As Sarah wrote last week,叛军威尔逊(Rebel Wilson)关于她的“迪士尼公主”的Instagram帖子,设计师Ramona Agruma,似乎只是直截了当的快乐新闻,而且在Pride月份也是如此。叛军被热烈拥抱,人们庆祝了她的爱情公告……然后在周末,我们发现这不是她的选择,因为《悉尼先驱晨报》为她做出了决定。我们之所以知道这一点,是因为他们实际上是在周末文章中删除的。

In the original article, reporter Andrew Hornery pouts about the fact that he was looking into the story about Rebel’s relationship with Ramona and had reached out to Rebel and her team for comment, giving them a deadline for response which was, understandably, perceived as a threat. The piece was whingey, and called Rebel’s decision to confirm her relationship with Ramona on her own Instagram account “underwhelming”. The Herald’s editor, Bevan Shields, then followed up with his own piece defending Andrew’s. Up to that point, Rebel hadn’t disclosed the reason for her reveal so, again, it was the Sydney Morning Herald that told on themselves, sanctimoniously. As so many others have already pointed out, they were quite right to be dragged. Nobody should be outed and by now we should all know the potentially dangerous consequences for queer people when they are outed. Queer people have the basic uninfringable right make the decision for themselves when they’re ready.

昨天安德鲁·霍利(Andrew Hornery)发表了解释和道歉薄弱for how it all went down. Bevan Shields followed up today with a statement on behalf of the Sydney Morning Herald acknowledging “what we got wrong with the Rebel Wilson story”。或至少有一些。他们说,他们的行动背后没有恶意,他们不打算为叛军奉献的时间表以将其视为威胁或最后通to;他们说他们理解为什么这样解释。但是有些人在质疑他们的公众re悔的诚意。

显然,安德鲁·霍利(Andrew Hornery)和《悉尼早晨》(Sydney Morning)从跳跃中处理叛军的故事没有任何辩护 - 因为即使记者本人是2SLGBTQ+社区的成员,也不是他们的故事。这就是棘手而复杂的交叉点,仍然需要进步。安德鲁·霍利(Andrew Hornery)认为他有一个勺子,他非常想打破这个故事。他想成为第一个报道叛军和拉莫纳的关系的人,他对自己的伸出手的伸出手控制了自己的叙述,这让她感到失望,这是她有权做到的。但这就是为什么他在印刷品上进行了吮吸攻击:那是因为他在勺子上输了……这不是他一开始的。

我一直celebr消费和贡献ity gossip ecosystem for almost 20 years, I know the scoop business, and I’ve been motivated by scooping – often at the expense of what’s right. When I first started the newsletter (in 2003) that preceded this website (in 2004) it was standard gossip culture to speculate about who was gay. That doesn’t make it right and of course we have hopefully seen the mistake of that approach and are learning to do better but it’s undeniable that it was condoned, even accepted, during those times. Again, to be clear, there is no justification for it, it was wrong, but I’m coming to a point about how that culture was normalised and what that says about who we were, then, and how those attitudes and that conditioning were entrenched.

Back in that era, the early 2000s, Ted Casablanca would regularly do blind items at E Online about queer celebrities. Those of you who were online then will remember everyone’s obsession with finding out who “Toothy Tile” was. Me too. I also did blind items about gay celebrities who hadn’t come out. Many gossip blogs outed people and were celebrated. I continue to reckon with that past, with the desire to scoop, to be the first to report something, to be more in the know than anyone else, over and above acting with integrity.

在过去的十年左右的时间里,这种勺子的心态发生了变化。显然,正如我们在Rebel Wilson的榜样中所看到的那样,这种转变仍在进行中,显然还有更多的工作要做,因为名人八卦生态系统重新检查了过去,并且正在实时进行调整。lol赛事中心例如,在布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)的情况下,我们已经看到类似的情况,以及过去两年中主流媒体和公众如何尤其反映出她的个人斗争的范围。

So on the issue of scoops and celebrities and coming out, there has to be a updated standard. Andrew Hornery and the Sydney Morning Herald initially defended their position on the basis of Rebel as a celebrity and how celebrity romances are typically covered. For example: breaking news, new couple alert, Kim Kardashian has a new boyfriend – it’s Pete Davidson! Well, sure. But this is a straight couple, and there are no potentially dire consequences for scooping a straight couple.

Another example: breaking news, new couple alert, Cara Delevingne has a new girlfriend! Well, sure. But Cara has been out for a long time. The scoop in this case isn’t that she’s queer, the scoop is that she’s dating someone new.


The move is to let go of the scoop. Because even if Andrew Hornery had reached out to Rebel Wilson and didn’t give a deadline/ultimatum, and simply gave her the heads up that he’d heard from sources that she and Ramona were together and promised that if she wasn’t comfortable and wasn’t ready, he wouldn’t go with the story, she still would have been aware that her story could potentially get out there, putting pressure on her to come to a decision she wasn’t prepared for. So you drop the scoop.


And on that note, because we are still learning and making mistakes inevitably, if you have an even better take, please do share it with me. I likely haven’t gotten it all right even in this post. Please let me know.