加拿大房屋后庆祝英联邦日,哈里王子和梅根·马克斯加入了女王和其他高级皇室,包括查尔斯王子和卡米拉和威廉·威廉王子和凯瑟琳,在威斯敏斯特·阿联酋威斯蒙联日服务。As you can see, Kate and Meghan greeted each other warmly and were seen speaking to each other, big smiles on their faces, while awaiting Her Majesty’s arrival, which must be a disappointment to the British tabloids, that they can’t continue their “feud” story between the duchesses. William and Harry seemed same-same around each other too, the way they always are, despite the fact that their households will reportedly be separated soon – a natural move considering the differences in their positions. And Charles and Meghan were seen sharing an affectionate moment…



只是另一个月现在去。我迫不及待地想找出这个宝宝的名字。如果我们是Andrew王子作为一个例子,尤金伊,特别是是一个很大的惊喜- 没有单一的赌注被放置在成千上万。这就是我希望哈利和麦加的所在。没有人预测的东西。我有我的预测。准备好了。我们应该去泳池。