如果您还没有见过我(已经一分钟),您可以自由地向我大喊大叫,因为泰德·拉索。It’s entirely personal, between me and sports and aw-shucks-ism, and I reserve the right to be into it in 12-15 years, but for now, I think it’s safe to say it is enough already, and though the cast and crew famously all enjoy each other, I think some of the ensemble futzing at Jason Sudeikis’s futzing at the microphone speaks to the overall sentiment of just… needing something new.

请允许我介绍我的一些朋友,或者正如山姆·杰伊(Sam Jay)所说,“赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)和她的两个人”。

仅在建筑物中谋杀是一个另类的表演,涉及两个怪异的喜剧笑话,您的父母和Selena Gomez。



是的,他们不太可能三重奏。是的,他们以史蒂夫·马丁(Steve Martin)的年龄为代价(他在马丁·肖特(Martin Short Short Short)的整整三年)有很多乐趣欣快S和你鱿鱼游戏。但这确实非常有效,这是其中三者的,这就是为什么尽管马丁(Martin)和肖特(Short)都获得了表演奖提名,但塞莱娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)却一无所获。这是一个三挥手,艾美奖,您认为遗漏“女孩”似乎有点倾斜吗?

I tweeted earlier that I think Selena Gomez’s outfit – very lovely and serviceable, but not the epic looks we’ve come to expect from her, especially in her role as Mabel on the show – were a nod to what the Emmys could have had, but didn’t. I stand by that, but since the show was shut out tonight (of their 17 nominations, they won three, on Creative Arts night) the Arconia Three will get to be underdogs together, and make the Emmys pay for it next year, which, in all likelihood, they will. Trust me when I say you’ll want to be on board by then. Call your mum, make a nice tea, and thank me later.